This represents an entity in the game world. It is the base class for Player, Weapon, and other entities.
- Activate
- AddContext
- AddDataObjectType
- AddDeleteOnRemove
- AddEffects
- AddEntityFlags
- AddEntityToVisibleList
- AddFlag
- AddPoints
- AddPointsToTeam
- AddSolidFlags
- AddSpawnFlags
- AddTimedOverlay
- AddToClientSideAnimationList
- ApplyAbsoluteVelocityImpulse
- ApplyLocalAngularVelocityImpulse
- BecomeRagdollOnClient
- BodyTarget
- CalculateIkLocks
- CalculateNearestPoint
- CallUseToggle
- CanBeHitByMeleeAttack
- CanStandOn
- ChangeTeam
- ClampCycle
- ClassMatches
- Classify
- Clear
- ClearEffects
- ClearFlags
- ClearNavIgnore
- ClearRagdoll
- ClearSolidFlags
- ClearSpawnFlags
- ClientSideAnimationChanged
- CollisionRulesChanged
- ComputeAbsoluteDirection
- ComputeAbsolutePosition
- ComputeClientSideAnimationFlags
- ComputeEntitySpaceHitboxSurroundingBox
- ComputeHitboxSurroundingBox
- ComputeRenderEffectsBlend
- ComputeWorldSpaceSurroundingBox
- CreateDataObject
- CreateRagdollCopy
- CreateUnragdollInfo
- CreateVPhysics
- DamageDecal
- DeathNotice
- DecalTrace
- DecrementTransmitStateOwnedCounter
- DestroyAllDataObjects
- DestroyDataObject
- DestroyPhysicsObject
- DetectInSkybox
- DisableMuzzleFlash
- DispatchMuzzleEffect
- DispatchResponse
- DispatchTraceAttack
- DoImpactEffect
- DoMuzzleFlash
- DoNothing
- DoesHavePlayerChild
- DontRecordInTools
- DrawAbsBoxOverlay
- DrawBBoxOverlay
- DrawClientHitboxes
- DrawDebugGeometryOverlays
- DrawDebugTextOverlays
- DrawModel
- DrawRBoxOverlay
- DrawTimedOverlays
- DropToFloor
- DumpResponseCriteria
- EmitAmbientSound
- EmitSound
- EnableInToolView
- EndBlockedByEntity
- EndGroundContact
- EndTouch
- EntityText
- EntityToWorldSpace
- Extinguish
- FadeOut
- FindBodyGroupByName
- FindFollowedEntity
- FindTransitionSequence
- FireBullets
- FireEvent
- FireObsoleteEvent
- FollowEntity
- ForceClientSideAnimationOn
- FrameAdvance
- GenderExpandString
- GetAimEntOrigin
- GetAngles
- GetAnimTimeInterval
- GetAnimationTime
- GetAttachment
- GetAttachmentLocal
- GetAttachmentVelocity
- GetAutoAimCenter
- GetAutoAimRadius
- GetBaseVelocity
- GetBlendedLinearVelocity
- GetBlocksLineOfSight
- GetBloodColorType
- GetBody
- GetBodyGroup
- GetBodyGroupCount
- GetBodyGroupName
- GetBodyGroups
- GetBodyGroupsAsString
- GetBodyGroupsCount
- GetBoneControllers
- GetBoneCount
- GetBonePosition
- GetBoundingRadius
- GetCheckUntouch
- GetChildren
- GetClass
- GetClientSideFade
- GetCollideType
- GetCollisionGroup
- GetCycle
- GetDLLType
- GetDamage
- GetDamageType
- GetDataObject
- GetDebugName
- GetDelay
- GetEarPosition
- GetEffectEntity
- GetEffects
- GetElasticity
- GetEnemy
- GetEntityFlags
- GetEntityIndex
- GetEntityName
- GetEntitySkybox
- GetEyeAngles
- GetEyePosition
- GetFirstMoveChild
- GetFirstThinkTick
- GetFlags
- GetFlexBounds
- GetFlexControllerName
- GetFlexControllerType
- GetFlexCount
- GetFlexDescFacs
- GetFlexIdByName
- GetFlexName
- GetFlexWeight
- GetFollowedEntity
- GetFriction
- GetGravity
- GetGroundChangeTime
- GetGroundEntity
- GetGroundVelocityToApply
- GetHealth
- GetHitboxSet
- GetHitboxSetCount
- GetHitboxSetName
- GetInputDispatchEffectPosition
- GetKeyValue
- GetLastThink
- GetLastThinkTick
- GetLifeState
- GetLocalAngles
- GetLocalAngularVelocity
- GetLocalOrigin
- GetLocalTime
- GetLocalVelocity
- GetMaterialOverride
- GetMaterials
- GetMaxHealth
- GetModelBounds
