In Experiment Source, Lua scripts define functionality and gameplay logic. These scripts are stored in the <experiment directory>/scripts/lua/auto_load
directory. Scripts in this directory are automatically loaded when the game starts on both the client and server realms.
To create auto-loaded scripts for only the client or server, place them in the <experiment directory>/scripts/lua/client
or <experiment directory>/scripts/lua/server
directories, respectively.
Writing Scripts🔗
Scripts are written in Lua, a lightweight, high-level programming language. Lua is easy to learn and use, making it an excellent choice for modding and game development.
Here is a simple script that prints a message to the console when the game starts:
Place this script in the <experiment directory>/scripts/lua/auto_load
directory. Then start Experiment Source to see the message in the console.
Code Editor Recommendations🔗
When writing Lua scripts, we recommend using a code editor with syntax highlighting and code completion. Some popular code editors for Lua development include:
(Recommended) Visual Studio Code
We recommend Visual Studio Code for its extensive Lua support and ease of use. You can install the Lua Language Server extension to enhance your Lua development experience.
Future Support
In the future, we plan to provide definitions for our API in the form of a LuaLS Addon, similar to this LuaLS Addon for Garry's Mod