The Vector
class represents a three-dimensional vector. Vectors are used to
represent positions, directions, and velocities in 3D space.
Vectors have three components: x
, y
, and z
. These components can be
accessed using the dot operator:
local position = Vector(1, 2, 3)
print(position.x) -- 1
print(position.y) -- 2
print(position.z) -- 3
They can also be accessed using the index operator:
local position = Vector(1, 2, 3)
print(position[1]) -- 1
print(position[2]) -- 2
print(position[3]) -- 3
Vectors can be created using the Vectors.Create
- Add
- Angle
- AngleWithUp
- Cross
- DistanceTo
- DistanceTo2D
- DistanceTo2DSqr
- DistanceToAsSqr
- Divide
- Dot
- GetGreatest
- GetSmallest
- Initialize
- Invalidate
- IsLengthGreaterThan
- IsLengthLessThan
- IsValid
- Length
- Length2D
- Length2DSqr
- LengthSqr
- MultiplyThenAdd
- Negate
- NormalizeInPlace
- Random
- Scale
- ToScreen
- WithinAABox
- Zero
- __add
- __div
- __eq
- __index
- __mul
- __newindex
- __sub
- __tostring
- __unm