- GetModelIndex
- GetModelName
- GetMoveDoneTime
- GetMoveParent
- GetMoveType
- GetNetworkDataValue
- GetNextTarget
- GetNoCollidingWithTeammates
- GetNumFlexControllers
- GetOBBCenter
- GetOBBMaxs
- GetOBBMins
- GetObserverCameraOrigin
- GetOwnerEntity
- GetParametersForSound
- GetParent
- GetPhysicsObject
- GetPhysicsObjects
- GetPlaybackRate
- GetPoseParameter
- GetPoseParameterRange
- GetPosition
- GetPredictedPosition
- GetRagdollOwner
- GetReceivedDamageScale
- GetRefTable
- GetRenderAngles
- GetRenderBounds
- GetRenderColor
- GetRenderEffectsBlend
- GetRenderOrigin
- GetSequence
- GetSequenceActivity
- GetSequenceActivityName
- GetSequenceGroundSpeed
- GetSequenceLinearMotion
- GetSequenceName
- GetSequences
- GetServerIntendedCycle
- GetSimulatingPlayer
- GetSimulationTime
- GetSkin
- GetSkinCount
- GetSmoothedVelocity
- GetSolid
- GetSolidFlags
- GetSoundDuration
- GetSoundEmissionOrigin
- GetSoundSourceIndex
- GetSpawnFlags
- GetSubMaterialOverride
- GetSubModels
- GetTeamID
- GetTeamNumber
- GetTextureFrameIndex
- GetTouchTrace
- GetTracerAttachment
- GetTracerType
- GetTransmitState
- GetTransmitWithParent
- GetVectors
- GetVelocity
- GetViewOffset
- GetWaterLevel
- GetWaterType
- HasDataObjectType
- HasFlexManipulator
- HasMatchingRootParent
- HasNPCsOnIt
- HasRecordedThisFrame
- HasSpawnFlags
- HasTarget
- HeadTarget
- Ignite
- IgniteRagdoll
- ImpactTrace
- InSameTeam
- IncrementLocalTime
- IncrementTransmitStateOwnedCounter
- InitBoneSetupThreadPool
- InitModelEffects
- Instance
- InternalDrawModel
- Interp_HierarchyUpdateInterpolationAmounts
- Interpolate
- Intersects
- InvalidateBoneCache
- InvalidateBoneCaches
- InvalidateModelCache
- IsAIWalkable
- IsAbsQueriesValid
- IsActivityFinished
- IsAlive
- IsAllowedToFade
- IsAnimatedEveryTick
- IsBSPModel
- IsBaseObject
- IsBaseTrain
- IsBoneCacheValid
- IsClient
- IsControllingEntity
- IsCurrentlyTouching
- IsDormant
- IsEffectActive
- IsEnabledInToolView
- IsEntityFlagSet
- IsFloating
- IsFollowingEntity
- IsInAnyTeam
- IsInSolid
- IsInWorld
- IsItem
- IsLockedByMain
- IsMarkedForDeletion
- IsMoving
- IsNavIgnored
- IsNetClient
- IsNpc
- IsOnFire
- IsPlayer
- IsPlayerSimulated
- IsPointInBounds
- IsPointSized
- IsPrecacheAllowed
- IsRagdoll
- IsSelfAnimating
- IsSequenceFinished
- IsSequenceLooping
- IsServer
- IsSimulatedEveryTick
- IsSimulatingOnAlternateTicks
- IsSolid
- IsSolidFlagSet
- IsStandable
- IsTargetVisible
- IsTemplate
- IsToolRecording
- IsTransparent
- IsTriggered
- IsTwoPass
- IsValid
- IsViewModel
- IsViewable
- IsWeapon
- IsWorld
- KeyValue
- LocalEyeAngles
- LookupActivity
- LookupAttachment
- LookupBone
- LookupPoseParameter
- LookupRandomAttachment
- LookupSequence
- MakeDormant
- NameMatches
- NextMovePeer
- NotifyShouldTransmit
- ObjectCapabilities
- OnAcceptInput
- OnDataChanged
- OnEventKilled
- OnEventKilledOther
- OnMoveDone
- OnPreDataChanged
- OnRestore
- OnTakeDamage
- PassesDamageFilter
- PerformFadeOut
- PhysicsCheckForEntityUntouch
- PhysicsCheckWater
- PhysicsCheckWaterTransition
- PhysicsImpact
- PhysicsInit
- PhysicsInitBox
- PhysicsInitStatic
- PhysicsIsFlesh
- PhysicsMarkEntitiesAsTouching
- PhysicsNotifyOtherOfGroundRemoval
- PhysicsNotifyOtherOfUntouch
- PhysicsRemoveGroundList
- PhysicsRemoveTouchedList
- PhysicsSetObject
- PhysicsSimulate
- PhysicsSolidMaskForEntity
- PhysicsSplash
- PhysicsStartGroundContact
