This represents a player. It inherits all methods from Entity.
Fun fact (not useful in Lua): Internally this is represented as a CExperimentPlayer
in the source code which inherits from the default CBasePlayer
- AddToPlayerSimulationList
- AnimationResetGestureSlot
- AnimationRestartGesture
- AnimationRestartMainSequence
- AnimationSetGestureSequence
- AnimationSetGestureWeight
- BumpWeapon
- CacheVehicleView
- CanSprint
- CanSwitchToWeapon
- CanUseWeapon
- CheatImpulseCommands
- CheckObserverSettings
- CheckTrainUpdate
- ClampPunchAngleOffset
- ClearPlayerSimulationList
- ClearZoomOwner
- CreateCorpse
- CreateViewModel
- CurrentCommandNumber
- DamageEffect
- DestroyViewModels
- DoAnimationEvent
- DropWeapon
- DropWeaponInSlot
- Duck
- EnableControl
- EquipSuit
- EquipWeapon
- ExitLadder
- FindNextObserverTarget
- FindUseEntity
- FinishLagCompensation
- ForceObserverMode
- ForceRespawn
- ForceSimulation
- GetAccountId
- GetActiveWeapon
- GetAimVector
- GetAmmoCount
- GetArmor
- GetBodyAngles
- GetBodyTarget
- GetBonusChallenge
- GetBonusProgress
- GetClientIndex
- GetCrouchWalkFraction
- GetCurrentCommand
- GetDeathTime
- GetDefaultFov
- GetDelayTicks
- GetDuckSpeed
- GetEyePositionAndVectors
- GetEyeVectors
- GetFov
- GetFovDistanceAdjustFactor
- GetFovTime
- GetHands
- GetImpulse
- GetIpAddress
- GetJumpPower
- GetLadderClimbSpeed
- GetLaggedMovementValue
- GetLastKnownPlaceName
- GetLastWeapon
- GetMaxSpeed
- GetNetworkIdString
- GetNextAttack
- GetNextObserverSearchStartPoint
- GetNormalSpeed
- GetObserverMode
- GetObserverTarget
- GetPing
- GetPlayerLocalData
- GetPlayerMaxs
- GetPlayerMins
- GetPlayerModelType
- GetPlayerName
- GetPreviouslyPredictedOrigin
- GetPunchAngle
- GetRagdollEntity
- GetReplayEntity
- GetRunSpeed
- GetSteamId
- GetSteamId64
- GetStepSoundCache
- GetStepSoundVelocities
- GetSwimSoundTime
- GetTimeBase
- GetUnDuckFraction
- GetUniqueId
- GetUseEntity
- GetUserId
- GetVehicleAnalogControlBias
- GetVehicleEntity
- GetViewEntity
- GetViewModel
- GetViewPunchAngles
- GetWalkSpeed
- GetWaterJumpTime
- GetWeapon
- GetWeaponInSlot
- GetWeaponShootPosition
- GetWeapons
- Give
- GiveAmmo
- GiveItem
- HasAnyAmmoOfType
- HasPhysicsFlag
- HasWeapon
- HasWeapons
- HideViewModels
- HintMessage
- ImpulseCommands
- InitHud
- InitialSpawn
- IsBot
- IsDead
- IsFakeClient
- IsFlashlightEnabled
- IsFlashlightOn
- IsHltv
- IsIlluminatedByFlashlight
- IsInVehicle
- IsKeyDown
- IsObserver
- IsOnLadder
- IsPlayerUnderwater
- IsSinglePlayerGameEnding
- IsSpeaking
- IsSuitEquipped
- IsUseableEntity
- IsValidObserverTarget
- ItemPostFrame
- ItemPreFrame
- Jump
- JumpToPosition
- KeyDown
- Kill
- KillSilent
- LeaveVehicle
- Lock
- ModeWantsSpectatorGui
- NotifySinglePlayerGameEnding
- OnEventDying
- OnEventTakeDamageAlive
- OnVehicleStart
- OwnsWeaponOfType
- PackDeadPlayerItems
- PauseBonusProgress
- PlayDeathSound
- PlayStepSound
- PlayerDeathThink
- PlayerUse
- PostThink
- PreThink
- RemoveAllAmmo
- RemoveAllItems
- RemoveAmmo
- RemoveFromPlayerSimulationList
- RemoveSuit
- RemoveWeapon
- ResetAutoAim
- ResetObserverMode
- RumbleEffect
- SelectItem
- SelectLastItem
- SelectSpawnPoint
- SetAmmoCount
- SetAnimation
- SetAnimationExtension
- SetBloodColor
- SetBodyPitch
- SetBonusChallenge
- SetBonusProgress
- SetCrouchWalkFraction
- SetDropActiveWeaponOnDeath
- SetDsp
- SetDuckSpeed
- SetFlashlightEnabled
- SetFov
- SetHands
- SetJumpPower
- SetLadderClimbSpeed
- SetLadderNormal
- SetLagCompensated
- SetLastWeapon
- SetMaxSpeed
- SetNextAttack
- SetNormalSpeed
- SetObserverMode
- SetObserverTarget
- SetPlayerLocalData
- SetPlayerName
- SetPlayerUnderwater
- SetPreviouslyPredictedOrigin
- SetPunchAngle
- SetRunSpeed
- SetStepSoundCache
- SetSuitUpdate
- SetSwimSoundTime
- SetTeam
- SetUnDuckFraction
- SetVehicleAnalogControlBias
- SetViewPunchAngles
- SetWalkSpeed
- SetWaterJumpTime
- SharedSpawn
- ShouldDrawLocalPlayer
- ShouldFadeOnDeath
- ShouldSelectWeapon
- ShouldSetLastWeapon
- ShouldShowHints
- ShowCrosshair
- ShowMessage
- ShowViewModel
- SimulatePlayerSimulatedEntities
- SmoothViewOnStairs
- SnapEyeAngles
- SprayDecal
- StartLagCompensation
- StartObserverMode
- StartReplayMode
- StopObserverMode
- StopReplayMode
- SwitchToNextBestWeapon
- SwitchWeapon
- TranslateWeaponActivity
- TurnFlashlightOff
- TurnFlashlightOn
- Unlock
- UpdateClientData
- UpdatePlayerSound
- UpdateUnderwaterState
- UsingStandardWeaponsInVehicle
- ValidateCurrentObserverTarget
- ViewPunch
- ViewPunchReset
- WasKeyDown
- WasKeyPressed
- WasKeyReleased
- WeaponCount