- PhysicsTouchTriggers
- PointAtEntity
- PopBoneAccess
- PostClientActive
- PostConstructor
- PostDataUpdate
- PreDataUpdate
- Precache
- PrecacheModel
- PrecacheScriptSound
- PrecacheSound
- PrefetchScriptSound
- PrefetchSound
- ProcessMuzzleFlashEvent
- PushAllowBoneAccess
- RagdollMoved
- RecalcHasPlayerChildBit
- RecordToolMessage
- RegisterThinkContext
- Release
- Remove
- RemoveAllDecals
- RemoveDataObjectType
- RemoveDeferred
- RemoveDeleteOnRemove
- RemoveEffects
- RemoveEntityFlags
- RemoveFlag
- RemoveFromClientSideAnimationList
- RemoveSolidFlags
- RemoveSpawnFlags
- RequiredEdictIndex
- ResetLatched
- ResetSequence
- ResetSequenceInfo
- Respawn
- RetrieveRagdollInfo
- RunBlockedByEntityEvent
- ScreenShake
- SelectWeightedSequence
- SendDebugPivotOverlay
- SendViewModelMatchingSequence
- SequenceDuration
- SequenceLoops
- SetAIWalkable
- SetAbsoluteQueriesValid
- SetAllowPrecache
- SetAngles
- SetAnimTime
- SetAnimatedEveryTick
- SetBaseVelocity
- SetBlocksLineOfSight
- SetBodyGroup
- SetBodyGroups
- SetBoneController
- SetCheckUntouch
- SetClass
- SetCollisionBounds
- SetCollisionGroup
- SetCycle
- SetDamage
- SetEffectEntity
- SetEffects
- SetElasticity
- SetEntityFlags
- SetFlexWeight
- SetFriction
- SetGravity
- SetGroundChangeTime
- SetGroundEntity
- SetHealth
- SetHitboxSet
- SetHitboxSetByName
- SetIK
- SetKeyValue
- SetLifeState
- SetLocalAngles
- SetLocalAngularVelocity
- SetLocalOrigin
- SetLocalVelocity
- SetMaterialOverride
- SetMaxHealth
- SetModel
- SetModel
- SetModelIndex
- SetModelName
- SetMoveCollide
- SetMoveDoneTime
- SetMoveType
- SetName
- SetNavIgnore
- SetNetworkDataValue
- SetNextClientThink
- SetNextThink
- SetNoCollidingWithTeammates
- SetOwnerEntity
- SetParent
- SetPlaybackRate
- SetPlayerSimulated
- SetPoseParameter
- SetPosition
- SetPredictable
- SetPredictionEligible
- SetPredictionPlayer
- SetPreventTransmit
- SetReceivedSequence
- SetRenderColor
- SetRenderColorA
- SetRenderColorB
- SetRenderColorG
- SetRenderColorR
- SetRenderMode
- SetSequence
- SetServerIntendedCycle
- SetShadowCastDistance
- SetSimulatedEveryTick
- SetSimulationTime
- SetSize
- SetSkin
- SetSolid
- SetSolidFlags
- SetSubMaterialOverride
- SetTextureFrameIndex
- SetToolRecording
- SetTransmitState
- SetTransmitWithParent
- SetVelocity
- SetViewOffset
- SetWaterLevel
- SetWaterType
- SetupBones
- ShadowCastType
- ShouldAttractAutoAim
- ShouldCollide
- ShouldMuzzleFlash
- ShouldRecordInTools
- ShouldResetSequenceOnNewModel
- ShouldSavePhysics
- ShouldToggle
- ShutdownBoneSetupThreadPool
- Simulate
- Spawn
- SpawnClientEntity
- Splash
- StartBlockedByEntity
- StartFadeOut
- StartFadeOutInstant
- StartGroundContact
- StartTouch
- StopFollowingEntity
- StudioFrameAdvance
- TakeDamage
- TakeHealth
- Teleport
- Terminate
- Think
- ThreadedBoneSetup
- ToggleFlag
- Touch
- TraceAttackToTriggers
- TraceBleed
- TransferDissolveFrom
- TransferPoseParameters
- UncorrectViewModelAttachment
- UnsetPlayerSimulated
- UpdateClientSideAnimation
- UpdateClientSideAnimations
- UpdateIKLocks
- UpdateOnRemove
- UpdatePhysics
- Use
- UseClientSideAnimation
- UsesFullFrameBufferTexture
- UsesPowerOfTwoFrameBufferTexture
- ValidateEntityConnections
- Vanish
- VelocityPunch
- WakeRestingObjects
- WorldAlignMaxs
- WorldAlignMins
- WorldAlignSize
- WorldSpaceCenter
- WorldToEntitySpace
- __eq
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring