To help categorize and organize content, we use tags. Tags are short keywords that describe the content of a page.
Special Tags🔗
To speed up development an AI assistant (GitHub Copilot) is used to generate documentation. This tag is used to mark content that needs to be verified by a human. This means:
- Arguments and return values may not work as described
- Functions may not be described correctly
- The argument name of a function may be incorrect
The amount of arguments and return values SHOULD be correct.
This tag is used to mark content that needs an example. You can help by providing an example in the content of the page. See Contributing for more information.
All Tags🔗
- CanBeDefaultButton
- DoClick
- DrawFocusBox
- FireActionSignal
- ForceDepressed
- GetButtonBackgroundColor
- GetButtonForegroundColor
- IsArmed
- IsBlinking
- IsDepressed
- IsDrawingFocusBox
- IsMouseClickEnabled
- IsSelected
- IsUseCaptureMouseEnabled
- OnHotkey
- RecalculateDepressedState
- SetArmed
- SetArmedColor
- SetArmedSound
- SetAsCurrentDefaultButton
- SetAsDefaultButton
- SetBlink
- SetBlinkColor
- SetButtonActivationType
- SetButtonBorderEnabled
- SetDefaultColor
- SetDepressedColor
- SetDepressedSound
- SetMouseClickEnabled
- SetReleasedSound
- SetSelected
- SetShouldPaint
- SetUseCaptureMouse
- ShouldPaint
- __eq
- __gc
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- GetDisabledBackgroundColor
- GetDisabledForegroundColor
- SetCheckButtonCheckable
- __eq
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- ActivateBuildMode
- ApplySettings
- DoModal
- GetControlInt
- GetControlString
- GetCurrentKeyFocus
- GetDialogVariables
- IsModal
- LoadControlSettings
- LoadControlSettingsAndUserConfig
- LoadUserConfig
- OnRequestFocus
- RegisterControlSettingsFile
- RequestFocusNext
- RequestFocusPrev
- RequestInfoFromChild
- SaveUserConfig
- SetControlEnabled
- SetControlInt
- SetControlString
- SetControlVisible
- SetDialogVariable
- SetFocusTopLevel
- __eq
- __gc
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- AddEntityToVisibleList
- AddToClientSideAnimationList
- BecomeRagdollOnClient
- ClampCycle
- Clear
- ClearRagdoll
- ClientSideAnimationChanged
- ComputeClientSideAnimationFlags
- ComputeRenderEffectsBlend
- CreateRagdollCopy
- CreateUnragdollInfo
- DisableMuzzleFlash
- DispatchMuzzleEffect
- DontRecordInTools
- DrawClientHitboxes
- DrawModel
- EnableInToolView
- FindFollowedEntity
- FireEvent
- FireObsoleteEvent
- ForceClientSideAnimationOn
- FrameAdvance
- GetAimEntOrigin
- GetAttachmentVelocity
- GetBlendedLinearVelocity
- GetBody
- GetBoneControllers
- GetClientSideFade
- GetCollideType
- GetFlexControllerName
- GetFlexControllerType
- GetObserverCameraOrigin
- GetRenderAngles
- GetRenderBounds
- GetRenderEffectsBlend
- GetRenderOrigin
- GetServerIntendedCycle
- GetSkin
- HasRecordedThisFrame
- IgniteRagdoll
- InitBoneSetupThreadPool
- InitModelEffects
- InternalDrawModel
- Interp_HierarchyUpdateInterpolationAmounts
- Interpolate
- InvalidateBoneCaches
- IsBoneCacheValid
- IsEnabledInToolView
- IsSelfAnimating
- IsToolRecording
- IsTwoPass
- IsViewModel
- LookupRandomAttachment
- NotifyShouldTransmit
- OnDataChanged
- OnPreDataChanged
- PopBoneAccess
- PostDataUpdate
- PreDataUpdate
- ProcessMuzzleFlashEvent
- PushAllowBoneAccess
- RagdollMoved
- RecordToolMessage
- Release
- RemoveFromClientSideAnimationList
- ResetLatched
- RetrieveRagdollInfo
- SetIK
- SetModel
- SetNextClientThink
- SetPredictable
- SetReceivedSequence
- SetServerIntendedCycle
- SetToolRecording
- SetupBones
- ShadowCastType
- ShouldMuzzleFlash
- ShouldRecordInTools
- ShouldResetSequenceOnNewModel
- ShutdownBoneSetupThreadPool
- Simulate
- SpawnClientEntity
- Terminate
- ThreadedBoneSetup
- UncorrectViewModelAttachment
- UpdateClientSideAnimation
- UpdateClientSideAnimations
- UpdateIKLocks
- UsesFullFrameBufferTexture
- UsesPowerOfTwoFrameBufferTexture
- __tostring
- Activate
- ActivateMinimized
- CanChainKeysToParent
- Close
- CloseModal
- DisableFadeEffect
- FlashWindow
- FlashWindowStop
- GetBottomRightSize
- GetCaptionHeight
- GetClipToParent
- GetCornerSize
- GetDraggerSize
- IsMinimized
- IsMoveable
- IsSizeable
- IsSmallCaption
- MoveToCenterOfScreen
- PlaceUnderCursor
- SetChainKeysToParent
- SetClipToParent
- SetCloseButtonVisible
- SetDeleteSelfOnClose
- SetImages
- SetMaximizeButtonVisible
- SetMenuButtonResponsive
- SetMenuButtonVisible
- SetMinimizeButtonVisible
- SetMinimizeToSysTrayButtonVisible
- SetMoveable
- SetSizeable
- SetSmallCaption
- SetTitle
- SetTitleBarVisible
- __eq
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- AddCustomURLHandler
- AddJavascriptObject
- AddJavascriptObjectCallback
- CanGoBack
- CanGoForward
- Find
- FindDialogVisible
- FindNext
- FindPrevious
- GetLinkAtPosition
- GoBack
- GoForward
- HideFindDialog
- HorizontalScrollMax
- IsLoading
- IsScrollbarVisible
- IsScrolledToBottom
- NewWindowsOnly
- OpenUrl
- Refresh
- RunJavascript
- SetContextMenuEnabled
- SetHtml
- SetScrollbarsEnabled
- SetViewSourceEnabled
- ShowFindDialog
- StopFind
- StopLoading
- VerticalScrollMax
- __eq
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- ClearImages
- GetContentSize
- GetFont
- GetHotKey
- GetImageCount
- GetText
- GetTextInset
- GetValue
- ResetToSimpleTextImage
- SetAssociatedControl
- SetCenterWrap
- SetContentAlignment
- SetFont
- SetHotkey
- SetImageBounds
- SetImagePreOffset
- SetText
- SetTextImageIndex
- SetTextInset
- SetWrap
- SizeToContents
- __eq
- __gc
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- GetBodyGroups
- GetModel
- GetSkin
- RebuildSpawnIcon
- SetBodyGroups
- SetModel
- SetModelImage
- SetSkin
- __eq
- __gc
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- AddActionSignalTarget
- AddKeyBinding
- CanStartDragging
- DeletePanel
- DisableMouseInputForThisPanel
- DrawBox
- DrawBoxFade
- DrawHollowBox
- DrawTexturedBox
- EditKeyBindings
- FillRectangleSkippingPanel
- FindChildIndexByName
- GetAlpha
- GetBackgroundColor
- GetBounds
- GetChild
- GetChildCount
- GetChildren
- GetChildrenSize
- GetClassName
- GetClipRectangle
- GetCornerTextureSize
- GetDescription
- GetDock
- GetDockMargin
- GetDockPadding
- GetDragFrameColor
- GetDragPanel
- GetDragStartTolerance
- GetDropFrameColor
- GetForegroundColor
- GetInset
- GetKeyBindingsFile
- GetKeyBindingsFilePathId
- GetKeyMappingCount
- GetLocalCursorPosition
- GetMinimumSize
- GetModuleName
- GetName
- GetPaintBackgroundType
- GetPaintSize
- GetParent
- GetPinCorner
- GetPinOffset
- GetPosition
- GetRefTable
- GetResizeOffset
- GetScheme
- GetSize
- GetTabPosition
- GetTall
- GetWide
- GetZIndex
- HasChildren
- HasFocus
- HasHierarchicalFocus
- HasParent
- HasUserConfigSettings
- InitPropertyConverters
- InvalidateLayout
- IsAutoDeleteSet
- IsBeingDragged
- IsBlockingDragChaining
- IsBottomAligned
- IsBuildGroupEnabled
- IsBuildModeActive
- IsBuildModeDeletable
- IsBuildModeEditable
- IsChildOfModalSubTree
- IsChildOfSurfaceModalPanel
- IsCursorNone
- IsCursorOver
- IsDragEnabled
- IsDropEnabled
- IsEnabled
- IsKeyBindingChainToParentAllowed
- IsKeyBoardInputEnabled
- IsKeyOverridden
- IsKeyRebound
- IsLayoutInvalid
- IsMarkedForDeletion
- IsMouseInputDisabledForThisPanel
- IsMouseInputEnabled
- IsOpaque
- IsPopup
- IsProportional
- IsRightAligned
- IsStartDragWhenMouseExitsPanel
- IsTriplePressAllowed
- IsValid
- IsValidKeyBindingsContext
- IsVisible
- IsWithin
- IsWithinTraverse
- IsWorldClicker
- KeyCodeToString
- LocalToScreen
- MakePopup
- MakeReadyForUse
- MarkForDeletion
- MoveToBack
- MoveToFront
- OnCommand
- OnCursorEntered
- OnCursorExited
- OnCursorMoved
- OnDelete
- OnDraggablePanelPaint
- OnKeyCodePressed
- OnKeyCodeTyped
- OnKeyFocusTicked
- OnKillFocus
- OnMouseCaptureLost
- OnMouseDoublePressed
- OnMouseFocusTicked
- OnMousePressed
- OnMouseReleased
- OnMouseTriplePressed
- OnMouseWheeled
- OnMove
- OnSetFocus
- OnSizeChanged
- OnThink
- OnTick
- PaintBackground
- PaintBorder
- PaintBuildOverlay
- PaintManual
- ParentLocalToScreen
- ParentToHud
- PerformLayout
- PostChildPaint
- Prepare
- ReloadKeyBindings
- RemoveActionSignalTarget
- RemoveAllKeyBindings
- Repaint
- RequestFocus
- RequestInfo
- RevertKeyBindingsToDefault
- ScreenToLocal
- SetAllowKeyBindingChainToParent
- SetAlpha
- SetAutoDelete
- SetAutoResize
- SetBackgroundColor
- SetBlockDragChaining
- SetBounds
- SetBuildModeDeletable
- SetBuildModeEditable
- SetCursor
- SetDock
- SetDockMargin
- SetDockPadding
- SetDragEnabled
- SetDragStartTolerance
- SetDropEnabled
- SetEnabled
- SetForegroundColor
- SetKeyboardInputEnabled
- SetMinimumSize
- SetMouseInputEnabled
- SetName
- SetPaintBackgroundEnabled
- SetPaintBackgroundType
- SetPaintBorderEnabled
- SetPaintClippingEnabled
- SetPaintEnabled
- SetPaintedManually
- SetParent
- SetPinCorner
- SetPosition
- SetPostChildPaintEnabled
- SetProportional
- SetScheme
- SetSilentMode
- SetSize
- SetSkipChildDuringPainting
- SetStartDragWhenMouseExitsPanel
- SetTabPosition
- SetTall
- SetTriplePressAllowed
- SetVisible
- SetWide
- SetWorldClicker
- SetZIndex
- ShouldHandleInputMessage
- SizeToChildren
- StringToKeyCode
- __eq
- __gc
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- ShouldDrawLocalPlayer
- GetAngles
- GetBrightness
- GetColor
- GetConstantAttenuation
- GetEnableShadows
- GetFarZ
- GetHorizontalFov
- GetLightWorld
- GetLinearAttenuation
- GetNearZ
- GetOrthographic
- GetPosition
- GetQuadraticAttenuation
- GetScissorRectangle
- GetShadowDepthBias
- GetShadowFilter
- GetShadowSlopeScaleDepthBias
- GetTargetEntity
- GetTexture
- GetTextureFrame
- GetVerticalFov
- IsValid
- Remove
- SetAngles
- SetBrightness
- SetColor
- SetConstantAttenuation
- SetEnableShadows
- SetFarZ
- SetFov
- SetHorizontalFov
- SetLightWorld
- SetLinearAttenuation
- SetNearZ
- SetOrthographic
- SetPosition
- SetQuadraticAttenuation
- SetScissorRectangle
- SetShadowDepthBias
- SetShadowFilter
- SetShadowSlopeScaleDepthBias
- SetTargetEntity
- SetTexture
- SetTextureFrame
- SetVerticalFov
- Update
- __eq
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- MakeInitMessage
- RemoveAllRecipients
- RemoveRecipientByPlayerIndex
- RemoveRecipientsByPvs
- GetColor
- GetFont
- GetFontName
- GetResourceString
- __tostring
- Backspace
- Delete
- DeleteSelected
- GetCursorPosition
- GetDrawWidth
- GetMaximumCharacterCount
- GetNumberOfLines
- GetText
- GetTextLength
- GetValue
- GetValueAsFloat
- GetValueAsInteger
- GotoDown
- GotoEndOfLine
- GotoFirstOfLine
- GotoLeft
- GotoRight
- GotoTextEnd
- GotoTextStart
- GotoUp
- GotoWordLeft
- GotoWordRight
- InsertString
- IsDroppable
- IsEditable
- IsMultiline
- IsTextFullySelected
- LayoutVerticalScrollBarSlider
- MoveCursor
- OnCreateDragData
- OnPanelDropped
- OpenEditMenu
- PaintText
- RecalculateLineBreaks
- SaveUndoState
- SelectAllOnFocusAlways
- SelectAllText
- SelectNone
- SendNewLine
- SetAllowNonAsciiCharacters
- SetAllowNumericInputOnly
- SetAutoProgressOnHittingCharLimit
- SetCatchEnterKey
- SetCursorPosition
- SetDisabledBgColor
- SetDrawLanguageIdAtLeft
- SetDrawWidth
- SetEditable
- SetFont
- SetHorizontalScrolling
- SetMaximumCharacterCount
- SetMultiline
- SetSelectionBackgroundColor
- SetSelectionTextColor
- SetSelectionUnfocusedBackgroundColor
- SetText
- SetTextHidden
- SetToFullHeight
- SetToFullWidth
- SetUseFallbackFont
- SetVerticalScrollbar
- SetWrap
- Undo
- __eq
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- ToScreen
- __index
- ActivateClientUI
- AdjustEngineViewport
- AdjustMouseSensitivity
- CanShowSpeakerLabels
- CreateClientSideRagdoll
- CreateDefaultPanels
- CreateMove
- DrawHeadLabels
- DrawMonitors
- DrawOverlay
- EntityRemoved
- FinishMove
- GetMotionBlurValues
- GetPlayerTextColor
- HUDDrawPickupHistory
- HUDDrawScoreBoard
- HUDPaint
- HUDShouldDraw
- HideClientUI
- KeyInput
- LevelInitPostEntity
- LevelInitPreEntity
- LevelShutdown
- NeedsDepthPass
- NetworkEntityCreated
- OnEntityCreated
- OnScreenSizeChanged
- PlayerPostThink
- PlayerTraceAttack
- PlayerUpdateFlashlight
- PostDraw2DSkyBox
- PostDrawEffects
- PostDrawHUD
- PostDrawOpaqueRenderables
- PostDrawSkyBox
- PostDrawTranslucentRenderables
- PostDrawViewModel
- PostRender
- PostRenderVgui
- PreDrawEffects
- PreDrawHUD
- PreDrawOpaqueRenderables
- PreDrawSkyBox
- PreDrawTranslucentRenderables
- PreDrawViewModel
- PreDrawViewModels
- PreRender
- RenderScene
- RenderScreenspaceEffects
- ScoreboardHide
- ScoreboardShow
- SetupMove
- SetupSkyboxFog
- SetupWorldFog
- ShouldDrawDetailObjects
- ShouldDrawEntity
- ShouldDrawFog
- ShouldDrawLocalPlayer
- ShouldDrawParticles
- ShouldDrawViewModels
- StartCommand
- Think
- Tick
- AddText
- GetChatBoxPosition
- GetChatBoxSize
- PlaySound
- StartMessageMode
- StopMessageMode
- AdvanceFrame
- GetShadowDirection
- RenderShadowTexture
- SetShadowBlobbyCutoffArea
- SetShadowColor
- SetShadowDirection
- SetShadowDistance
- SetShadowsDisabled
- UnlockAllShadowDepthTextures
- GetPanel
- IsGameUiVisible
- ActivateOccluder
- CheckKeyTrapping
- CheckPoint
- ClientCommand
- ClientCommandUnrestricted
- CopyFrameBufferToMaterial
- CullBox
- DoesBoxTouchAreaFrustum
- DrawPortals
- EngineStatsBeginFrame
- EngineStatsEndFrame
- ExecuteClientCommand
- FireEvents
- GameLumpSize
- GameLumpVersion
- GetClientConsoleVariableValue
- GetClientConsoleVariableValueAsNumber
- GetDxSupportLevel
- GetEngineBuildNumber
- GetGameDirectory
- GetLastTimeStamp
- GetLightForPoint
- GetLightForPointFast
- GetLocalPlayerEntityIndex
- GetMainMenuBackgroundName
- GetMostRecentSaveGame
- GetPlayerEntityIndexForUserId
- GetPlayerInfo
- GetProductVersionString
- GetScreenAspectRatio
- GetScreenSize
- GetUiLanguage
- GrabPreColorCorrectedFrame
- IsBoxInViewCluster
- IsBoxVisible
- IsConnected
- IsConsoleVisible
- IsDedicatedServer
- IsDrawingLoadingImage
- IsHammerRunning
- IsInGame
- IsKeyTrapping
- IsLevelMainMenuBackground
- IsOccluded
- IsPlayingDemo
- IsPlayingTimeDemo
- IsRecordingDemo
- IsSaveInProgress
- IsSkyboxVisibleFromPoint
- IsTakingScreenshot
- LevelLeafCount
- LightStyleValue
- LinearToGamma
- MapHasHdrLighting
- MapLoadFailed
- OnStorageDeviceDetached
- ResetDemoInterpolation
- ServerCommand
- SetMapLoadFailed
- SetRestrictClientCommands
- SetRestrictServerCommands
- SoundExtraUpdate
- StartKeyTrapMode
- SupportsHdr
- CreateClientEntity
- AimToVector
- GetAppModalSurface
- GetCandidateListCount
- GetCandidateListPageSize
- GetCandidateListPageStart
- GetCandidateListSelectedItem
- GetCurrentImeHandle
- GetCursorPosition
- GetCursorPositionVcrMode
- GetEnglishImeHandle
- GetFocus
- GetModalSubTree
- GetMouseCapture
- GetMouseOver
- GetShouldInvertCompositionString
- IsCandidateListStartingAtOne
- IsKeyDown
- IsMouseDown
- LookupBinding
- LookupKeyBinding
- OnChangeIme
- OnChangeImeByHandle
- OnChangeImeConversionModeByHandle
- OnChangeImeSentenceModeByHandle
- OnImeChangeCandidates
- OnImeCloseCandidates
- OnImeComposition
- OnImeEndComposition
- OnImeRecomputeModes
- OnImeShowCandidates
- OnImeStartComposition
- OnInputLanguageChanged
- OnKeyCodeUnhandled
- RegisterKeyCodeUnhandledListener
- ReleaseAppModalSurface
- ReleaseModalSubTree
- ScreenToWorld
- SetAppModalSurface
- SetCandidateListPageStart
- SetCandidateWindowPos
- SetCursorPosition
- SetModalSubTree
- SetModalSubTreeReceiveMessages
- SetMouseCapture
- SetMouseCaptureExtended
- SetMouseFocus
- ShouldModalSubTreeReceiveMessages
- UnregisterKeyCodeUnhandledListener
- WasKeyPressed
- WasKeyReleased
- WasKeyTyped
- WasMouseDoublePressed
- WasMousePressed
- WasMouseReleased
- Create
- InternalSendToServer
- Button
- CheckButton
- EditablePanel
- Frame
- GetClientLuaRootHudPanel
- GetClientLuaRootPanel
- GetGameUiPanel
- Html
- Label
- ModelImagePanel
- Panel
- TextEntry
- GetLocalPlayer
- GetLocalPlayerIndex
- GetLocalPlayerTeam
- GetSpectatorMode
- GetSpectatorTarget
- IsLocalPlayerSpectator
- IsPlayerIndex
- GetIdealPitch
- GetIncomingPacketNumber
- GetLocalViewAngles
- GetViewAngles
- GetViewOrigin
- InPrediction
- IsFirstTimePredicted
- OnReceivedUncompressedPacket
- PostEntityPacketReceived
- PostNetworkDataReceived
- PreEntityPacketReceived
- SetLocalViewAngles
- SetViewAngles
- SetViewOrigin
- Update
- Create
- ClearBuffers
- ClearColor
- ClearStencilBufferRectangle
- CopyRenderTargetToTexture
- CreateRenderTargetTextureEx
- CullMode
- DepthRange
- DrawBeam
- DrawSprite
- GetModelMatrix
- GetRenderTarget
- GetScreenEffectTexture
- GetViewEntity
- MainViewAngles
- MainViewForward
- MainViewOrigin
- PopCustomClipPlane
- PopFilterMagnification
- PopFilterMinification
- PopModelMatrix
- PopView2D
- PopView3D
- PushCustomClipPlane
- PushFilterMagnification
- PushFilterMinification
- PushModelMatrix
- PushView2D
- PushView3D
- RenderFlashlights
- ResetAmbientLightCube
- SetAmbientLightCube
- SetBlend
- SetClippingEnabled
- SetColorModulation
- SetLight
- SetLightingOrigin
- SetMaterial
- SetScissorRectangle
- SetStencilCompareFunction
- SetStencilEnable
- SetStencilFailOperation
- SetStencilPassOperation
- SetStencilReferenceValue
- SetStencilTestMask
- SetStencilWriteMask
- SetStencilZFailOperation
- SetWriteDepthToDestinationAlpha
- SuppressEngineLighting
- UpdateScreenEffectTexture
- GetDefaultScheme
- GetProportionalNormalizedValue
- GetProportionalScaledValue
- GetScheme
- LoadSchemeFromFile
- LoadSchemeFromFileEx
- ReloadFonts
- ReloadSchemes
- PlayFile
- PlayUrl
- AddBitmapFontFile
- AddCustomFontFile
- AddPanel
- ApplyChanges
- BringToFront
- CalculateMouseVisible
- ClearTemporaryFontCache
- CreateFont
- CreateNewTextureID
- CreatePopup
- DisableClipping
- DrawFilledRectangle
- DrawFilledRectangleFade
- DrawFlushText
- DrawGetAlphaMultiplier
- DrawGetTextPosition
- DrawGetTextureFile
- DrawGetTextureId
- DrawGetTextureSize
- DrawLine
- DrawOutlinedCircle
- DrawOutlinedRectangle
- DrawPrintText
- DrawSetAlphaMultiplier
- DrawSetColor
- DrawSetTextColor
- DrawSetTextFont
- DrawSetTextPosition
- DrawSetTextScale
- DrawSetTexture
- DrawSetTextureFile
- DrawSetTextureMaterial
- DrawSetTextureRgba
- DrawTexturedRectangle
- DrawTexturedSubRectangle
- EnableMouseCapture
- FlashWindow
- GetAbsoluteWindowBounds
- GetBitmapFontName
- GetCharacterAbcWidth
- GetCharacterWidth
- GetEmbeddedPanel
- GetFontAscent
- GetFontTall
- GetModalPanel
- GetNotifyPanel
- GetPopup
- GetPopupCount
- GetProportionalBase
- GetResolutionKey
- GetScreenSize
- GetTextSize
- GetTitle
- GetTopmostPopup
- GetWorkspaceBounds
- GetZPosition
- HasCursorPositionFunctions
- HasFocus
- Invalidate
- IsCursorLocked
- IsCursorVisible
- IsFontAdditive
- IsMinimized
- IsTextureIdValid
- IsWithin
- LockCursor
- MovePopupToBack
- MovePopupToFront
- NeedKeyboardInput
- OnScreenSizeChanged
- PaintTraverse
- PaintTraverseEx
- PlaySound
- PopMakeCurrent
- RunFrame
- SetAllowHtmlJavaScript
- SetBitmapFontName
- SetCursorAlwaysVisible
- SetEmbeddedPanel
- SetFontGlyphSet
- SetTranslateExtendedKeys
- SetWorkspaceInsets
- SupportsFeature
- SurfaceGetCursorPosition
- SurfaceSetCursorPosition
- UnlockCursor
- ComputeStringWidth
- GetLocalPlayer
- GetScreenHeight
- GetScreenWidth
- InterpolateAngles
- NormalizeAngles
- SafeName
- RequestHttpMethod
- Add
- Divide
- Forward
- Initialize
- Invalidate
- IsEqualWithTolerance
- IsValid
- Length
- LengthSqr
- Normalize
- Right
- RotateAroundAxis
- Scale
- Up
- __add
- __div
- __eq
- __index
- __mul
- __newindex
- __sub
- __tostring
- __unm
- Get3dCone
- Get3dEnabled
- Get3dFadeDistance
- GetAverageBitRate
- GetBitsPerSample
- GetBufferedTime
- GetFft
- GetLength
- GetLevel
- GetPan
- GetPlaybackRate
- GetPosition
- GetSamplingRate
- GetState
- GetTagsOfHttp
- GetTagsOfId3
- GetTagsOfMeta
- GetTagsOfOgg
- GetTagsOfVendor
- GetTime
- GetVolume
- Is3d
- IsBlockStreamed
- IsLooping
- IsOnline
- IsValid
- Pause
- Play
- Set3dCone
- Set3dEnabled
- Set3dFadeDistance
- SetLooping
- SetPan
- SetPlaybackRate
- SetPosition
- SetTime
- SetVolume
- Stop
- __gc
- CanBeDefaultButton
- DoClick
- DrawFocusBox
- FireActionSignal
- ForceDepressed
- GetButtonBackgroundColor
- GetButtonForegroundColor
- IsArmed
- IsBlinking
- IsDepressed
- IsDrawingFocusBox
- IsMouseClickEnabled
- IsSelected
- IsUseCaptureMouseEnabled
- OnHotkey
- RecalculateDepressedState
- SetArmed
- SetArmedColor
- SetArmedSound
- SetAsCurrentDefaultButton
- SetAsDefaultButton
- SetBlink
- SetBlinkColor
- SetButtonActivationType
- SetButtonBorderEnabled
- SetDefaultColor
- SetDepressedColor
- SetDepressedSound
- SetMouseClickEnabled
- SetReleasedSound
- SetSelected
- SetShouldPaint
- SetUseCaptureMouse
- ShouldPaint
- __eq
- __gc
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- GetDisabledBackgroundColor
- GetDisabledForegroundColor
- SetCheckButtonCheckable
- __eq
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- GetAlpha
- GetBlue
- GetColor
- GetGreen
- GetRed
- Initialize
- SetColor
- SetRawColor
- __eq
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- CanAutoComplete
- IsCommand
- IsValid
- __tostring
- AddFlags
- GetBool
- GetDefault
- GetFloat
- GetHelpText
- GetInteger
- GetMax
- GetMin
- GetName
- GetString
- IsCommand
- IsFlagSet
- IsRegistered
- IsValid
- Revert
- SetValue
- __tostring
- ActivateBuildMode
- ApplySettings
- DoModal
- GetControlInt
- GetControlString
- GetCurrentKeyFocus
- GetDialogVariables
- IsModal
- LoadControlSettings
- LoadControlSettingsAndUserConfig
- LoadUserConfig
- OnRequestFocus
- RegisterControlSettingsFile
- RequestFocusNext
- RequestFocusPrev
- RequestInfoFromChild
- SaveUserConfig
- SetControlEnabled
- SetControlInt
- SetControlString
- SetControlVisible
- SetDialogVariable
- SetFocusTopLevel
- __eq
- __gc
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- GetAngles
- GetAttachmentIndex
- GetColor
- GetDamageType
- GetEffectNameIndex
- GetEntity
- GetEntityIndex
- GetFlags
- GetHitBox
- GetMagnitude
- GetMaterialIndex
- GetNormal
- GetOrigin
- GetRadius
- GetScale
- GetStart
- GetSurfacePropertyIndex
- SetAngles
- SetAttachmentIndex
- SetColor
- SetDamageType
- SetEntity
- SetEntityIndex
- SetFlags
- SetHitBox
- SetMagnitude
- SetMaterialIndex
- SetNormal
- SetOrigin
- SetRadius
- SetScale
- SetStart
- SetSurfacePropertyIndex
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- CreatePredictedEntityByName
- Activate
- AddContext
- AddDataObjectType
- AddDeleteOnRemove
- AddEffects
- AddEntityFlags
- AddEntityToVisibleList
- AddFlag
- AddPoints
- AddPointsToTeam
- AddSolidFlags
- AddSpawnFlags
- AddTimedOverlay
- AddToClientSideAnimationList
- ApplyAbsoluteVelocityImpulse
- ApplyLocalAngularVelocityImpulse
- BecomeRagdollOnClient
- BodyTarget
- CalculateIkLocks
- CalculateNearestPoint
- CallUseToggle
- CanBeHitByMeleeAttack
- CanStandOn
- ChangeTeam
- ClampCycle
- ClassMatches
- Classify
- Clear
- ClearEffects
- ClearFlags
- ClearNavIgnore
- ClearRagdoll
- ClearSolidFlags
- ClearSpawnFlags
- ClientSideAnimationChanged
- CollisionRulesChanged
- ComputeAbsoluteDirection
- ComputeAbsolutePosition
- ComputeClientSideAnimationFlags
- ComputeEntitySpaceHitboxSurroundingBox
- ComputeHitboxSurroundingBox
- ComputeRenderEffectsBlend
- ComputeWorldSpaceSurroundingBox
- CreateDataObject
- CreateRagdollCopy
- CreateUnragdollInfo
- CreateVPhysics
- DamageDecal
- DeathNotice
- DecalTrace
- DecrementTransmitStateOwnedCounter
- DestroyAllDataObjects
- DestroyDataObject
- DestroyPhysicsObject
- DetectInSkybox
- DisableMuzzleFlash
- DispatchMuzzleEffect
- DispatchResponse
- DispatchTraceAttack
- DoImpactEffect
- DoMuzzleFlash
- DoNothing
- DoesHavePlayerChild
- DontRecordInTools
- DrawAbsBoxOverlay
- DrawBBoxOverlay
- DrawClientHitboxes
- DrawDebugGeometryOverlays
- DrawDebugTextOverlays
- DrawModel
- DrawRBoxOverlay
- DrawTimedOverlays
- DropToFloor
- DumpResponseCriteria
- EmitAmbientSound
- EmitSound
- EnableInToolView
- EndBlockedByEntity
- EndGroundContact
- EndTouch
- EntityText
- EntityToWorldSpace
- Extinguish
- FadeOut
- FindBodyGroupByName
- FindFollowedEntity
- FindTransitionSequence
- FireBullets
- FireEvent
- FireObsoleteEvent
- FollowEntity
- ForceClientSideAnimationOn
- FrameAdvance
- GenderExpandString
- GetAimEntOrigin
- GetAngles
- GetAnimTimeInterval
- GetAnimationTime
- GetAttachment
- GetAttachmentLocal
- GetAttachmentVelocity
- GetAutoAimCenter
- GetAutoAimRadius
- GetBaseVelocity
- GetBlendedLinearVelocity
- GetBlocksLineOfSight
- GetBloodColorType
- GetBody
- GetBodyGroup
- GetBodyGroupCount
- GetBodyGroupName
- GetBodyGroups
- GetBodyGroupsAsString
- GetBodyGroupsCount
- GetBoneControllers
- GetBoneCount
- GetBonePosition
- GetBoundingRadius
- GetCheckUntouch
- GetChildren
- GetClass
- GetClientSideFade
- GetCollideType
- GetCollisionGroup
- GetCycle
- GetDLLType
- GetDamage
- GetDamageType
- GetDataObject
- GetDebugName
- GetDelay
- GetEarPosition
- GetEffectEntity
- GetEffects
- GetElasticity
- GetEnemy
- GetEntityFlags
- GetEntityIndex
- GetEntityName
- GetEntitySkybox
- GetEyeAngles
- GetEyePosition
- GetFirstMoveChild
- GetFirstThinkTick
- GetFlags
- GetFlexBounds
- GetFlexControllerName
- GetFlexControllerType
- GetFlexCount
- GetFlexDescFacs
- GetFlexIdByName
- GetFlexName
- GetFlexWeight
- GetFollowedEntity
- GetFriction
- GetGravity
- GetGroundChangeTime
- GetGroundEntity
- GetGroundVelocityToApply
- GetHealth
- GetHitboxSet
- GetHitboxSetCount
- GetHitboxSetName
- GetInputDispatchEffectPosition
- GetKeyValue
- GetLastThink
- GetLastThinkTick
- GetLifeState
- GetLocalAngles
- GetLocalAngularVelocity
- GetLocalOrigin
- GetLocalTime
- GetLocalVelocity
- GetMaterialOverride
- GetMaterials
- GetMaxHealth
- GetModelBounds
- GetModelIndex
- GetModelName
- GetMoveDoneTime
- GetMoveParent
- GetMoveType
- GetNetworkDataValue
- GetNextTarget
- GetNoCollidingWithTeammates
- GetNumFlexControllers
- GetOBBCenter
- GetOBBMaxs
- GetOBBMins
- GetObserverCameraOrigin
- GetOwnerEntity
- GetParametersForSound
- GetParent
- GetPhysicsObject
- GetPhysicsObjects
- GetPlaybackRate
- GetPoseParameter
- GetPoseParameterRange
- GetPosition
- GetPredictedPosition
- GetRagdollOwner
- GetReceivedDamageScale
- GetRefTable
- GetRenderAngles
- GetRenderBounds
- GetRenderColor
- GetRenderEffectsBlend
- GetRenderOrigin
- GetSequence
- GetSequenceActivity
- GetSequenceActivityName
- GetSequenceGroundSpeed
- GetSequenceLinearMotion
- GetSequenceName
- GetSequences
- GetServerIntendedCycle
- GetSimulatingPlayer
- GetSimulationTime
- GetSkin
- GetSkinCount
- GetSmoothedVelocity
- GetSolid
- GetSolidFlags
- GetSoundDuration
- GetSoundEmissionOrigin
- GetSoundSourceIndex
- GetSpawnFlags
- GetSubMaterialOverride
- GetSubModels
- GetTeamID
- GetTeamNumber
- GetTextureFrameIndex
- GetTouchTrace
- GetTracerAttachment
- GetTracerType
- GetTransmitState
- GetTransmitWithParent
- GetVectors
- GetVelocity
- GetViewOffset
- GetWaterLevel
- GetWaterType
- HasDataObjectType
- HasFlexManipulator
- HasMatchingRootParent
- HasNPCsOnIt
- HasRecordedThisFrame
- HasSpawnFlags
- HasTarget
- HeadTarget
- Ignite
- IgniteRagdoll
- ImpactTrace
- InSameTeam
- IncrementLocalTime
- IncrementTransmitStateOwnedCounter
- InitBoneSetupThreadPool
- InitModelEffects
- Instance
- InternalDrawModel
- Interp_HierarchyUpdateInterpolationAmounts
- Interpolate
- Intersects
- InvalidateBoneCache
- InvalidateBoneCaches
- InvalidateModelCache
- IsAIWalkable
- IsAbsQueriesValid
- IsActivityFinished
- IsAlive
- IsAllowedToFade
- IsAnimatedEveryTick
- IsBSPModel
- IsBaseObject
- IsBaseTrain
- IsBoneCacheValid
- IsClient
- IsControllingEntity
- IsCurrentlyTouching
- IsDormant
- IsEffectActive
- IsEnabledInToolView
- IsEntityFlagSet
- IsFloating
- IsFollowingEntity
- IsInAnyTeam
- IsInSolid
- IsInWorld
- IsItem
- IsLockedByMain
- IsMarkedForDeletion
- IsMoving
- IsNavIgnored
- IsNetClient
- IsNpc
- IsOnFire
- IsPlayer
- IsPlayerSimulated
- IsPointInBounds
- IsPointSized
- IsPrecacheAllowed
- IsRagdoll
- IsSelfAnimating
- IsSequenceFinished
- IsSequenceLooping
- IsServer
- IsSimulatedEveryTick
- IsSimulatingOnAlternateTicks
- IsSolid
- IsSolidFlagSet
- IsStandable
- IsTemplate
- IsToolRecording
- IsTransparent
- IsTriggered
- IsTwoPass
- IsValid
- IsViewModel
- IsViewable
- IsWeapon
- IsWorld
- KeyValue
- LocalEyeAngles
- LookupActivity
- LookupAttachment
- LookupBone
- LookupPoseParameter
- LookupRandomAttachment
- LookupSequence
- MakeDormant
- NameMatches
- NextMovePeer
- NotifyShouldTransmit
- ObjectCapabilities
- OnAcceptInput
- OnDataChanged
- OnEventKilled
- OnEventKilledOther
- OnMoveDone
- OnPreDataChanged
- OnRestore
- OnTakeDamage
- PassesDamageFilter
- PerformFadeOut
- PhysicsCheckForEntityUntouch
- PhysicsCheckWater
- PhysicsCheckWaterTransition
- PhysicsImpact
- PhysicsInit
- PhysicsInitBox
- PhysicsInitStatic
- PhysicsIsFlesh
- PhysicsMarkEntitiesAsTouching
- PhysicsNotifyOtherOfGroundRemoval
- PhysicsNotifyOtherOfUntouch
- PhysicsRemoveGroundList
- PhysicsRemoveTouchedList
- PhysicsSetObject
- PhysicsSimulate
- PhysicsSolidMaskForEntity
- PhysicsSplash
- PhysicsStartGroundContact
- PhysicsTouchTriggers
- PointAtEntity
- PopBoneAccess
- PostClientActive
- PostConstructor
- PostDataUpdate
- PreDataUpdate
- Precache
- PrecacheModel
- PrecacheScriptSound
- PrecacheSound
- PrefetchScriptSound
- PrefetchSound
- ProcessMuzzleFlashEvent
- PushAllowBoneAccess
- RagdollMoved
- RecalcHasPlayerChildBit
- RecordToolMessage
- RegisterThinkContext
- Release
- Remove
- RemoveAllDecals
- RemoveDataObjectType
- RemoveDeferred
- RemoveDeleteOnRemove
- RemoveEffects
- RemoveEntityFlags
- RemoveFlag
- RemoveFromClientSideAnimationList
- RemoveSolidFlags
- RemoveSpawnFlags
- RequiredEdictIndex
- ResetLatched
- ResetSequence
- ResetSequenceInfo
- Respawn
- RetrieveRagdollInfo
- RunBlockedByEntityEvent
- ScreenShake
- SelectWeightedSequence
- SendDebugPivotOverlay
- SendViewModelMatchingSequence
- SequenceDuration
- SequenceLoops
- SetAIWalkable
- SetAbsoluteQueriesValid
- SetAllowPrecache
- SetAngles
- SetAnimTime
- SetAnimatedEveryTick
- SetBaseVelocity
- SetBlocksLineOfSight
- SetBodyGroup
- SetBodyGroups
- SetBoneController
- SetCheckUntouch
- SetClass
- SetCollisionBounds
- SetCollisionGroup
- SetCycle
- SetDamage
- SetEffectEntity
- SetEffects
- SetElasticity
- SetEntityFlags
- SetFlexWeight
- SetFriction
- SetGravity
- SetGroundChangeTime
- SetGroundEntity
- SetHealth
- SetHitboxSet
- SetHitboxSetByName
- SetIK
- SetKeyValue
- SetLifeState
- SetLocalAngles
- SetLocalAngularVelocity
- SetLocalOrigin
- SetLocalVelocity
- SetMaterialOverride
- SetMaxHealth
- SetModel
- SetModel
- SetModelIndex
- SetModelName
- SetMoveCollide
- SetMoveDoneTime
- SetMoveType
- SetName
- SetNavIgnore
- SetNetworkDataValue
- SetNextClientThink
- SetNextThink
- SetNoCollidingWithTeammates
- SetOwnerEntity
- SetParent
- SetPlaybackRate
- SetPlayerSimulated
- SetPoseParameter
- SetPosition
- SetPredictable
- SetPredictionEligible
- SetPredictionPlayer
- SetPreventTransmit
- SetReceivedSequence
- SetRenderColor
- SetRenderColorA
- SetRenderColorB
- SetRenderColorG
- SetRenderColorR
- SetRenderMode
- SetSequence
- SetServerIntendedCycle
- SetShadowCastDistance
- SetSimulatedEveryTick
- SetSimulationTime
- SetSize
- SetSkin
- SetSolid
- SetSolidFlags
- SetSubMaterialOverride
- SetTextureFrameIndex
- SetToolRecording
- SetTransmitState
- SetTransmitWithParent
- SetVelocity
- SetViewOffset
- SetWaterLevel
- SetWaterType
- SetupBones
- ShadowCastType
- ShouldAttractAutoAim
- ShouldCollide
- ShouldMuzzleFlash
- ShouldRecordInTools
- ShouldResetSequenceOnNewModel
- ShouldSavePhysics
- ShouldToggle
- ShutdownBoneSetupThreadPool
- Simulate
- Spawn
- SpawnClientEntity
- Splash
- StartBlockedByEntity
- StartFadeOut
- StartFadeOutInstant
- StartGroundContact
- StartTouch
- StopFollowingEntity
- StudioFrameAdvance
- TakeDamage
- TakeHealth
- Teleport
- Terminate
- Think
- ThreadedBoneSetup
- ToggleFlag
- Touch
- TraceAttackToTriggers
- TraceBleed
- TransferDissolveFrom
- TransferPoseParameters
- UncorrectViewModelAttachment
- UnsetPlayerSimulated
- UpdateClientSideAnimation
- UpdateClientSideAnimations
- UpdateIKLocks
- UpdateOnRemove
- UpdatePhysics
- Use
- UseClientSideAnimation
- UsesFullFrameBufferTexture
- UsesPowerOfTwoFrameBufferTexture
- ValidateEntityConnections
- Vanish
- VelocityPunch
- WakeRestingObjects
- WorldAlignMaxs
- WorldAlignMins
- WorldAlignSize
- WorldSpaceCenter
- WorldToEntitySpace
- __eq
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- Read
- Size
- Write
- __eq
- __gc
- __len
- __tostring
- __tostring
- Activate
- ActivateMinimized
- CanChainKeysToParent
- Close
- CloseModal
- DisableFadeEffect
- FlashWindow
- FlashWindowStop
- GetBottomRightSize
- GetCaptionHeight
- GetClipToParent
- GetCornerSize
- GetDraggerSize
- IsMinimized
- IsMoveable
- IsSizeable
- IsSmallCaption
- MoveToCenterOfScreen
- PlaceUnderCursor
- SetChainKeysToParent
- SetClipToParent
- SetCloseButtonVisible
- SetDeleteSelfOnClose
- SetImages
- SetMaximizeButtonVisible
- SetMenuButtonResponsive
- SetMenuButtonVisible
- SetMinimizeButtonVisible
- SetMinimizeToSysTrayButtonVisible
- SetMoveable
- SetSizeable
- SetSmallCaption
- SetTitle
- SetTitleBarVisible
- __eq
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- AddCustomURLHandler
- AddJavascriptObject
- AddJavascriptObjectCallback
- CanGoBack
- CanGoForward
- Find
- FindDialogVisible
- FindNext
- FindPrevious
- GetLinkAtPosition
- GoBack
- GoForward
- HideFindDialog
- HorizontalScrollMax
- IsLoading
- IsScrollbarVisible
- IsScrolledToBottom
- NewWindowsOnly
- OpenUrl
- Refresh
- RunJavascript
- SetContextMenuEnabled
- SetHtml
- SetScrollbarsEnabled
- SetViewSourceEnabled
- ShowFindDialog
- StopFind
- StopLoading
- VerticalScrollMax
- __eq
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- AddSubKey
- ChainKeyValue
- Clear
- CopySubkeys
- CreateNewKey
- DeleteThis
- FindKey
- GetColor
- GetDataType
- GetFirstSubKey
- GetFirstTrueSubKey
- GetFirstValue
- GetName
- GetNameSymbol
- GetNextKey
- GetNextTrueSubKey
- GetNextValue
- IsEmpty
- LoadFromFile
- MakeCopy
- ProcessResolutionKeys
- RemoveSubKey
- SaveToFile
- SetColor
- SetFloat
- SetInt
- SetName
- SetNextKey
- SetString
- SetStringValue
- UsesEscapeSequences
- __eq
- __tostring
- ClearImages
- GetContentSize
- GetFont
- GetHotKey
- GetImageCount
- GetText
- GetTextInset
- GetValue
- ResetToSimpleTextImage
- SetAssociatedControl
- SetCenterWrap
- SetContentAlignment
- SetFont
- SetHotkey
- SetImageBounds
- SetImagePreOffset
- SetText
- SetTextImageIndex
- SetTextInset
- SetWrap
- SizeToContents
- __eq
- __gc
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- AddReference
- AlphaModulate
- ColorModulate
- DecrementReferenceCount
- DeleteIfUnreferenced
- GetAnimationFrameAmount
- GetColor
- GetColorModulation
- GetEnumerationID
- GetFloat
- GetInteger
- GetMappingHeight
- GetMappingWidth
- GetMaterialPage
- GetMaterialVariableFlag
- GetMorphFormat
- GetName
- GetPassAmount
- GetPropertyFlag
- GetReflectivity
- GetShaderName
- GetString
- GetTexture
- GetTextureGroupName
- GetTextureMemoryBytes
- GetVector
- GetVector4D
- HasProxy
- InMaterialPage
- IncrementReferenceCount
- IsAlphaTested
- IsErrorMaterial
- IsSpriteCard
- IsTranslucent
- IsTwoSided
- IsVertexLit
- NeedsFullFrameBufferTexture
- NeedsLightmapBlendAlpha
- NeedsPowerOfTwoFrameBufferTexture
- NeedsSoftwareLighting
- NeedsSoftwareSkinning
- NeedsTangentSpace
- RecomputeStateSnapshots
- Refresh
- RefreshPreservingMaterialVariables
- Release
- SetFloat
- SetInteger
- SetMaterialVariableFlag
- SetShader
- SetString
- SetTexture
- SetUseFixedFunctionBakedLighting
- SetVector
- SetVector4D
- ShaderParamCount
- UsesEnvCubemap
- WasReloadedFromWhitelist
- __tostring
- ApplyRotation
- As3x4
- CopyFrom3x4
- GetBasisVectors
- GetForward
- GetLeft
- GetScale
- GetTranslation
- GetUp
- Identity
- Init
- InverseGeneral
- InverseTranslation
- IsIdentity
- IsRotationMatrix
- MatrixMul
- MultiplyByVector
- MultiplyByVector3x3
- MultiplyByVector4x3
- MultiplyByVectorTranspose3x3
- MultiplyByVectorTranspose4x3
- NormalizeBasisVectors
- PostTranslate
- PreTranslate
- Scale
- Set3x4
- SetBasisVectors
- SetForward
- SetLeft
- SetTranslation
- SetUp
- SetupMatrixForOriginAndAngles
- Transpose
- Transpose3x3
- __add
- __eq
- __index
- __mul
- __newindex
- __sub
- __tostring
- __unm
- Init
- Invalidate
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- GetNumBitsLeft
- GetNumBitsRead
- GetNumBytesLeft
- GetNumBytesRead
- ReadAngle
- ReadBit
- ReadBitLong
- ReadBool
- ReadByte
- ReadBytes
- ReadChar
- ReadData
- ReadEntity
- ReadFloat
- ReadLong
- ReadShort
- ReadString
- ReadUInt
- ReadVector
- ReadVectorNormal
- ReadWord
- __index
- __tostring
- WriteAngle
- WriteBit
- WriteBitLong
- WriteBool
- WriteByte
- WriteChar
- WriteData
- WriteEntity
- WriteFloat
- WriteLong
- WriteShort
- WriteString
- WriteVector
- WriteVectorNormal
- WriteWord
- __gc
- __index
- __tostring
- GetBodyGroups
- GetModel
- GetSkin
- RebuildSpawnIcon
- SetBodyGroups
- SetModel
- SetModelImage
- SetSkin
- __eq
- __gc
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- AddKey
- ClearButtons
- ClearMovement
- GetAbsoluteMoveAngles
- GetAngles
- GetButtons
- GetConstraintCenter
- GetConstraintRadius
- GetConstraintSpeedScale
- GetConstraintWidth
- GetFinalIdealVelocity
- GetFinalJumpVelocity
- GetFinalStepHeight
- GetForwardSpeed
- GetImpulseCommand
- GetMaxClientSpeed
- GetMaxSpeed
- GetMoveAngles
- GetOldAngles
- GetOldButtons
- GetOrigin
- GetSideSpeed
- GetUpSpeed
- GetVelocity
- IsKeyDown
- SetAbsoluteMoveAngles
- SetAngles
- SetButtons
- SetConstraintCenter
- SetConstraintRadius
- SetConstraintSpeedScale
- SetConstraintWidth
- SetFinalIdealVelocity
- SetFinalJumpVelocity
- SetFinalStepHeight
- SetForwardSpeed
- SetImpulseCommand
- SetMaxClientSpeed
- SetMaxSpeed
- SetMoveAngles
- SetOldAngles
- SetOldButtons
- SetOrigin
- SetSideSpeed
- SetUpSpeed
- SetVelocity
- WasKeyDown
- WasKeyPressed
- WasKeyReleased
- __tostring
- AddToTouched
- ConsoleLog
- GetSurfaceProperties
- PlayerFallingDamage
- PlayerSetAnimation
- ProcessImpacts
- ResetTouchList
- __tostring
- GetAddress
- GetAverageChoke
- GetAverageData
- GetAverageLatency
- GetAverageLoss
- GetAveragePackets
- GetBufferSize
- GetCommandInterpolationAmount
- GetDataRate
- GetLatency
- GetName
- GetPacketBytes
- GetPacketResponseLatency
- GetPacketTime
- GetRemoteFramerate
- GetSequenceNumber
- GetStreamProgress
- GetTime
- GetTimeConnected
- GetTimeSinceLastReceived
- GetTimeoutSeconds
- GetTotalData
- IsLoopback
- IsPlayback
- IsTimingOut
- IsValidPacket
- __tostring
- AddString
- ChangedSinceTick
- FindStringIndex
- GetEntryBits
- GetMaxStrings
- GetString
- GetStringsAmount
- GetTableId
- GetTableName
- SetStringUserData
- SetTick
- __tostring
- AddActionSignalTarget
- AddKeyBinding
- CanStartDragging
- DeletePanel
- DisableMouseInputForThisPanel
- DrawBox
- DrawBoxFade
- DrawHollowBox
- DrawTexturedBox
- EditKeyBindings
- FillRectangleSkippingPanel
- FindChildIndexByName
- GetAlpha
- GetBackgroundColor
- GetBounds
- GetChild
- GetChildCount
- GetChildren
- GetChildrenSize
- GetClassName
- GetClipRectangle
- GetCornerTextureSize
- GetDescription
- GetDock
- GetDockMargin
- GetDockPadding
- GetDragFrameColor
- GetDragPanel
- GetDragStartTolerance
- GetDropFrameColor
- GetForegroundColor
- GetInset
- GetKeyBindingsFile
- GetKeyBindingsFilePathId
- GetKeyMappingCount
- GetLocalCursorPosition
- GetMinimumSize
- GetModuleName
- GetName
- GetPaintBackgroundType
- GetPaintSize
- GetParent
- GetPinCorner
- GetPinOffset
- GetPosition
- GetRefTable
- GetResizeOffset
- GetScheme
- GetSize
- GetTabPosition
- GetTall
- GetWide
- GetZIndex
- HasChildren
- HasFocus
- HasHierarchicalFocus
- HasParent
- HasUserConfigSettings
- InitPropertyConverters
- InvalidateLayout
- IsAutoDeleteSet
- IsBeingDragged
- IsBlockingDragChaining
- IsBottomAligned
- IsBuildGroupEnabled
- IsBuildModeActive
- IsBuildModeDeletable
- IsBuildModeEditable
- IsChildOfModalSubTree
- IsChildOfSurfaceModalPanel
- IsCursorNone
- IsCursorOver
- IsDragEnabled
- IsDropEnabled
- IsEnabled
- IsKeyBindingChainToParentAllowed
- IsKeyBoardInputEnabled
- IsKeyOverridden
- IsKeyRebound
- IsLayoutInvalid
- IsMarkedForDeletion
- IsMouseInputDisabledForThisPanel
- IsMouseInputEnabled
- IsOpaque
- IsPopup
- IsProportional
- IsRightAligned
- IsStartDragWhenMouseExitsPanel
- IsTriplePressAllowed
- IsValid
- IsValidKeyBindingsContext
- IsVisible
- IsWithin
- IsWithinTraverse
- IsWorldClicker
- KeyCodeToString
- LocalToScreen
- MakePopup
- MakeReadyForUse
- MarkForDeletion
- MoveToBack
- MoveToFront
- OnCommand
- OnCursorEntered
- OnCursorExited
- OnCursorMoved
- OnDelete
- OnDraggablePanelPaint
- OnKeyCodePressed
- OnKeyCodeTyped
- OnKeyFocusTicked
- OnKillFocus
- OnMouseCaptureLost
- OnMouseDoublePressed
- OnMouseFocusTicked
- OnMousePressed
- OnMouseReleased
- OnMouseTriplePressed
- OnMouseWheeled
- OnMove
- OnSetFocus
- OnSizeChanged
- OnThink
- OnTick
- PaintBackground
- PaintBorder
- PaintBuildOverlay
- PaintManual
- ParentLocalToScreen
- ParentToHud
- PerformLayout
- PostChildPaint
- Prepare
- ReloadKeyBindings
- RemoveActionSignalTarget
- RemoveAllKeyBindings
- Repaint
- RequestFocus
- RequestInfo
- RevertKeyBindingsToDefault
- ScreenToLocal
- SetAllowKeyBindingChainToParent
- SetAlpha
- SetAutoDelete
- SetAutoResize
- SetBackgroundColor
- SetBlockDragChaining
- SetBounds
- SetBuildModeDeletable
- SetBuildModeEditable
- SetCursor
- SetDock
- SetDockMargin
- SetDockPadding
- SetDragEnabled
- SetDragStartTolerance
- SetDropEnabled
- SetEnabled
- SetForegroundColor
- SetKeyboardInputEnabled
- SetMinimumSize
- SetMouseInputEnabled
- SetName
- SetPaintBackgroundEnabled
- SetPaintBackgroundType
- SetPaintBorderEnabled
- SetPaintClippingEnabled
- SetPaintEnabled
- SetPaintedManually
- SetParent
- SetPinCorner
- SetPosition
- SetPostChildPaintEnabled
- SetProportional
- SetScheme
- SetSilentMode
- SetSize
- SetSkipChildDuringPainting
- SetStartDragWhenMouseExitsPanel
- SetTabPosition
- SetTall
- SetTriplePressAllowed
- SetVisible
- SetWide
- SetWorldClicker
- SetZIndex
- ShouldHandleInputMessage
- SizeToChildren
- StringToKeyCode
- __eq
- __gc
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- AddAngleVelocity
- AddVelocity
- ApplyForceCenter
- ApplyForceOffset
- ApplyTorqueCenter
- BecomeHinged
- BecomeTrigger
- CalculateAngularDrag
- CalculateForceOffset
- CalculateLinearDrag
- CalculateVelocityOffset
- EnableCollisions
- EnableDrag
- EnableGravity
- EnableMotion
- GetAabb
- GetCallbackFlags
- GetContactPoint
- GetContents
- GetDamping
- GetEnergy
- GetGameFlags
- GetGameIndex
- GetImplicitVelocity
- GetInertia
- GetInverseInertia
- GetInverseMass
- GetMass
- GetMassCenterLocalSpace
- GetMaterialIndex
- GetName
- GetPosition
- GetShadowPosition
- GetSphereRadius
- GetVelocity
- GetVelocityAtPoint
- IsAsleep
- IsAttachedToConstraint
- IsCollisionEnabled
- IsDragEnabled
- IsFluid
- IsGravityEnabled
- IsHinged
- IsMotionEnabled
- IsMoveable
- IsStatic
- IsTrigger
- LocalToWorld
- LocalToWorldVector
- OutputDebugInfo
- RecheckCollisionFilter
- RecheckContactPoints
- RemoveHinged
- RemoveShadowController
- RemoveTrigger
- SetBuoyancyRatio
- SetCallbackFlags
- SetContents
- SetDragCoefficient
- SetGameFlags
- SetGameIndex
- SetMass
- SetMaterialIndex
- SetShadow
- SetVelocity
- SetVelocityInstantaneous
- Sleep
- Wake
- WorldToLocal
- WorldToLocalVector
- __eq
- __tostring
- ParseSurfaceData
- GetPhysicsParameters
- GetPhysicsProperties
- GetPropName
- GetString
- GetSurfaceData
- GetSurfaceIndex
- SurfacePropCount
- __eq
- __tostring
- AddToPlayerSimulationList
- AnimationResetGestureSlot
- AnimationRestartGesture
- AnimationRestartMainSequence
- AnimationSetGestureSequence
- AnimationSetGestureWeight
- BumpWeapon
- CacheVehicleView
- CanSprint
- CanSwitchToWeapon
- CanUseWeapon
- CheatImpulseCommands
- CheckObserverSettings
- CheckTrainUpdate
- ClampPunchAngleOffset
- ClearPlayerSimulationList
- ClearZoomOwner
- CreateCorpse
- CreateViewModel
- CurrentCommandNumber
- DamageEffect
- DestroyViewModels
- DoAnimationEvent
- DropWeapon
- DropWeaponInSlot
- Duck
- EnableControl
- EquipSuit
- EquipWeapon
- ExitLadder
- FindNextObserverTarget
- FindUseEntity
- FinishLagCompensation
- ForceObserverMode
- ForceRespawn
- ForceSimulation
- GetAccountId
- GetActiveWeapon
- GetAimVector
- GetAmmoCount
- GetArmor
- GetBodyAngles
- GetBodyTarget
- GetBonusChallenge
- GetBonusProgress
- GetClientIndex
- GetCrouchWalkFraction
- GetCurrentCommand
- GetDeathTime
- GetDefaultFov
- GetDelayTicks
- GetDuckSpeed
- GetEyePositionAndVectors
- GetEyeVectors
- GetFov
- GetFovDistanceAdjustFactor
- GetFovTime
- GetHands
- GetImpulse
- GetIpAddress
- GetJumpPower
- GetLadderClimbSpeed
- GetLaggedMovementValue
- GetLastKnownPlaceName
- GetLastWeapon
- GetMaxSpeed
- GetNetworkIdString
- GetNextAttack
- GetNextObserverSearchStartPoint
- GetNormalSpeed
- GetObserverMode
- GetObserverTarget
- GetPing
- GetPlayerLocalData
- GetPlayerMaxs
- GetPlayerMins
- GetPlayerModelType
- GetPlayerName
- GetPreviouslyPredictedOrigin
- GetPunchAngle
- GetRagdollEntity
- GetReplayEntity
- GetRunSpeed
- GetSteamId
- GetSteamId64
- GetStepSoundCache
- GetStepSoundVelocities
- GetSwimSoundTime
- GetTimeBase
- GetUnDuckFraction
- GetUniqueId
- GetUseEntity
- GetUserId
- GetVehicleAnalogControlBias
- GetVehicleEntity
- GetViewEntity
- GetViewModel
- GetViewPunchAngles
- GetWalkSpeed
- GetWaterJumpTime
- GetWeapon
- GetWeaponInSlot
- GetWeaponShootPosition
- GetWeapons
- Give
- GiveItem
- HasAnyAmmoOfType
- HasPhysicsFlag
- HasWeapon
- HasWeapons
- HideViewModels
- HintMessage
- ImpulseCommands
- InitHud
- InitialSpawn
- IsBot
- IsDead
- IsFakeClient
- IsFlashlightEnabled
- IsFlashlightOn
- IsHltv
- IsIlluminatedByFlashlight
- IsInVehicle
- IsKeyDown
- IsObserver
- IsOnLadder
- IsPlayerUnderwater
- IsSinglePlayerGameEnding
- IsSpeaking
- IsSuitEquipped
- IsUseableEntity
- IsValidObserverTarget
- ItemPostFrame
- ItemPreFrame
- Jump
- JumpToPosition
- KeyDown
- Kill
- KillSilent
- LeaveVehicle
- Lock
- ModeWantsSpectatorGui
- NotifySinglePlayerGameEnding
- OnEventDying
- OnEventTakeDamageAlive
- OnVehicleStart
- OwnsWeaponOfType
- PackDeadPlayerItems
- PauseBonusProgress
- PlayDeathSound
- PlayStepSound
- PlayerDeathThink
- PlayerUse
- PostThink
- PreThink
- RemoveAllAmmo
- RemoveAllItems
- RemoveAmmo
- RemoveFromPlayerSimulationList
- RemoveSuit
- RemoveWeapon
- ResetAutoAim
- ResetObserverMode
- RumbleEffect
- SelectItem
- SelectLastItem
- SelectSpawnPoint
- SetAmmoCount
- SetAnimation
- SetAnimationExtension
- SetBloodColor
- SetBodyPitch
- SetBonusChallenge
- SetBonusProgress
- SetCrouchWalkFraction
- SetDropActiveWeaponOnDeath
- SetDsp
- SetDuckSpeed
- SetFlashlightEnabled
- SetFov
- SetHands
- SetJumpPower
- SetLadderClimbSpeed
- SetLadderNormal
- SetLagCompensated
- SetLastWeapon
- SetMaxSpeed
- SetNextAttack
- SetNormalSpeed
- SetObserverMode
- SetObserverTarget
- SetPlayerLocalData
- SetPlayerName
- SetPlayerUnderwater
- SetPreviouslyPredictedOrigin
- SetPunchAngle
- SetRunSpeed
- SetStepSoundCache
- SetSuitUpdate
- SetSwimSoundTime
- SetTeam
- SetUnDuckFraction
- SetVehicleAnalogControlBias
- SetViewPunchAngles
- SetWalkSpeed
- SetWaterJumpTime
- SharedSpawn
- ShouldDrawLocalPlayer
- ShouldFadeOnDeath
- ShouldSelectWeapon
- ShouldSetLastWeapon
- ShouldShowHints
- ShowCrosshair
- ShowMessage
- ShowViewModel
- SimulatePlayerSimulatedEntities
- SmoothViewOnStairs
- SnapEyeAngles
- SprayDecal
- StartLagCompensation
- StartObserverMode
- StartReplayMode
- StopObserverMode
- StopReplayMode
- SwitchToNextBestWeapon
- SwitchWeapon
- TranslateWeaponActivity
- TurnFlashlightOff
- TurnFlashlightOn
- Unlock
- UpdateClientData
- UpdatePlayerSound
- UpdateUnderwaterState
- UsingStandardWeaponsInVehicle
- ValidateCurrentObserverTarget
- ViewPunch
- ViewPunchReset
- WasKeyDown
- WasKeyPressed
- WasKeyReleased
- WeaponCount
- GetAngles
- GetBrightness
- GetColor
- GetConstantAttenuation
- GetEnableShadows
- GetFarZ
- GetHorizontalFov
- GetLightWorld
- GetLinearAttenuation
- GetNearZ
- GetOrthographic
- GetPosition
- GetQuadraticAttenuation
- GetScissorRectangle
- GetShadowDepthBias
- GetShadowFilter
- GetShadowSlopeScaleDepthBias
- GetTargetEntity
- GetTexture
- GetTextureFrame
- GetVerticalFov
- IsValid
- Remove
- SetAngles
- SetBrightness
- SetColor
- SetConstantAttenuation
- SetEnableShadows
- SetFarZ
- SetFov
- SetHorizontalFov
- SetLightWorld
- SetLinearAttenuation
- SetNearZ
- SetOrthographic
- SetPosition
- SetQuadraticAttenuation
- SetScissorRectangle
- SetShadowDepthBias
- SetShadowFilter
- SetShadowSlopeScaleDepthBias
- SetTargetEntity
- SetTexture
- SetTextureFrame
- SetVerticalFov
- Update
- __eq
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- AddAllPlayers
- AddRecipient
- AddRecipientsByPAS
- AddRecipientsByPVS
- CopyFrom
- GetRecipientCount
- GetRecipientIndex
- IgnorePredictionCull
- IsInitMessage
- IsReliable
- IsUsingPredictionRules
- MakeInitMessage
- MakeReliable
- RemoveAllRecipients
- RemoveRecipient
- RemoveRecipientByPlayerIndex
- RemoveRecipientsByPvs
- Reset
- SetIgnorePredictionCull
- UsePredictionRules
- __tostring
- GetColor
- GetFont
- GetFontName
- GetResourceString
- __tostring
- ActivateGameOverlay
- GetClanCount
- GetFriendCount
- GetPersonaName
- GetPersonaState
- SetPersonaName
- __tostring
- AddDamage
- AddDamageType
- AdjustPlayerDamageInflictedForSkillLevel
- AdjustPlayerDamageTakenForSkillLevel
- BaseDamageIsValid
- CopyDamageToBaseDamage
- DebugGetDamageTypeString
- GetAmmoName
- GetAmmoType
- GetAttacker
- GetBaseDamage
- GetDamage
- GetDamageCustom
- GetDamageForce
- GetDamagePosition
- GetDamageStats
- GetDamageType
- GetInflictor
- GetMaxDamage
- GetReportedPosition
- GetWeapon
- ScaleDamage
- ScaleDamageForce
- SetAmmoType
- SetAttacker
- SetDamage
- SetDamageCustom
- SetDamageForce
- SetDamagePosition
- SetDamageStats
- SetDamageType
- SetInflictor
- SetMaxDamage
- SetReportedPosition
- SetWeapon
- SubtractDamage
- __tostring
- Backspace
- Delete
- DeleteSelected
- GetCursorPosition
- GetDrawWidth
- GetMaximumCharacterCount
- GetNumberOfLines
- GetText
- GetTextLength
- GetValue
- GetValueAsFloat
- GetValueAsInteger
- GotoDown
- GotoEndOfLine
- GotoFirstOfLine
- GotoLeft
- GotoRight
- GotoTextEnd
- GotoTextStart
- GotoUp
- GotoWordLeft
- GotoWordRight
- InsertString
- IsDroppable
- IsEditable
- IsMultiline
- IsTextFullySelected
- LayoutVerticalScrollBarSlider
- MoveCursor
- OnCreateDragData
- OnPanelDropped
- OpenEditMenu
- PaintText
- RecalculateLineBreaks
- SaveUndoState
- SelectAllOnFocusAlways
- SelectAllText
- SelectNone
- SendNewLine
- SetAllowNonAsciiCharacters
- SetAllowNumericInputOnly
- SetAutoProgressOnHittingCharLimit
- SetCatchEnterKey
- SetCursorPosition
- SetDisabledBgColor
- SetDrawLanguageIdAtLeft
- SetDrawWidth
- SetEditable
- SetFont
- SetHorizontalScrolling
- SetMaximumCharacterCount
- SetMultiline
- SetSelectionBackgroundColor
- SetSelectionTextColor
- SetSelectionUnfocusedBackgroundColor
- SetText
- SetTextHidden
- SetToFullHeight
- SetToFullWidth
- SetUseFallbackFont
- SetVerticalScrollbar
- SetWrap
- Undo
- __eq
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- Download
- GetActualHeight
- GetActualWidth
- GetMappingHeight
- GetMappingWidth
- GetName
- GetNumAnimationFrames
- IsError
- IsErrorTexture
- IsMipmapped
- IsTranslucent
- Release
- __tostring
- DidHit
- DidHitNonWorldEntity
- DidHitWorld
- GetEntityIndex
- IsDisplacementSurface
- IsDisplacementSurfaceBuildable
- IsDisplacementSurfaceProp1
- IsDisplacementSurfaceProp2
- IsDisplacementSurfaceWalkable
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- AddKey
- ClearButtons
- ClearMovement
- CommandNumber
- GetButtons
- GetForwardMove
- GetImpulse
- GetMouseWheel
- GetMouseX
- GetMouseY
- GetSideMove
- GetUpMove
- GetViewAngles
- IsNew
- KeyDown
- RemoveKey
- SelectWeapon
- SetButtons
- SetForwardMove
- SetImpulse
- SetMouseX
- SetMouseY
- SetSideMove
- SetUpMove
- SetViewAngles
- TickCount
- __tostring
- Add
- Angle
- AngleWithUp
- Cross
- DistanceTo
- DistanceTo2D
- DistanceTo2DSqr
- DistanceToAsSqr
- Divide
- Dot
- GetGreatest
- GetSmallest
- Initialize
- Invalidate
- IsLengthGreaterThan
- IsLengthLessThan
- IsValid
- Length
- Length2D
- Length2DSqr
- LengthSqr
- MultiplyThenAdd
- Negate
- NormalizeInPlace
- Random
- Scale
- ToScreen
- WithinAABox
- Zero
- __add
- __div
- __eq
- __index
- __mul
- __newindex
- __sub
- __tostring
- __unm
- AbortReload
- ActivityListCount
- ActivityOverride
- AddViewKick
- AllowsAutoSwitchFrom
- AllowsAutoSwitchTo
- CalcViewmodelBob
- CanBePickedUpByNPCs
- CanBeSelected
- CanDeploy
- CanHolster
- CanLower
- CheckReload
- Clip1
- Clip2
- DefaultDeploy
- DefaultReload
- DefaultTouch
- Deploy
- DisplayAltFireHudHint
- DisplayReloadHudHint
- Drop
- EmitWeaponSound
- FinishReload
- GetActivity
- GetAnimPrefix
- GetAnimationPrefix
- GetBulletType
- GetClassName
- GetDamageAtLocation
- GetDeathNoticeName
- GetDefaultAnimSpeed
- GetDefaultClip1
- GetDefaultClip2
- GetDrawActivity
- GetFireRate
- GetIdealActivity
- GetIdealSequence
- GetMaxAutoAimDeflection
- GetMaxBurst
- GetMaxClip1
- GetMaxClip2
- GetMaxRestTime
- GetMinBurst
- GetMinRestTime
- GetNextPrimaryFire
- GetNextSecondaryFire
- GetOwner
- GetPrimaryAmmoCount
- GetPrimaryAmmoType
- GetPrimaryAttackActivity
- GetPrintName
- GetRandomBurst
- GetRumbleEffect
- GetSecondaryAmmoCount
- GetSecondaryAmmoType
- GetSecondaryAttackActivity
- GetShootSound
- GetSlot
- GetSlotPosition
- GetSubType
- GetViewModelSequenceDuration
- GetWeaponData
- GetWeaponFlags
- GetWeaponIdleTime
- GetWeaponViewModel
- GetWeight
- GetWorldModel
- GiveDefaultAmmo
- HandleFireOnEmpty
- HasAmmo
- HasAnyAmmo
- HasPrimaryAmmo
- HasSecondaryAmmo
- HasWeaponIdleTimeElapsed
- HideThink
- IsAllowedToSwitch
- IsLocked
- IsMeleeWeapon
- IsPredicted
- IsScripted
- IsViewModelSequenceFinished
- IsWeaponVisible
- IsWeaponZoomed
- ItemBusyFrame
- ItemHolsterFrame
- Lock
- Lower
- MaintainIdealActivity
- OnActiveStateChanged
- PrimaryAttack
- Ready
- Reload
- ReloadOrSwitchWeapons
- RescindAltFireHudHint
- RescindReloadHudHint
- SecondaryAttack
- SendViewModelAnimation
- SendWeaponAnimation
- SetActivity
- SetAnimationPrefix
- SetClip1
- SetClip2
- SetIdealActivity
- SetNextPrimaryFire
- SetNextSecondaryFire
- SetPickupTouch
- SetPrimaryAmmoCount
- SetSecondaryAmmoCount
- SetSubType
- SetViewModel
- SetViewModelIndex
- SetWeaponIdleTime
- SetWeaponVisible
- ShouldDisplayAltFireHUDHint
- ShouldDisplayReloadHUDHint
- ShouldShowControlPanels
- StartSprinting
- StopSprinting
- StopWeaponSound
- UsesClipsForAmmo1
- UsesClipsForAmmo2
- UsesPrimaryAmmo
- UsesSecondaryAmmo
- VisibleInWeaponSelection
- WeaponAutoAimScale
- WeaponIdle
- WeaponItemPostFrame
- WeaponItemPreFrame
- WeaponState
- __index
- boolean
- function
- integer
- number
- string
- table
- ActivateClientUI
- AdjustEngineViewport
- AdjustMouseSensitivity
- CanShowSpeakerLabels
- CreateClientSideRagdoll
- CreateDefaultPanels
- CreateMove
- DrawHeadLabels
- DrawMonitors
- DrawOverlay
- EntityRemoved
- FinishMove
- GetMotionBlurValues
- GetPlayerTextColor
- HUDDrawPickupHistory
- HUDDrawScoreBoard
- HUDPaint
- HUDShouldDraw
- HideClientUI
- KeyInput
- LevelInitPostEntity
- LevelInitPreEntity
- LevelShutdown
- NeedsDepthPass
- NetworkEntityCreated
- OnEntityCreated
- OnScreenSizeChanged
- PlayerPostThink
- PlayerTraceAttack
- PlayerUpdateFlashlight
- PostDraw2DSkyBox
- PostDrawEffects
- PostDrawHUD
- PostDrawOpaqueRenderables
- PostDrawSkyBox
- PostDrawTranslucentRenderables
- PostDrawViewModel
- PostRender
- PostRenderVgui
- PreDrawEffects
- PreDrawHUD
- PreDrawOpaqueRenderables
- PreDrawSkyBox
- PreDrawTranslucentRenderables
- PreDrawViewModel
- PreDrawViewModels
- PreRender
- RenderScene
- RenderScreenspaceEffects
- ScoreboardHide
- ScoreboardShow
- SetupMove
- SetupSkyboxFog
- SetupWorldFog
- ShouldDrawDetailObjects
- ShouldDrawEntity
- ShouldDrawFog
- ShouldDrawLocalPlayer
- ShouldDrawParticles
- ShouldDrawViewModels
- StartCommand
- Think
- Tick
- AllowPlayerPickup
- CanEnterVehicle
- CheatImpulseCommands
- CheckPassword
- CreateEntityRagdoll
- EntityKeyValue
- EntityRemoved
- FinishMove
- GiveDefaultItems
- LevelInit
- LevelShutdown
- NetworkIDValidated
- OnEntityCreated
- PlayerAuthed
- PlayerDeathSound
- PlayerDeathThink
- PlayerEntSelectSpawnPoint
- PlayerInitialSpawn
- PlayerPostThink
- PlayerSay
- PlayerTraceAttack
- PlayersCanPickupObject
- ServerActivate
- SetupMove
- ShouldHideServer
- ShowHelp
- ShowSpare1
- ShowSpare2
- ShowTeam
- StartCommand
- Think
- Tick
- VehicleMove
- Weapon_Equip
- AddLevelDesignerPlacedObject
- AllowDamage
- CalcMainActivity
- CalcVehicleView
- CalcView
- CalcViewModelView
- CanHavePlayerItem
- CanPlayerHearPlayer
- CheckChatForReadySignal
- CheckGameOver
- CleanUpMap
- ClientConnected
- ClientDisconnected
- ClientSettingsChanged
- CreateStandardEntities
- DeathNotice
- DoAnimationEvent
- EntityNetworkVariableChanging
- EntityRemoved
- FPlayerCanTakeDamage
- FShouldSwitchWeapon
- FindUseEntity
- FinishMove
- FlItemRespawnTime
- FlPlayerSpawnTime
- FlWeaponRespawnTime
- FlWeaponTryRespawn
- GetFallDamage
- GetGameDescription
- GetMapRemainingTime
- GoToIntermission
- InitHUD
- Initialize
- IsIntermission
- ItemShouldRespawn
- LevelShutdown
- Move
- OnEntityCreated
- PlayerCanHearChat
- PlayerCanRespawn
- PlayerGotItem
- PlayerKilled
- PlayerNoClip
- PlayerPlayStepSound
- PlayerPostThink
- PlayerRelationship
- PlayerSpawn
- PlayerThink
- PlayerTick
- PlayerTraceAttack
- PlayerUse
- PreEntityInitialize
- Precache
- RemoveLevelDesignerPlacedObject
- RestartGame
- SetupMove
- ShouldCollide
- ShutDown
- StartCommand
- Think
- Tick
- TranslateActivity
- UpdateAnimation
- VecItemRespawnAngles
- VecItemRespawnSpot
- VecWeaponRespawnSpot
- WeaponShouldRespawn
- Create
- Lerp
- AddText
- GetChatBoxPosition
- GetChatBoxSize
- PlaySound
- StartMessageMode
- StopMessageMode
- AdvanceFrame
- GetShadowDirection
- RenderShadowTexture
- SetShadowBlobbyCutoffArea
- SetShadowColor
- SetShadowDirection
- SetShadowDistance
- SetShadowsDisabled
- UnlockAllShadowDepthTextures
- ColorToHsl
- ColorToHsv
- Create
- HslToColor
- HsvToColor
- Create
- GetCommandClient
- GetCommandClientIndex
- IsCommandIssuedByServerAdmin
- AllocateDllIdentifier
- ConsoleColorColorPrint
- ConsoleDebugPrint
- ConsolePrint
- Create
- FindVariable
- Get
- GetCommandLineValue
- RevertFlaggedConVars
- AddBox
- AddEntityTextOverlay
- AddGrid
- AddLine
- AddScreenText
- AddSweptBox
- AddText
- AddTriangle
- ClearAll
- ClearDead
- ScreenPosition
- Create
- Dispatch
- SpawnBloodDrips
- SpawnBloodImpact
- SpawnBloodSpray
- SpawnBloodStream
- SpawnBubbleTrail
- SpawnMuzzleFlash
- SpawnParticleTracer
- SpawnTracer
- GetPanel
- IsGameUiVisible
- ActivateOccluder
- AllowEdictReuse
- ChangeLevel
- ChangeTeam
- CheckAreasConnected
- CheckKeyTrapping
- CheckPoint
- ClientCommand
- ClientCommandUnrestricted
- CopyFile
- CopyFrameBufferToMaterial
- CreateFakeClient
- CullBox
- DoesBoxTouchAreaFrustum
- DrawPortals
- EngineStatsBeginFrame
- EngineStatsEndFrame
- ExecuteClientCommand
- FireEvents
- ForceExactFile
- ForceSimpleMaterial
- GameLumpSize
- GameLumpVersion
- GetAbsoluteFrameTime
- GetAppId
- GetClientConsoleVariableValue
- GetClientConsoleVariableValue
- GetClientConsoleVariableValueAsNumber
- GetClientConsoleVariableValueAsNumber
- GetCurrentTime
- GetDxSupportLevel
- GetEngineBuildNumber
- GetEntityCount
- GetFrameCount
- GetFrameTime
- GetGameDir
- GetGameDirectory
- GetIntervalPerTick
- GetLastTimeStamp
- GetLevelName
- GetLightForPoint
- GetLightForPointFast
- GetListenServerHost
- GetLocalPlayerEntityIndex
- GetMainMenuBackgroundName
- GetMapEntitiesString
- GetMaxClients
- GetMostRecentSaveGame
- GetMostRecentlyLoadedFileName
- GetMountableGames
- GetNetworkProtocol
- GetPlayerByAddress
- GetPlayerEntityIndexForUserId
- GetPlayerInfo
- GetPlayerNetInfo
- GetProductVersionString
- GetRealTime
- GetSaveFileName
- GetScreenAspectRatio
- GetScreenSize
- GetServerAddress
- GetServerName
- GetSimulatedTicksThisFrame
- GetSimulationInterval
- GetSoundDuration
- GetSystemTime
- GetTickCount
- GetUiLanguage
- GrabPreColorCorrectedFrame
- IndexOfEdict
- InsertServerCommand
- IsBoxInViewCluster
- IsBoxVisible
- IsClient
- IsConnected
- IsConsoleVisible
- IsDecalPrecached
- IsDedicatedServer
- IsDedicatedServer
- IsDrawingLoadingImage
- IsGenericPrecached
- IsHammerRunning
- IsInCommentaryMode
- IsInEditMode
- IsInGame
- IsInternalBuild
- IsKeyTrapping
- IsLevelMainMenuBackground
- IsLowViolence
- IsMapValid
- IsModelPrecached
- IsOccluded
- IsPaused
- IsPlayingDemo
- IsPlayingTimeDemo
- IsRecordingDemo
- IsSaveInProgress
- IsSkyboxVisibleFromPoint
- IsTakingScreenshot
- LevelLeafCount
- LightStyle
- LightStyleValue
- LinearToGamma
- LoadAdjacentEnts
- LoadGameState
- LockNetworkStringTables
- LogPrint
- MapHasHdrLighting
- MapLoadFailed
- MultiplayerEndGame
- NotifyEdictFlagsChange
- OnStorageDeviceDetached
- PrecacheDecal
- PrecacheGeneric
- PrecacheModel
- PrecacheSentenceFile
- ResetDemoInterpolation
- SentenceGroupIndexFromName
- SentenceGroupNameFromIndex
- SentenceIndexFromName
- SentenceLength
- SentenceNameFromIndex
- ServerCommand
- ServerCommand
- ServerExecute
- SetAreaPortalState
- SetDedicatedServerBenchmarkMode
- SetMapLoadFailed
- SetRestrictClientCommands
- SetRestrictServerCommands
- SoundExtraUpdate
- StartKeyTrapMode
- SupportsHdr
- Time
- CanCreateEntityClass
- CleanDeleteList
- Clear
- CreateByName
- CreateClientEntity
- DisableRemoveImmediate
- EnableRemoveImmediate
- FNullEnt
- Find
- FindByClass
- FindByClassNearest
- FindByClassWithin
- FindByEdictNumber
- FindByIndex
- FindByModel
- FindByName
- FindByNameNearest
- FindByNameWithin
- FindByTarget
- FindClassNearestFacing
- FindClientInPvs
- FindGeneric
- FindGenericNearest
- FindGenericWithin
- FindInSphere
- FindNearestFacing
- FindProcedural
- FirstInList
- GetAll
- GetAlongRay
- GetByClass
- GetClientPvsIsExpanded
- GetCount
- GetEdictCount
- GetInBox
- GetInPvs
- GetInSphere
- IsClearing
- IsValidEdict
- NextInList
- NotifyCreate
- NotifySpawn
- Remove
- RemoveImmediate
- ReportFlagsChanged
- ResetDeleteList
- AddPackFile
- AddSearchPath
- BeginMapAccess
- CancelWaitForResources
- Close
- CreateDirectoryHierarchy
- DiscardPreloadData
- Disconnect
- EnableAllowListFileTracking
- EndMapAccess
- EndOfFile
- FileExists
- Find
- Flush
- GetDvdMode
- GetLocalCopy
- GetSearchPath
- GetWhitelistSpewFlags
- HintResourceNeed
- IsDirectory
- IsFileImmediatelyAvailable
- IsFileWritable
- IsOk
- IsSteam
- LoadCompiledKeyValues
- MarkAllCrcsUnverified
- MarkPathIdByRequestOnly
- MountSteamContent
- Open
- Precache
- PrintOpenedFiles
- PrintSearchPaths
- Read
- RemoveAllSearchPaths
- RemoveFile
- RemoveSearchPath
- RemoveSearchPaths
- RenameFile
- SetFileWritable
- SetWarningLevel
- SetWhitelistSpewFlags
- SetupPreloadData
- Shutdown
- Size
- UnzipFile
- WaitForResources
- Write
- Listen
- AimToVector
- GetAppModalSurface
- GetCandidateListCount
- GetCandidateListPageSize
- GetCandidateListPageStart
- GetCandidateListSelectedItem
- GetCurrentImeHandle
- GetCursorPosition
- GetCursorPositionVcrMode
- GetEnglishImeHandle
- GetFocus
- GetModalSubTree
- GetMouseCapture
- GetMouseOver
- GetShouldInvertCompositionString
- IsCandidateListStartingAtOne
- IsKeyDown
- IsMouseDown
- LookupBinding
- LookupKeyBinding
- OnChangeIme
- OnChangeImeByHandle
- OnChangeImeConversionModeByHandle
- OnChangeImeSentenceModeByHandle
- OnImeChangeCandidates
- OnImeCloseCandidates
- OnImeComposition
- OnImeEndComposition
- OnImeRecomputeModes
- OnImeShowCandidates
- OnImeStartComposition
- OnInputLanguageChanged
- OnKeyCodeUnhandled
- RegisterKeyCodeUnhandledListener
- ReleaseAppModalSurface
- ReleaseModalSubTree
- ScreenToWorld
- SetAppModalSurface
- SetCandidateListPageStart
- SetCandidateWindowPos
- SetCursorPosition
- SetModalSubTree
- SetModalSubTreeReceiveMessages
- SetMouseCapture
- SetMouseCaptureExtended
- SetMouseFocus
- ShouldModalSubTreeReceiveMessages
- UnregisterKeyCodeUnhandledListener
- WasKeyPressed
- WasKeyReleased
- WasKeyTyped
- WasMouseDoublePressed
- WasMousePressed
- WasMouseReleased
- CreateFromTable
- AddString
- Find
- Create
- Exists
- Find
- CalculateAabbFromProjectionMatrix
- CalculateSphereFromProjectionMatrix
- Create3x4
- CreateIdentityMatrix
- CreateMatrixWithAngles
- CreateMatrixWithAxisAndRotation
- CreateMatrixWithOriginAndAngles
- CreateScaleMatrix
- CreateTranslationMatrix
- MatrixBuildPerspective
- MatrixBuildRotateZ
- MatrixBuildRotation
- MatrixBuildRotationAboutAxis
- MatrixBuildScale
- MatrixBuildTranslation
- MatrixCopy
- MatrixFromAngles
- MatrixGetColumn
- MatrixGetRow
- MatrixInverseGeneral
- MatrixInverseTranslation
- MatrixInverseTranspose
- MatrixRotate
- MatrixSetColumn
- MatrixSetIdentity
- MatrixSetRow
- MatrixToAngles
- MatrixTranslate
- Vector3dMultiply
- Vector3dMultiplyPositionProjective
- Vector3dMultiplyProjective
- Vector3dMultiplyTranspose
- Create
- Create
- FindTable
- GetTable
- GetTablesAmount
- RemoveAllTables
- SetAllowClientSideAddString
- InternalSendToServer
- Button
- CheckButton
- EditablePanel
- Frame
- GetClientLuaRootHudPanel
- GetClientLuaRootPanel
- GetGameUiPanel
- Html
- Label
- ModelImagePanel
- Panel
- TextEntry
- Precache
- ReadConfigFile
- CleanupDeleteList
- ClearStats
- DebugCheckContacts
- GetActiveObjectCount
- GetAirDensity
- GetGravity
- GetNextFrameTime
- GetPerformanceSettings
- GetSimulationTime
- GetSimulationTimestep
- IsInSimulation
- PostRestore
- ResetSimulationClock
- SetAirDensity
- SetGravity
- SetPerformanceSettings
- SetQuickDelete
- SetSimulationTimestep
- Simulate
- GetGlobal
- SayText
- ClientPrint
- ClientPrintToAll
- FindByIndex
- FindByName
- FindBySteamId
- FindBySteamId64
- FindByUniqueID
- FindByUserId
- GetAll
- GetAllBots
- GetAllHumans
- GetCount
- GetLocalPlayer
- GetLocalPlayerIndex
- GetLocalPlayerTeam
- GetPlayerConnectionInfo
- GetSpectatorMode
- GetSpectatorTarget
- IsLocalPlayerSpectator
- IsPlayerIndex
- IsTeamEqual
- SayTextToAll
- ShowMessageToAll
- ViewPunchAll
- SuppressEvents
- SuppressHostEvents
- GetIdealPitch
- GetIncomingPacketNumber
- GetLocalViewAngles
- GetPredictionPlayer
- GetPredictionRandomSeed
- GetViewAngles
- GetViewOrigin
- InPrediction
- IsFirstTimePredicted
- IsFirstTimePredicted
- OnReceivedUncompressedPacket
- PostEntityPacketReceived
- PostNetworkDataReceived
- PreEntityPacketReceived
- SetLocalViewAngles
- SetViewAngles
- SetViewOrigin
- Update
- Create
- RandomBloodVector
- RandomFloat
- RandomFloatExponential
- RandomInteger
- SetSeed
- SharedRandomAngle
- SharedRandomFloat
- SharedRandomInt
- SharedRandomVector
- Create
- ClearBuffers
- ClearColor
- ClearStencilBufferRectangle
- CopyRenderTargetToTexture
- CreateRenderTargetTextureEx
- CullMode
- DepthRange
- DrawBeam
- DrawSprite
- GetModelMatrix
- GetRenderTarget
- GetScreenEffectTexture
- GetViewEntity
- MainViewAngles
- MainViewForward
- MainViewOrigin
- PopCustomClipPlane
- PopFilterMagnification
- PopFilterMinification
- PopModelMatrix
- PopView2D
- PopView3D
- PushCustomClipPlane
- PushFilterMagnification
- PushFilterMinification
- PushModelMatrix
- PushView2D
- PushView3D
- RenderFlashlights
- ResetAmbientLightCube
- SetAmbientLightCube
- SetBlend
- SetClippingEnabled
- SetColorModulation
- SetLight
- SetLightingOrigin
- SetMaterial
- SetScissorRectangle
- SetStencilCompareFunction
- SetStencilEnable
- SetStencilFailOperation
- SetStencilPassOperation
- SetStencilReferenceValue
- SetStencilTestMask
- SetStencilWriteMask
- SetStencilZFailOperation
- SetWriteDepthToDestinationAlpha
- SpawnBeam
- SuppressEngineLighting
- UpdateScreenEffectTexture
- AddFile
- AddSingleFile
- GetFiles
- GetDefaultScheme
- GetProportionalNormalizedValue
- GetProportionalScaledValue
- GetScheme
- LoadSchemeFromFile
- LoadSchemeFromFileEx
- ReloadFonts
- ReloadSchemes
- Base64Decode
- Base64Encode
- Crc32
- JsonEncode
- LzmaCompress
- LzmaDecompress
- Add
- Play
- PlayFile
- PlayUrl
- SteamFriends
- AddBitmapFontFile
- AddCustomFontFile
- AddPanel
- ApplyChanges
- BringToFront
- CalculateMouseVisible
- ClearTemporaryFontCache
- CreateFont
- CreateNewTextureID
- CreatePopup
- DisableClipping
- DrawFilledRectangle
- DrawFilledRectangleFade
- DrawFlushText
- DrawGetAlphaMultiplier
- DrawGetTextPosition
- DrawGetTextureFile
- DrawGetTextureId
- DrawGetTextureSize
- DrawLine
- DrawOutlinedCircle
- DrawOutlinedRectangle
- DrawPrintText
- DrawSetAlphaMultiplier
- DrawSetColor
- DrawSetTextColor
- DrawSetTextFont
- DrawSetTextPosition
- DrawSetTextScale
- DrawSetTexture
- DrawSetTextureFile
- DrawSetTextureMaterial
- DrawSetTextureRgba
- DrawTexturedRectangle
- DrawTexturedSubRectangle
- EnableMouseCapture
- FlashWindow
- GetAbsoluteWindowBounds
- GetBitmapFontName
- GetCharacterAbcWidth
- GetCharacterWidth
- GetEmbeddedPanel
- GetFontAscent
- GetFontTall
- GetModalPanel
- GetNotifyPanel
- GetPopup
- GetPopupCount
- GetProportionalBase
- GetResolutionKey
- GetScreenSize
- GetTextSize
- GetTitle
- GetTopmostPopup
- GetWorkspaceBounds
- GetZPosition
- HasCursorPositionFunctions
- HasFocus
- Invalidate
- IsCursorLocked
- IsCursorVisible
- IsFontAdditive
- IsMinimized
- IsTextureIdValid
- IsWithin
- LockCursor
- MovePopupToBack
- MovePopupToFront
- NeedKeyboardInput
- OnScreenSizeChanged
- PaintTraverse
- PaintTraverseEx
- PlaySound
- PopMakeCurrent
- RunFrame
- SetAllowHtmlJavaScript
- SetBitmapFontName
- SetCursorAlwaysVisible
- SetEmbeddedPanel
- SetFontGlyphSet
- SetTranslateExtendedKeys
- SetWorkspaceInsets
- SupportsFeature
- SurfaceGetCursorPosition
- SurfaceSetCursorPosition
- UnlockCursor
- GetCountry
- GetSecondsSinceAppActive
- GetSecondsSinceComputerActive
- GetSteamServerRealTime
- HasFocus
- IsLinux
- IsOsx
- IsWindowed
- IsWindows
- SetClipboardText
- AddMultiDamage
- ApplyMultiDamage
- CalculateBulletDamageForce
- CalculateExplosiveDamageForce
- CalculateMeleeDamageForce
- ClearMultiDamage
- GuessDamageForce
- ImpulseScale
- ClearTrace
- Create
- PointContents
- TraceEntity
- TraceHull
- TraceLine
- TraceModel
- MessageEnd
- Start
- WriteAngle
- WriteBool
- WriteByte
- WriteChar
- WriteEntity
- WriteFloat
- WriteLong
- WriteNormal
- WriteSBitLong
- WriteShort
- WriteString
- WriteUInt
- WriteVector
- WriteWord
- AngleDifference
- BoundToWorldSize
- ComputeStringWidth
- CreateBubbles
- CreateSmoke
- CreateTracer
- FindWaterSurface
- GetLocalPlayer
- GetPointWaterLevel
- GetScreenHeight
- GetScreenWidth
- ImpactTrace
- InterpolateAngles
- IntersectRayWithObb
- IntersectRayWithPlane
- IntersectRayWithSphere
- IsBoxIntersectingSphere
- IsLowViolence
- IsObbIntersectingObb
- IsSpaceEmpty
- IsSphereIntersectingCone
- IsSphereIntersectingSphere
- IsValidModel
- IsValidPhysicsProp
- NormalizeAngles
- PointOnLineNearestPoint
- PrecacheDecal
- PrecacheOther
- SafeName
- SetEntityOrigin
- ShakeScreen
- ShouldShowBlood
- ValidateSoundName
- AxisStringToPointDirection
- AxisStringToPointPoint
- AxisStringToUnitDirection
- Create
- Lerp
- SnapDirectionToAxis
- VectorToPitch
- VectorToYaw
- YawToVector
- RequestHttpMethod
- GetRealmColor
- IsSpewActive
- PrintColorMessage
- PrintDebugColorMessage
- PrintDebugLog
- PrintDebugMessage
- PrintDebugWarning
- PrintDevLog
- PrintDevMessage
- PrintDevWarning
- PrintLog
- PrintMessage
- PrintNetworkLog
- PrintNetworkMessage
- PrintNetworkWarning
- PrintWarning
- SpewActivate
- AngleVectors
- Clamp
- VectorAngles
- Add
- Divide
- Forward
- Initialize
- Invalidate
- IsEqualWithTolerance
- IsValid
- Length
- LengthSqr
- Normalize
- Right
- RotateAroundAxis
- Scale
- Up
- __add
- __div
- __eq
- __index
- __mul
- __newindex
- __sub
- __tostring
- __unm
- Get3dCone
- Get3dEnabled
- Get3dFadeDistance
- GetAverageBitRate
- GetBitsPerSample
- GetBufferedTime
- GetFft
- GetLength
- GetLevel
- GetPan
- GetPlaybackRate
- GetPosition
- GetSamplingRate
- GetState
- GetTagsOfHttp
- GetTagsOfId3
- GetTagsOfMeta
- GetTagsOfOgg
- GetTagsOfVendor
- GetTime
- GetVolume
- Is3d
- IsBlockStreamed
- IsLooping
- IsOnline
- IsValid
- Pause
- Play
- Set3dCone
- Set3dEnabled
- Set3dFadeDistance
- SetLooping
- SetPan
- SetPlaybackRate
- SetPosition
- SetTime
- SetVolume
- Stop
- __gc
- CanBeDefaultButton
- DoClick
- DrawFocusBox
- FireActionSignal
- ForceDepressed
- GetButtonBackgroundColor
- GetButtonForegroundColor
- IsArmed
- IsBlinking
- IsDepressed
- IsDrawingFocusBox
- IsMouseClickEnabled
- IsSelected
- IsUseCaptureMouseEnabled
- OnHotkey
- RecalculateDepressedState
- SetArmed
- SetArmedColor
- SetArmedSound
- SetAsCurrentDefaultButton
- SetAsDefaultButton
- SetBlink
- SetBlinkColor
- SetButtonActivationType
- SetButtonBorderEnabled
- SetDefaultColor
- SetDepressedColor
- SetDepressedSound
- SetMouseClickEnabled
- SetReleasedSound
- SetSelected
- SetShouldPaint
- SetUseCaptureMouse
- ShouldPaint
- __eq
- __gc
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- GetDisabledBackgroundColor
- GetDisabledForegroundColor
- SetCheckButtonCheckable
- __eq
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- GetAlpha
- GetBlue
- GetColor
- GetGreen
- GetRed
- Initialize
- SetColor
- SetRawColor
- __eq
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- CanAutoComplete
- IsCommand
- IsValid
- __tostring
- AddFlags
- GetBool
- GetDefault
- GetFloat
- GetHelpText
- GetInteger
- GetMax
- GetMin
- GetName
- GetString
- IsCommand
- IsFlagSet
- IsRegistered
- IsValid
- Revert
- SetValue
- __tostring
- ActivateBuildMode
- ApplySettings
- DoModal
- GetControlInt
- GetControlString
- GetCurrentKeyFocus
- GetDialogVariables
- IsModal
- LoadControlSettings
- LoadControlSettingsAndUserConfig
- LoadUserConfig
- OnRequestFocus
- RegisterControlSettingsFile
- RequestFocusNext
- RequestFocusPrev
- RequestInfoFromChild
- SaveUserConfig
- SetControlEnabled
- SetControlInt
- SetControlString
- SetControlVisible
- SetDialogVariable
- SetFocusTopLevel
- __eq
- __gc
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- GetAngles
- GetAttachmentIndex
- GetColor
- GetDamageType
- GetEffectNameIndex
- GetEntity
- GetEntityIndex
- GetFlags
- GetHitBox
- GetMagnitude
- GetMaterialIndex
- GetNormal
- GetOrigin
- GetRadius
- GetScale
- GetStart
- GetSurfacePropertyIndex
- SetAngles
- SetAttachmentIndex
- SetColor
- SetDamageType
- SetEntity
- SetEntityIndex
- SetFlags
- SetHitBox
- SetMagnitude
- SetMaterialIndex
- SetNormal
- SetOrigin
- SetRadius
- SetScale
- SetStart
- SetSurfacePropertyIndex
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- CreatePredictedEntityByName
- Activate
- AddContext
- AddDataObjectType
- AddDeleteOnRemove
- AddEffects
- AddEntityFlags
- AddEntityToVisibleList
- AddFlag
- AddPoints
- AddPointsToTeam
- AddSolidFlags
- AddSpawnFlags
- AddTimedOverlay
- AddToClientSideAnimationList
- ApplyAbsoluteVelocityImpulse
- ApplyLocalAngularVelocityImpulse
- BecomeRagdollOnClient
- BodyTarget
- CalculateIkLocks
- CalculateNearestPoint
- CallUseToggle
- CanBeHitByMeleeAttack
- CanStandOn
- ChangeTeam
- ClampCycle
- ClassMatches
- Classify
- Clear
- ClearEffects
- ClearFlags
- ClearNavIgnore
- ClearRagdoll
- ClearSolidFlags
- ClearSpawnFlags
- ClientSideAnimationChanged
- CollisionRulesChanged
- ComputeAbsoluteDirection
- ComputeAbsolutePosition
- ComputeClientSideAnimationFlags
- ComputeEntitySpaceHitboxSurroundingBox
- ComputeHitboxSurroundingBox
- ComputeRenderEffectsBlend
- ComputeWorldSpaceSurroundingBox
- CreateDataObject
- CreateRagdollCopy
- CreateUnragdollInfo
- CreateVPhysics
- DamageDecal
- DeathNotice
- DecalTrace
- DecrementTransmitStateOwnedCounter
- DestroyAllDataObjects
- DestroyDataObject
- DestroyPhysicsObject
- DetectInSkybox
- DisableMuzzleFlash
- DispatchMuzzleEffect
- DispatchResponse
- DispatchTraceAttack
- DoImpactEffect
- DoMuzzleFlash
- DoNothing
- DoesHavePlayerChild
- DontRecordInTools
- DrawAbsBoxOverlay
- DrawBBoxOverlay
- DrawClientHitboxes
- DrawDebugGeometryOverlays
- DrawDebugTextOverlays
- DrawModel
- DrawRBoxOverlay
- DrawTimedOverlays
- DropToFloor
- DumpResponseCriteria
- EmitAmbientSound
- EmitSound
- EnableInToolView
- EndBlockedByEntity
- EndGroundContact
- EndTouch
- EntityText
- EntityToWorldSpace
- Extinguish
- FadeOut
- FindBodyGroupByName
- FindFollowedEntity
- FindTransitionSequence
- FireBullets
- FireEvent
- FireObsoleteEvent
- FollowEntity
- ForceClientSideAnimationOn
- FrameAdvance
- GenderExpandString
- GetAimEntOrigin
- GetAngles
- GetAnimTimeInterval
- GetAnimationTime
- GetAttachment
- GetAttachmentLocal
- GetAttachmentVelocity
- GetAutoAimCenter
- GetAutoAimRadius
- GetBaseVelocity
- GetBlendedLinearVelocity
- GetBlocksLineOfSight
- GetBloodColorType
- GetBody
- GetBodyGroup
- GetBodyGroupCount
- GetBodyGroupName
- GetBodyGroups
- GetBodyGroupsAsString
- GetBodyGroupsCount
- GetBoneControllers
- GetBoneCount
- GetBonePosition
- GetBoundingRadius
- GetCheckUntouch
- GetChildren
- GetClass
- GetClientSideFade
- GetCollideType
- GetCollisionGroup
- GetCycle
- GetDLLType
- GetDamage
- GetDamageType
- GetDataObject
- GetDebugName
- GetDelay
- GetEarPosition
- GetEffectEntity
- GetEffects
- GetElasticity
- GetEnemy
- GetEntityFlags
- GetEntityIndex
- GetEntityName
- GetEntitySkybox
- GetEyeAngles
- GetEyePosition
- GetFirstMoveChild
- GetFirstThinkTick
- GetFlags
- GetFlexBounds
- GetFlexControllerName
- GetFlexControllerType
- GetFlexCount
- GetFlexDescFacs
- GetFlexIdByName
- GetFlexName
- GetFlexWeight
- GetFollowedEntity
- GetFriction
- GetGravity
- GetGroundChangeTime
- GetGroundEntity
- GetGroundVelocityToApply
- GetHealth
- GetHitboxSet
- GetHitboxSetCount
- GetHitboxSetName
- GetInputDispatchEffectPosition
- GetKeyValue
- GetLastThink
- GetLastThinkTick
- GetLifeState
- GetLocalAngles
- GetLocalAngularVelocity
- GetLocalOrigin
- GetLocalTime
- GetLocalVelocity
- GetMaterialOverride
- GetMaterials
- GetMaxHealth
- GetModelBounds
- GetModelIndex
- GetModelName
- GetMoveDoneTime
- GetMoveParent
- GetMoveType
- GetNetworkDataValue
- GetNextTarget
- GetNoCollidingWithTeammates
- GetNumFlexControllers
- GetOBBCenter
- GetOBBMaxs
- GetOBBMins
- GetObserverCameraOrigin
- GetOwnerEntity
- GetParametersForSound
- GetParent
- GetPhysicsObject
- GetPhysicsObjects
- GetPlaybackRate
- GetPoseParameter
- GetPoseParameterRange
- GetPosition
- GetPredictedPosition
- GetRagdollOwner
- GetReceivedDamageScale
- GetRefTable
- GetRenderAngles
- GetRenderBounds
- GetRenderColor
- GetRenderEffectsBlend
- GetRenderOrigin
- GetSequence
- GetSequenceActivity
- GetSequenceActivityName
- GetSequenceGroundSpeed
- GetSequenceLinearMotion
- GetSequenceName
- GetSequences
- GetServerIntendedCycle
- GetSimulatingPlayer
- GetSimulationTime
- GetSkin
- GetSkinCount
- GetSmoothedVelocity
- GetSolid
- GetSolidFlags
- GetSoundDuration
- GetSoundEmissionOrigin
- GetSoundSourceIndex
- GetSpawnFlags
- GetSubMaterialOverride
- GetSubModels
- GetTeamID
- GetTeamNumber
- GetTextureFrameIndex
- GetTouchTrace
- GetTracerAttachment
- GetTracerType
- GetTransmitState
- GetTransmitWithParent
- GetVectors
- GetVelocity
- GetViewOffset
- GetWaterLevel
- GetWaterType
- HasDataObjectType
- HasFlexManipulator
- HasMatchingRootParent
- HasNPCsOnIt
- HasRecordedThisFrame
- HasSpawnFlags
- HasTarget
- HeadTarget
- Ignite
- IgniteRagdoll
- ImpactTrace
- InSameTeam
- IncrementLocalTime
- IncrementTransmitStateOwnedCounter
- InitBoneSetupThreadPool
- InitModelEffects
- Instance
- InternalDrawModel
- Interp_HierarchyUpdateInterpolationAmounts
- Interpolate
- Intersects
- InvalidateBoneCache
- InvalidateBoneCaches
- InvalidateModelCache
- IsAIWalkable
- IsAbsQueriesValid
- IsActivityFinished
- IsAlive
- IsAllowedToFade
- IsAnimatedEveryTick
- IsBSPModel
- IsBaseObject
- IsBaseTrain
- IsBoneCacheValid
- IsClient
- IsControllingEntity
- IsCurrentlyTouching
- IsDormant
- IsEffectActive
- IsEnabledInToolView
- IsEntityFlagSet
- IsFloating
- IsFollowingEntity
- IsInAnyTeam
- IsInSolid
- IsInWorld
- IsItem
- IsLockedByMain
- IsMarkedForDeletion
- IsMoving
- IsNavIgnored
- IsNetClient
- IsNpc
- IsOnFire
- IsPlayer
- IsPlayerSimulated
- IsPointInBounds
- IsPointSized
- IsPrecacheAllowed
- IsRagdoll
- IsSelfAnimating
- IsSequenceFinished
- IsSequenceLooping
- IsServer
- IsSimulatedEveryTick
- IsSimulatingOnAlternateTicks
- IsSolid
- IsSolidFlagSet
- IsStandable
- IsTemplate
- IsToolRecording
- IsTransparent
- IsTriggered
- IsTwoPass
- IsValid
- IsViewModel
- IsViewable
- IsWeapon
- IsWorld
- KeyValue
- LocalEyeAngles
- LookupActivity
- LookupAttachment
- LookupBone
- LookupPoseParameter
- LookupRandomAttachment
- LookupSequence
- MakeDormant
- NameMatches
- NextMovePeer
- NotifyShouldTransmit
- ObjectCapabilities
- OnAcceptInput
- OnDataChanged
- OnEventKilled
- OnEventKilledOther
- OnMoveDone
- OnPreDataChanged
- OnRestore
- OnTakeDamage
- PassesDamageFilter
- PerformFadeOut
- PhysicsCheckForEntityUntouch
- PhysicsCheckWater
- PhysicsCheckWaterTransition
- PhysicsImpact
- PhysicsInit
- PhysicsInitBox
- PhysicsInitStatic
- PhysicsIsFlesh
- PhysicsMarkEntitiesAsTouching
- PhysicsNotifyOtherOfGroundRemoval
- PhysicsNotifyOtherOfUntouch
- PhysicsRemoveGroundList
- PhysicsRemoveTouchedList
- PhysicsSetObject
- PhysicsSimulate
- PhysicsSolidMaskForEntity
- PhysicsSplash
- PhysicsStartGroundContact
- PhysicsTouchTriggers
- PointAtEntity
- PopBoneAccess
- PostClientActive
- PostConstructor
- PostDataUpdate
- PreDataUpdate
- Precache
- PrecacheModel
- PrecacheScriptSound
- PrecacheSound
- PrefetchScriptSound
- PrefetchSound
- ProcessMuzzleFlashEvent
- PushAllowBoneAccess
- RagdollMoved
- RecalcHasPlayerChildBit
- RecordToolMessage
- RegisterThinkContext
- Release
- Remove
- RemoveAllDecals
- RemoveDataObjectType
- RemoveDeferred
- RemoveDeleteOnRemove
- RemoveEffects
- RemoveEntityFlags
- RemoveFlag
- RemoveFromClientSideAnimationList
- RemoveSolidFlags
- RemoveSpawnFlags
- RequiredEdictIndex
- ResetLatched
- ResetSequence
- ResetSequenceInfo
- Respawn
- RetrieveRagdollInfo
- RunBlockedByEntityEvent
- ScreenShake
- SelectWeightedSequence
- SendDebugPivotOverlay
- SendViewModelMatchingSequence
- SequenceDuration
- SequenceLoops
- SetAIWalkable
- SetAbsoluteQueriesValid
- SetAllowPrecache
- SetAngles
- SetAnimTime
- SetAnimatedEveryTick
- SetBaseVelocity
- SetBlocksLineOfSight
- SetBodyGroup
- SetBodyGroups
- SetBoneController
- SetCheckUntouch
- SetClass
- SetCollisionBounds
- SetCollisionGroup
- SetCycle
- SetDamage
- SetEffectEntity
- SetEffects
- SetElasticity
- SetEntityFlags
- SetFlexWeight
- SetFriction
- SetGravity
- SetGroundChangeTime
- SetGroundEntity
- SetHealth
- SetHitboxSet
- SetHitboxSetByName
- SetIK
- SetKeyValue
- SetLifeState
- SetLocalAngles
- SetLocalAngularVelocity
- SetLocalOrigin
- SetLocalVelocity
- SetMaterialOverride
- SetMaxHealth
- SetModel
- SetModel
- SetModelIndex
- SetModelName
- SetMoveCollide
- SetMoveDoneTime
- SetMoveType
- SetName
- SetNavIgnore
- SetNetworkDataValue
- SetNextClientThink
- SetNextThink
- SetNoCollidingWithTeammates
- SetOwnerEntity
- SetParent
- SetPlaybackRate
- SetPlayerSimulated
- SetPoseParameter
- SetPosition
- SetPredictable
- SetPredictionEligible
- SetPredictionPlayer
- SetPreventTransmit
- SetReceivedSequence
- SetRenderColor
- SetRenderColorA
- SetRenderColorB
- SetRenderColorG
- SetRenderColorR
- SetRenderMode
- SetSequence
- SetServerIntendedCycle
- SetShadowCastDistance
- SetSimulatedEveryTick
- SetSimulationTime
- SetSize
- SetSkin
- SetSolid
- SetSolidFlags
- SetSubMaterialOverride
- SetTextureFrameIndex
- SetToolRecording
- SetTransmitState
- SetTransmitWithParent
- SetVelocity
- SetViewOffset
- SetWaterLevel
- SetWaterType
- SetupBones
- ShadowCastType
- ShouldAttractAutoAim
- ShouldCollide
- ShouldMuzzleFlash
- ShouldRecordInTools
- ShouldResetSequenceOnNewModel
- ShouldSavePhysics
- ShouldToggle
- ShutdownBoneSetupThreadPool
- Simulate
- Spawn
- SpawnClientEntity
- Splash
- StartBlockedByEntity
- StartFadeOut
- StartFadeOutInstant
- StartGroundContact
- StartTouch
- StopFollowingEntity
- StudioFrameAdvance
- TakeDamage
- TakeHealth
- Teleport
- Terminate
- Think
- ThreadedBoneSetup
- ToggleFlag
- Touch
- TraceAttackToTriggers
- TraceBleed
- TransferDissolveFrom
- TransferPoseParameters
- UncorrectViewModelAttachment
- UnsetPlayerSimulated
- UpdateClientSideAnimation
- UpdateClientSideAnimations
- UpdateIKLocks
- UpdateOnRemove
- UpdatePhysics
- Use
- UseClientSideAnimation
- UsesFullFrameBufferTexture
- UsesPowerOfTwoFrameBufferTexture
- ValidateEntityConnections
- Vanish
- VelocityPunch
- WakeRestingObjects
- WorldAlignMaxs
- WorldAlignMins
- WorldAlignSize
- WorldSpaceCenter
- WorldToEntitySpace
- __eq
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- Read
- Size
- Write
- __eq
- __gc
- __len
- __tostring
- __tostring
- Activate
- ActivateMinimized
- CanChainKeysToParent
- Close
- CloseModal
- DisableFadeEffect
- FlashWindow
- FlashWindowStop
- GetBottomRightSize
- GetCaptionHeight
- GetClipToParent
- GetCornerSize
- GetDraggerSize
- IsMinimized
- IsMoveable
- IsSizeable
- IsSmallCaption
- MoveToCenterOfScreen
- PlaceUnderCursor
- SetChainKeysToParent
- SetClipToParent
- SetCloseButtonVisible
- SetDeleteSelfOnClose
- SetImages
- SetMaximizeButtonVisible
- SetMenuButtonResponsive
- SetMenuButtonVisible
- SetMinimizeButtonVisible
- SetMinimizeToSysTrayButtonVisible
- SetMoveable
- SetSizeable
- SetSmallCaption
- SetTitle
- SetTitleBarVisible
- __eq
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- AddCustomURLHandler
- AddJavascriptObject
- AddJavascriptObjectCallback
- CanGoBack
- CanGoForward
- Find
- FindDialogVisible
- FindNext
- FindPrevious
- GetLinkAtPosition
- GoBack
- GoForward
- HideFindDialog
- HorizontalScrollMax
- IsLoading
- IsScrollbarVisible
- IsScrolledToBottom
- NewWindowsOnly
- OpenUrl
- Refresh
- RunJavascript
- SetContextMenuEnabled
- SetHtml
- SetScrollbarsEnabled
- SetViewSourceEnabled
- ShowFindDialog
- StopFind
- StopLoading
- VerticalScrollMax
- __eq
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- AddSubKey
- ChainKeyValue
- Clear
- CopySubkeys
- CreateNewKey
- DeleteThis
- FindKey
- GetColor
- GetDataType
- GetFirstSubKey
- GetFirstTrueSubKey
- GetFirstValue
- GetName
- GetNameSymbol
- GetNextKey
- GetNextTrueSubKey
- GetNextValue
- IsEmpty
- LoadFromFile
- MakeCopy
- ProcessResolutionKeys
- RemoveSubKey
- SaveToFile
- SetColor
- SetFloat
- SetInt
- SetName
- SetNextKey
- SetString
- SetStringValue
- UsesEscapeSequences
- __eq
- __tostring
- ClearImages
- GetContentSize
- GetFont
- GetHotKey
- GetImageCount
- GetText
- GetTextInset
- GetValue
- ResetToSimpleTextImage
- SetAssociatedControl
- SetCenterWrap
- SetContentAlignment
- SetFont
- SetHotkey
- SetImageBounds
- SetImagePreOffset
- SetText
- SetTextImageIndex
- SetTextInset
- SetWrap
- SizeToContents
- __eq
- __gc
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- AddReference
- AlphaModulate
- ColorModulate
- DecrementReferenceCount
- DeleteIfUnreferenced
- GetAnimationFrameAmount
- GetColor
- GetColorModulation
- GetEnumerationID
- GetFloat
- GetInteger
- GetMappingHeight
- GetMappingWidth
- GetMaterialPage
- GetMaterialVariableFlag
- GetMorphFormat
- GetName
- GetPassAmount
- GetPropertyFlag
- GetReflectivity
- GetShaderName
- GetString
- GetTexture
- GetTextureGroupName
- GetTextureMemoryBytes
- GetVector
- GetVector4D
- HasProxy
- InMaterialPage
- IncrementReferenceCount
- IsAlphaTested
- IsErrorMaterial
- IsSpriteCard
- IsTranslucent
- IsTwoSided
- IsVertexLit
- NeedsFullFrameBufferTexture
- NeedsLightmapBlendAlpha
- NeedsPowerOfTwoFrameBufferTexture
- NeedsSoftwareLighting
- NeedsSoftwareSkinning
- NeedsTangentSpace
- RecomputeStateSnapshots
- Refresh
- RefreshPreservingMaterialVariables
- Release
- SetFloat
- SetInteger
- SetMaterialVariableFlag
- SetShader
- SetString
- SetTexture
- SetUseFixedFunctionBakedLighting
- SetVector
- SetVector4D
- ShaderParamCount
- UsesEnvCubemap
- WasReloadedFromWhitelist
- __tostring
- ApplyRotation
- As3x4
- CopyFrom3x4
- GetBasisVectors
- GetForward
- GetLeft
- GetScale
- GetTranslation
- GetUp
- Identity
- Init
- InverseGeneral
- InverseTranslation
- IsIdentity
- IsRotationMatrix
- MatrixMul
- MultiplyByVector
- MultiplyByVector3x3
- MultiplyByVector4x3
- MultiplyByVectorTranspose3x3
- MultiplyByVectorTranspose4x3
- NormalizeBasisVectors
- PostTranslate
- PreTranslate
- Scale
- Set3x4
- SetBasisVectors
- SetForward
- SetLeft
- SetTranslation
- SetUp
- SetupMatrixForOriginAndAngles
- Transpose
- Transpose3x3
- __add
- __eq
- __index
- __mul
- __newindex
- __sub
- __tostring
- __unm
- Init
- Invalidate
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- GetNumBitsLeft
- GetNumBitsRead
- GetNumBytesLeft
- GetNumBytesRead
- ReadAngle
- ReadBit
- ReadBitLong
- ReadBool
- ReadByte
- ReadBytes
- ReadChar
- ReadData
- ReadEntity
- ReadFloat
- ReadLong
- ReadShort
- ReadString
- ReadUInt
- ReadVector
- ReadVectorNormal
- ReadWord
- __index
- __tostring
- WriteAngle
- WriteBit
- WriteBitLong
- WriteBool
- WriteByte
- WriteChar
- WriteData
- WriteEntity
- WriteFloat
- WriteLong
- WriteShort
- WriteString
- WriteVector
- WriteVectorNormal
- WriteWord
- __gc
- __index
- __tostring
- GetBodyGroups
- GetModel
- GetSkin
- RebuildSpawnIcon
- SetBodyGroups
- SetModel
- SetModelImage
- SetSkin
- __eq
- __gc
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- AddKey
- ClearButtons
- ClearMovement
- GetAbsoluteMoveAngles
- GetAngles
- GetButtons
- GetConstraintCenter
- GetConstraintRadius
- GetConstraintSpeedScale
- GetConstraintWidth
- GetFinalIdealVelocity
- GetFinalJumpVelocity
- GetFinalStepHeight
- GetForwardSpeed
- GetImpulseCommand
- GetMaxClientSpeed
- GetMaxSpeed
- GetMoveAngles
- GetOldAngles
- GetOldButtons
- GetOrigin
- GetSideSpeed
- GetUpSpeed
- GetVelocity
- IsKeyDown
- SetAbsoluteMoveAngles
- SetAngles
- SetButtons
- SetConstraintCenter
- SetConstraintRadius
- SetConstraintSpeedScale
- SetConstraintWidth
- SetFinalIdealVelocity
- SetFinalJumpVelocity
- SetFinalStepHeight
- SetForwardSpeed
- SetImpulseCommand
- SetMaxClientSpeed
- SetMaxSpeed
- SetMoveAngles
- SetOldAngles
- SetOldButtons
- SetOrigin
- SetSideSpeed
- SetUpSpeed
- SetVelocity
- WasKeyDown
- WasKeyPressed
- WasKeyReleased
- __tostring
- AddToTouched
- ConsoleLog
- GetSurfaceProperties
- PlayerFallingDamage
- PlayerSetAnimation
- ProcessImpacts
- ResetTouchList
- __tostring
- GetAddress
- GetAverageChoke
- GetAverageData
- GetAverageLatency
- GetAverageLoss
- GetAveragePackets
- GetBufferSize
- GetCommandInterpolationAmount
- GetDataRate
- GetLatency
- GetName
- GetPacketBytes
- GetPacketResponseLatency
- GetPacketTime
- GetRemoteFramerate
- GetSequenceNumber
- GetStreamProgress
- GetTime
- GetTimeConnected
- GetTimeSinceLastReceived
- GetTimeoutSeconds
- GetTotalData
- IsLoopback
- IsPlayback
- IsTimingOut
- IsValidPacket
- __tostring
- AddString
- ChangedSinceTick
- FindStringIndex
- GetEntryBits
- GetMaxStrings
- GetString
- GetStringsAmount
- GetTableId
- GetTableName
- SetStringUserData
- SetTick
- __tostring
- AddActionSignalTarget
- AddKeyBinding
- CanStartDragging
- DeletePanel
- DisableMouseInputForThisPanel
- DrawBox
- DrawBoxFade
- DrawHollowBox
- DrawTexturedBox
- EditKeyBindings
- FillRectangleSkippingPanel
- FindChildIndexByName
- GetAlpha
- GetBackgroundColor
- GetBounds
- GetChild
- GetChildCount
- GetChildren
- GetChildrenSize
- GetClassName
- GetClipRectangle
- GetCornerTextureSize
- GetDescription
- GetDock
- GetDockMargin
- GetDockPadding
- GetDragFrameColor
- GetDragPanel
- GetDragStartTolerance
- GetDropFrameColor
- GetForegroundColor
- GetInset
- GetKeyBindingsFile
- GetKeyBindingsFilePathId
- GetKeyMappingCount
- GetLocalCursorPosition
- GetMinimumSize
- GetModuleName
- GetName
- GetPaintBackgroundType
- GetPaintSize
- GetParent
- GetPinCorner
- GetPinOffset
- GetPosition
- GetRefTable
- GetResizeOffset
- GetScheme
- GetSize
- GetTabPosition
- GetTall
- GetWide
- GetZIndex
- HasChildren
- HasFocus
- HasHierarchicalFocus
- HasParent
- HasUserConfigSettings
- InitPropertyConverters
- InvalidateLayout
- IsAutoDeleteSet
- IsBeingDragged
- IsBlockingDragChaining
- IsBottomAligned
- IsBuildGroupEnabled
- IsBuildModeActive
- IsBuildModeDeletable
- IsBuildModeEditable
- IsChildOfModalSubTree
- IsChildOfSurfaceModalPanel
- IsCursorNone
- IsCursorOver
- IsDragEnabled
- IsDropEnabled
- IsEnabled
- IsKeyBindingChainToParentAllowed
- IsKeyBoardInputEnabled
- IsKeyOverridden
- IsKeyRebound
- IsLayoutInvalid
- IsMarkedForDeletion
- IsMouseInputDisabledForThisPanel
- IsMouseInputEnabled
- IsOpaque
- IsPopup
- IsProportional
- IsRightAligned
- IsStartDragWhenMouseExitsPanel
- IsTriplePressAllowed
- IsValid
- IsValidKeyBindingsContext
- IsVisible
- IsWithin
- IsWithinTraverse
- IsWorldClicker
- KeyCodeToString
- LocalToScreen
- MakePopup
- MakeReadyForUse
- MarkForDeletion
- MoveToBack
- MoveToFront
- OnCommand
- OnCursorEntered
- OnCursorExited
- OnCursorMoved
- OnDelete
- OnDraggablePanelPaint
- OnKeyCodePressed
- OnKeyCodeTyped
- OnKeyFocusTicked
- OnKillFocus
- OnMouseCaptureLost
- OnMouseDoublePressed
- OnMouseFocusTicked
- OnMousePressed
- OnMouseReleased
- OnMouseTriplePressed
- OnMouseWheeled
- OnMove
- OnSetFocus
- OnSizeChanged
- OnThink
- OnTick
- PaintBackground
- PaintBorder
- PaintBuildOverlay
- PaintManual
- ParentLocalToScreen
- ParentToHud
- PerformLayout
- PostChildPaint
- Prepare
- ReloadKeyBindings
- RemoveActionSignalTarget
- RemoveAllKeyBindings
- Repaint
- RequestFocus
- RequestInfo
- RevertKeyBindingsToDefault
- ScreenToLocal
- SetAllowKeyBindingChainToParent
- SetAlpha
- SetAutoDelete
- SetAutoResize
- SetBackgroundColor
- SetBlockDragChaining
- SetBounds
- SetBuildModeDeletable
- SetBuildModeEditable
- SetCursor
- SetDock
- SetDockMargin
- SetDockPadding
- SetDragEnabled
- SetDragStartTolerance
- SetDropEnabled
- SetEnabled
- SetForegroundColor
- SetKeyboardInputEnabled
- SetMinimumSize
- SetMouseInputEnabled
- SetName
- SetPaintBackgroundEnabled
- SetPaintBackgroundType
- SetPaintBorderEnabled
- SetPaintClippingEnabled
- SetPaintEnabled
- SetPaintedManually
- SetParent
- SetPinCorner
- SetPosition
- SetPostChildPaintEnabled
- SetProportional
- SetScheme
- SetSilentMode
- SetSize
- SetSkipChildDuringPainting
- SetStartDragWhenMouseExitsPanel
- SetTabPosition
- SetTall
- SetTriplePressAllowed
- SetVisible
- SetWide
- SetWorldClicker
- SetZIndex
- ShouldHandleInputMessage
- SizeToChildren
- StringToKeyCode
- __eq
- __gc
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- AddAngleVelocity
- AddVelocity
- ApplyForceCenter
- ApplyForceOffset
- ApplyTorqueCenter
- BecomeHinged
- BecomeTrigger
- CalculateAngularDrag
- CalculateForceOffset
- CalculateLinearDrag
- CalculateVelocityOffset
- EnableCollisions
- EnableDrag
- EnableGravity
- EnableMotion
- GetAabb
- GetCallbackFlags
- GetContactPoint
- GetContents
- GetDamping
- GetEnergy
- GetGameFlags
- GetGameIndex
- GetImplicitVelocity
- GetInertia
- GetInverseInertia
- GetInverseMass
- GetMass
- GetMassCenterLocalSpace
- GetMaterialIndex
- GetName
- GetPosition
- GetShadowPosition
- GetSphereRadius
- GetVelocity
- GetVelocityAtPoint
- IsAsleep
- IsAttachedToConstraint
- IsCollisionEnabled
- IsDragEnabled
- IsFluid
- IsGravityEnabled
- IsHinged
- IsMotionEnabled
- IsMoveable
- IsStatic
- IsTrigger
- LocalToWorld
- LocalToWorldVector
- OutputDebugInfo
- RecheckCollisionFilter
- RecheckContactPoints
- RemoveHinged
- RemoveShadowController
- RemoveTrigger
- SetBuoyancyRatio
- SetCallbackFlags
- SetContents
- SetDragCoefficient
- SetGameFlags
- SetGameIndex
- SetMass
- SetMaterialIndex
- SetShadow
- SetVelocity
- SetVelocityInstantaneous
- Sleep
- Wake
- WorldToLocal
- WorldToLocalVector
- __eq
- __tostring
- ParseSurfaceData
- GetPhysicsParameters
- GetPhysicsProperties
- GetPropName
- GetString
- GetSurfaceData
- GetSurfaceIndex
- SurfacePropCount
- __eq
- __tostring
- AddToPlayerSimulationList
- AnimationResetGestureSlot
- AnimationRestartGesture
- AnimationRestartMainSequence
- AnimationSetGestureSequence
- AnimationSetGestureWeight
- BumpWeapon
- CacheVehicleView
- CanSprint
- CanSwitchToWeapon
- CanUseWeapon
- CheatImpulseCommands
- CheckObserverSettings
- CheckTrainUpdate
- ClampPunchAngleOffset
- ClearPlayerSimulationList
- ClearZoomOwner
- CreateCorpse
- CreateViewModel
- CurrentCommandNumber
- DamageEffect
- DestroyViewModels
- DoAnimationEvent
- DropWeapon
- DropWeaponInSlot
- Duck
- EnableControl
- EquipSuit
- EquipWeapon
- ExitLadder
- FindNextObserverTarget
- FindUseEntity
- FinishLagCompensation
- ForceObserverMode
- ForceRespawn
- ForceSimulation
- GetAccountId
- GetActiveWeapon
- GetAimVector
- GetAmmoCount
- GetArmor
- GetBodyAngles
- GetBodyTarget
- GetBonusChallenge
- GetBonusProgress
- GetClientIndex
- GetCrouchWalkFraction
- GetCurrentCommand
- GetDeathTime
- GetDefaultFov
- GetDelayTicks
- GetDuckSpeed
- GetEyePositionAndVectors
- GetEyeVectors
- GetFov
- GetFovDistanceAdjustFactor
- GetFovTime
- GetHands
- GetImpulse
- GetIpAddress
- GetJumpPower
- GetLadderClimbSpeed
- GetLaggedMovementValue
- GetLastKnownPlaceName
- GetLastWeapon
- GetMaxSpeed
- GetNetworkIdString
- GetNextAttack
- GetNextObserverSearchStartPoint
- GetNormalSpeed
- GetObserverMode
- GetObserverTarget
- GetPing
- GetPlayerLocalData
- GetPlayerMaxs
- GetPlayerMins
- GetPlayerModelType
- GetPlayerName
- GetPreviouslyPredictedOrigin
- GetPunchAngle
- GetRagdollEntity
- GetReplayEntity
- GetRunSpeed
- GetSteamId
- GetSteamId64
- GetStepSoundCache
- GetStepSoundVelocities
- GetSwimSoundTime
- GetTimeBase
- GetUnDuckFraction
- GetUniqueId
- GetUseEntity
- GetUserId
- GetVehicleAnalogControlBias
- GetVehicleEntity
- GetViewEntity
- GetViewModel
- GetViewPunchAngles
- GetWalkSpeed
- GetWaterJumpTime
- GetWeapon
- GetWeaponInSlot
- GetWeaponShootPosition
- GetWeapons
- Give
- GiveItem
- HasAnyAmmoOfType
- HasPhysicsFlag
- HasWeapon
- HasWeapons
- HideViewModels
- HintMessage
- ImpulseCommands
- InitHud
- InitialSpawn
- IsBot
- IsDead
- IsFakeClient
- IsFlashlightEnabled
- IsFlashlightOn
- IsHltv
- IsIlluminatedByFlashlight
- IsInVehicle
- IsKeyDown
- IsObserver
- IsOnLadder
- IsPlayerUnderwater
- IsSinglePlayerGameEnding
- IsSpeaking
- IsSuitEquipped
- IsUseableEntity
- IsValidObserverTarget
- ItemPostFrame
- ItemPreFrame
- Jump
- JumpToPosition
- KeyDown
- Kill
- KillSilent
- LeaveVehicle
- Lock
- ModeWantsSpectatorGui
- NotifySinglePlayerGameEnding
- OnEventDying
- OnEventTakeDamageAlive
- OnVehicleStart
- OwnsWeaponOfType
- PackDeadPlayerItems
- PauseBonusProgress
- PlayDeathSound
- PlayStepSound
- PlayerDeathThink
- PlayerUse
- PostThink
- PreThink
- RemoveAllAmmo
- RemoveAllItems
- RemoveAmmo
- RemoveFromPlayerSimulationList
- RemoveSuit
- RemoveWeapon
- ResetAutoAim
- ResetObserverMode
- RumbleEffect
- SelectItem
- SelectLastItem
- SelectSpawnPoint
- SetAmmoCount
- SetAnimation
- SetAnimationExtension
- SetBloodColor
- SetBodyPitch
- SetBonusChallenge
- SetBonusProgress
- SetCrouchWalkFraction
- SetDropActiveWeaponOnDeath
- SetDsp
- SetDuckSpeed
- SetFlashlightEnabled
- SetFov
- SetHands
- SetJumpPower
- SetLadderClimbSpeed
- SetLadderNormal
- SetLagCompensated
- SetLastWeapon
- SetMaxSpeed
- SetNextAttack
- SetNormalSpeed
- SetObserverMode
- SetObserverTarget
- SetPlayerLocalData
- SetPlayerName
- SetPlayerUnderwater
- SetPreviouslyPredictedOrigin
- SetPunchAngle
- SetRunSpeed
- SetStepSoundCache
- SetSuitUpdate
- SetSwimSoundTime
- SetTeam
- SetUnDuckFraction
- SetVehicleAnalogControlBias
- SetViewPunchAngles
- SetWalkSpeed
- SetWaterJumpTime
- SharedSpawn
- ShouldDrawLocalPlayer
- ShouldFadeOnDeath
- ShouldSelectWeapon
- ShouldSetLastWeapon
- ShouldShowHints
- ShowCrosshair
- ShowMessage
- ShowViewModel
- SimulatePlayerSimulatedEntities
- SmoothViewOnStairs
- SnapEyeAngles
- SprayDecal
- StartLagCompensation
- StartObserverMode
- StartReplayMode
- StopObserverMode
- StopReplayMode
- SwitchToNextBestWeapon
- SwitchWeapon
- TranslateWeaponActivity
- TurnFlashlightOff
- TurnFlashlightOn
- Unlock
- UpdateClientData
- UpdatePlayerSound
- UpdateUnderwaterState
- UsingStandardWeaponsInVehicle
- ValidateCurrentObserverTarget
- ViewPunch
- ViewPunchReset
- WasKeyDown
- WasKeyPressed
- WasKeyReleased
- WeaponCount
- GetAngles
- GetBrightness
- GetColor
- GetConstantAttenuation
- GetEnableShadows
- GetFarZ
- GetHorizontalFov
- GetLightWorld
- GetLinearAttenuation
- GetNearZ
- GetOrthographic
- GetPosition
- GetQuadraticAttenuation
- GetScissorRectangle
- GetShadowDepthBias
- GetShadowFilter
- GetShadowSlopeScaleDepthBias
- GetTargetEntity
- GetTexture
- GetTextureFrame
- GetVerticalFov
- IsValid
- Remove
- SetAngles
- SetBrightness
- SetColor
- SetConstantAttenuation
- SetEnableShadows
- SetFarZ
- SetFov
- SetHorizontalFov
- SetLightWorld
- SetLinearAttenuation
- SetNearZ
- SetOrthographic
- SetPosition
- SetQuadraticAttenuation
- SetScissorRectangle
- SetShadowDepthBias
- SetShadowFilter
- SetShadowSlopeScaleDepthBias
- SetTargetEntity
- SetTexture
- SetTextureFrame
- SetVerticalFov
- Update
- __eq
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- AddAllPlayers
- AddRecipient
- AddRecipientsByPAS
- AddRecipientsByPVS
- CopyFrom
- GetRecipientCount
- GetRecipientIndex
- IgnorePredictionCull
- IsInitMessage
- IsReliable
- IsUsingPredictionRules
- MakeInitMessage
- MakeReliable
- RemoveAllRecipients
- RemoveRecipient
- RemoveRecipientByPlayerIndex
- RemoveRecipientsByPvs
- Reset
- SetIgnorePredictionCull
- UsePredictionRules
- __tostring
- GetColor
- GetFont
- GetFontName
- GetResourceString
- __tostring
- ActivateGameOverlay
- GetClanCount
- GetFriendCount
- GetPersonaName
- GetPersonaState
- SetPersonaName
- __tostring
- AddDamage
- AddDamageType
- AdjustPlayerDamageInflictedForSkillLevel
- AdjustPlayerDamageTakenForSkillLevel
- BaseDamageIsValid
- CopyDamageToBaseDamage
- DebugGetDamageTypeString
- GetAmmoName
- GetAmmoType
- GetAttacker
- GetBaseDamage
- GetDamage
- GetDamageCustom
- GetDamageForce
- GetDamagePosition
- GetDamageStats
- GetDamageType
- GetInflictor
- GetMaxDamage
- GetReportedPosition
- GetWeapon
- ScaleDamage
- ScaleDamageForce
- SetAmmoType
- SetAttacker
- SetDamage
- SetDamageCustom
- SetDamageForce
- SetDamagePosition
- SetDamageStats
- SetDamageType
- SetInflictor
- SetMaxDamage
- SetReportedPosition
- SetWeapon
- SubtractDamage
- __tostring
- Backspace
- Delete
- DeleteSelected
- GetCursorPosition
- GetDrawWidth
- GetMaximumCharacterCount
- GetNumberOfLines
- GetText
- GetTextLength
- GetValue
- GetValueAsFloat
- GetValueAsInteger
- GotoDown
- GotoEndOfLine
- GotoFirstOfLine
- GotoLeft
- GotoRight
- GotoTextEnd
- GotoTextStart
- GotoUp
- GotoWordLeft
- GotoWordRight
- InsertString
- IsDroppable
- IsEditable
- IsMultiline
- IsTextFullySelected
- LayoutVerticalScrollBarSlider
- MoveCursor
- OnCreateDragData
- OnPanelDropped
- OpenEditMenu
- PaintText
- RecalculateLineBreaks
- SaveUndoState
- SelectAllOnFocusAlways
- SelectAllText
- SelectNone
- SendNewLine
- SetAllowNonAsciiCharacters
- SetAllowNumericInputOnly
- SetAutoProgressOnHittingCharLimit
- SetCatchEnterKey
- SetCursorPosition
- SetDisabledBgColor
- SetDrawLanguageIdAtLeft
- SetDrawWidth
- SetEditable
- SetFont
- SetHorizontalScrolling
- SetMaximumCharacterCount
- SetMultiline
- SetSelectionBackgroundColor
- SetSelectionTextColor
- SetSelectionUnfocusedBackgroundColor
- SetText
- SetTextHidden
- SetToFullHeight
- SetToFullWidth
- SetUseFallbackFont
- SetVerticalScrollbar
- SetWrap
- Undo
- __eq
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- Download
- GetActualHeight
- GetActualWidth
- GetMappingHeight
- GetMappingWidth
- GetName
- GetNumAnimationFrames
- IsError
- IsErrorTexture
- IsMipmapped
- IsTranslucent
- Release
- __tostring
- DidHit
- DidHitNonWorldEntity
- DidHitWorld
- GetEntityIndex
- IsDisplacementSurface
- IsDisplacementSurfaceBuildable
- IsDisplacementSurfaceProp1
- IsDisplacementSurfaceProp2
- IsDisplacementSurfaceWalkable
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- AddKey
- ClearButtons
- ClearMovement
- CommandNumber
- GetButtons
- GetForwardMove
- GetImpulse
- GetMouseWheel
- GetMouseX
- GetMouseY
- GetSideMove
- GetUpMove
- GetViewAngles
- IsNew
- KeyDown
- RemoveKey
- SelectWeapon
- SetButtons
- SetForwardMove
- SetImpulse
- SetMouseX
- SetMouseY
- SetSideMove
- SetUpMove
- SetViewAngles
- TickCount
- __tostring
- Add
- Angle
- AngleWithUp
- Cross
- DistanceTo
- DistanceTo2D
- DistanceTo2DSqr
- DistanceToAsSqr
- Divide
- Dot
- GetGreatest
- GetSmallest
- Initialize
- Invalidate
- IsLengthGreaterThan
- IsLengthLessThan
- IsValid
- Length
- Length2D
- Length2DSqr
- LengthSqr
- MultiplyThenAdd
- Negate
- NormalizeInPlace
- Random
- Scale
- ToScreen
- WithinAABox
- Zero
- __add
- __div
- __eq
- __index
- __mul
- __newindex
- __sub
- __tostring
- __unm
- AbortReload
- ActivityListCount
- ActivityOverride
- AddViewKick
- AllowsAutoSwitchFrom
- AllowsAutoSwitchTo
- CalcViewmodelBob
- CanBePickedUpByNPCs
- CanBeSelected
- CanDeploy
- CanHolster
- CanLower
- CheckReload
- Clip1
- Clip2
- DefaultDeploy
- DefaultReload
- DefaultTouch
- Deploy
- DisplayAltFireHudHint
- DisplayReloadHudHint
- Drop
- EmitWeaponSound
- FinishReload
- GetActivity
- GetAnimPrefix
- GetAnimationPrefix
- GetBulletType
- GetClassName
- GetDamageAtLocation
- GetDeathNoticeName
- GetDefaultAnimSpeed
- GetDefaultClip1
- GetDefaultClip2
- GetDrawActivity
- GetFireRate
- GetIdealActivity
- GetIdealSequence
- GetMaxAutoAimDeflection
- GetMaxBurst
- GetMaxClip1
- GetMaxClip2
- GetMaxRestTime
- GetMinBurst
- GetMinRestTime
- GetNextPrimaryFire
- GetNextSecondaryFire
- GetOwner
- GetPrimaryAmmoCount
- GetPrimaryAmmoType
- GetPrimaryAttackActivity
- GetPrintName
- GetRandomBurst
- GetRumbleEffect
- GetSecondaryAmmoCount
- GetSecondaryAmmoType
- GetSecondaryAttackActivity
- GetShootSound
- GetSlot
- GetSlotPosition
- GetSubType
- GetViewModelSequenceDuration
- GetWeaponData
- GetWeaponFlags
- GetWeaponIdleTime
- GetWeaponViewModel
- GetWeight
- GetWorldModel
- GiveDefaultAmmo
- HandleFireOnEmpty
- HasAmmo
- HasAnyAmmo
- HasPrimaryAmmo
- HasSecondaryAmmo
- HasWeaponIdleTimeElapsed
- HideThink
- IsAllowedToSwitch
- IsLocked
- IsMeleeWeapon
- IsPredicted
- IsScripted
- IsViewModelSequenceFinished
- IsWeaponVisible
- IsWeaponZoomed
- ItemBusyFrame
- ItemHolsterFrame
- Lock
- Lower
- MaintainIdealActivity
- OnActiveStateChanged
- PrimaryAttack
- Ready
- Reload
- ReloadOrSwitchWeapons
- RescindAltFireHudHint
- RescindReloadHudHint
- SecondaryAttack
- SendViewModelAnimation
- SendWeaponAnimation
- SetActivity
- SetAnimationPrefix
- SetClip1
- SetClip2
- SetIdealActivity
- SetNextPrimaryFire
- SetNextSecondaryFire
- SetPickupTouch
- SetPrimaryAmmoCount
- SetSecondaryAmmoCount
- SetSubType
- SetViewModel
- SetViewModelIndex
- SetWeaponIdleTime
- SetWeaponVisible
- ShouldDisplayAltFireHUDHint
- ShouldDisplayReloadHUDHint
- ShouldShowControlPanels
- StartSprinting
- StopSprinting
- StopWeaponSound
- UsesClipsForAmmo1
- UsesClipsForAmmo2
- UsesPrimaryAmmo
- UsesSecondaryAmmo
- VisibleInWeaponSelection
- WeaponAutoAimScale
- WeaponIdle
- WeaponItemPostFrame
- WeaponItemPreFrame
- WeaponState
- __index
- ActivateClientUI
- AdjustEngineViewport
- AdjustMouseSensitivity
- CanShowSpeakerLabels
- CreateClientSideRagdoll
- CreateDefaultPanels
- CreateMove
- DrawHeadLabels
- DrawMonitors
- DrawOverlay
- EntityRemoved
- FinishMove
- GetMotionBlurValues
- GetPlayerTextColor
- HUDDrawPickupHistory
- HUDDrawScoreBoard
- HUDPaint
- HUDShouldDraw
- HideClientUI
- KeyInput
- LevelInitPostEntity
- LevelInitPreEntity
- LevelShutdown
- NeedsDepthPass
- NetworkEntityCreated
- OnEntityCreated
- OnScreenSizeChanged
- PlayerPostThink
- PlayerTraceAttack
- PlayerUpdateFlashlight
- PostDraw2DSkyBox
- PostDrawEffects
- PostDrawHUD
- PostDrawOpaqueRenderables
- PostDrawSkyBox
- PostDrawTranslucentRenderables
- PostDrawViewModel
- PostRender
- PostRenderVgui
- PreDrawEffects
- PreDrawHUD
- PreDrawOpaqueRenderables
- PreDrawSkyBox
- PreDrawTranslucentRenderables
- PreDrawViewModel
- PreDrawViewModels
- PreRender
- RenderScene
- RenderScreenspaceEffects
- ScoreboardHide
- ScoreboardShow
- SetupMove
- SetupSkyboxFog
- SetupWorldFog
- ShouldDrawDetailObjects
- ShouldDrawEntity
- ShouldDrawFog
- ShouldDrawLocalPlayer
- ShouldDrawParticles
- ShouldDrawViewModels
- StartCommand
- Think
- Tick
- AllowPlayerPickup
- CanEnterVehicle
- CheatImpulseCommands
- CheckPassword
- CreateEntityRagdoll
- EntityKeyValue
- EntityRemoved
- FinishMove
- GiveDefaultItems
- LevelInit
- LevelShutdown
- NetworkIDValidated
- OnEntityCreated
- PlayerAuthed
- PlayerDeathSound
- PlayerDeathThink
- PlayerEntSelectSpawnPoint
- PlayerInitialSpawn
- PlayerPostThink
- PlayerSay
- PlayerTraceAttack
- PlayersCanPickupObject
- ServerActivate
- SetupMove
- ShouldHideServer
- ShowHelp
- ShowSpare1
- ShowSpare2
- ShowTeam
- StartCommand
- Think
- Tick
- VehicleMove
- Weapon_Equip
- AddLevelDesignerPlacedObject
- AllowDamage
- CalcMainActivity
- CalcVehicleView
- CalcView
- CalcViewModelView
- CanHavePlayerItem
- CanPlayerHearPlayer
- CheckChatForReadySignal
- CheckGameOver
- CleanUpMap
- ClientConnected
- ClientDisconnected
- ClientSettingsChanged
- CreateStandardEntities
- DeathNotice
- DoAnimationEvent
- EntityNetworkVariableChanging
- FPlayerCanTakeDamage
- FShouldSwitchWeapon
- FindUseEntity
- FlItemRespawnTime
- FlPlayerSpawnTime
- FlWeaponRespawnTime
- FlWeaponTryRespawn
- GetFallDamage
- GetGameDescription
- GetMapRemainingTime
- GoToIntermission
- InitHUD
- Initialize
- IsIntermission
- ItemShouldRespawn
- Move
- PlayerCanHearChat
- PlayerCanRespawn
- PlayerGotItem
- PlayerKilled
- PlayerNoClip
- PlayerPlayStepSound
- PlayerRelationship
- PlayerSpawn
- PlayerThink
- PlayerTick
- PlayerUse
- PreEntityInitialize
- Precache
- RemoveLevelDesignerPlacedObject
- RestartGame
- ShouldCollide
- ShutDown
- TranslateActivity
- UpdateAnimation
- VecItemRespawnAngles
- VecItemRespawnSpot
- VecWeaponRespawnSpot
- WeaponShouldRespawn
- Create
- Lerp
- AddText
- GetChatBoxPosition
- GetChatBoxSize
- PlaySound
- StartMessageMode
- StopMessageMode
- AdvanceFrame
- GetShadowDirection
- RenderShadowTexture
- SetShadowBlobbyCutoffArea
- SetShadowColor
- SetShadowDirection
- SetShadowDistance
- SetShadowsDisabled
- UnlockAllShadowDepthTextures
- ColorToHsl
- ColorToHsv
- Create
- HslToColor
- HsvToColor
- Create
- GetCommandClient
- GetCommandClientIndex
- IsCommandIssuedByServerAdmin
- AllocateDllIdentifier
- ConsoleColorColorPrint
- ConsoleDebugPrint
- ConsolePrint
- Create
- FindVariable
- Get
- GetCommandLineValue
- RevertFlaggedConVars
- AddBox
- AddEntityTextOverlay
- AddGrid
- AddLine
- AddScreenText
- AddSweptBox
- AddText
- AddTriangle
- ClearAll
- ClearDead
- ScreenPosition
- Create
- Dispatch
- SpawnBloodDrips
- SpawnBloodImpact
- SpawnBloodSpray
- SpawnBloodStream
- SpawnBubbleTrail
- SpawnMuzzleFlash
- SpawnParticleTracer
- SpawnTracer
- GetPanel
- IsGameUiVisible
- ActivateOccluder
- AllowEdictReuse
- ChangeLevel
- ChangeTeam
- CheckAreasConnected
- CheckKeyTrapping
- CheckPoint
- ClientCommand
- ClientCommandUnrestricted
- CopyFile
- CopyFrameBufferToMaterial
- CreateFakeClient
- CullBox
- DoesBoxTouchAreaFrustum
- DrawPortals
- EngineStatsBeginFrame
- EngineStatsEndFrame
- ExecuteClientCommand
- FireEvents
- ForceExactFile
- ForceSimpleMaterial
- GameLumpSize
- GameLumpVersion
- GetAbsoluteFrameTime
- GetAppId
- GetClientConsoleVariableValue
- GetClientConsoleVariableValue
- GetClientConsoleVariableValueAsNumber
- GetClientConsoleVariableValueAsNumber
- GetCurrentTime
- GetDxSupportLevel
- GetEngineBuildNumber
- GetEntityCount
- GetFrameCount
- GetFrameTime
- GetGameDir
- GetGameDirectory
- GetIntervalPerTick
- GetLastTimeStamp
- GetLevelName
- GetLightForPoint
- GetLightForPointFast
- GetListenServerHost
- GetLocalPlayerEntityIndex
- GetMainMenuBackgroundName
- GetMapEntitiesString
- GetMaxClients
- GetMostRecentSaveGame
- GetMostRecentlyLoadedFileName
- GetMountableGames
- GetNetworkProtocol
- GetPlayerByAddress
- GetPlayerEntityIndexForUserId
- GetPlayerInfo
- GetPlayerNetInfo
- GetProductVersionString
- GetRealTime
- GetSaveFileName
- GetScreenAspectRatio
- GetScreenSize
- GetServerAddress
- GetServerName
- GetSimulatedTicksThisFrame
- GetSimulationInterval
- GetSoundDuration
- GetSystemTime
- GetTickCount
- GetUiLanguage
- GrabPreColorCorrectedFrame
- IndexOfEdict
- InsertServerCommand
- IsBoxInViewCluster
- IsBoxVisible
- IsClient
- IsConnected
- IsConsoleVisible
- IsDecalPrecached
- IsDedicatedServer
- IsDedicatedServer
- IsDrawingLoadingImage
- IsGenericPrecached
- IsHammerRunning
- IsInCommentaryMode
- IsInEditMode
- IsInGame
- IsInternalBuild
- IsKeyTrapping
- IsLevelMainMenuBackground
- IsLowViolence
- IsMapValid
- IsModelPrecached
- IsOccluded
- IsPaused
- IsPlayingDemo
- IsPlayingTimeDemo
- IsRecordingDemo
- IsSaveInProgress
- IsSkyboxVisibleFromPoint
- IsTakingScreenshot
- LevelLeafCount
- LightStyle
- LightStyleValue
- LinearToGamma
- LoadAdjacentEnts
- LoadGameState
- LockNetworkStringTables
- LogPrint
- MapHasHdrLighting
- MapLoadFailed
- MultiplayerEndGame
- NotifyEdictFlagsChange
- OnStorageDeviceDetached
- PrecacheDecal
- PrecacheGeneric
- PrecacheModel
- PrecacheSentenceFile
- ResetDemoInterpolation
- SentenceGroupIndexFromName
- SentenceGroupNameFromIndex
- SentenceIndexFromName
- SentenceLength
- SentenceNameFromIndex
- ServerCommand
- ServerCommand
- ServerExecute
- SetAreaPortalState
- SetDedicatedServerBenchmarkMode
- SetMapLoadFailed
- SetRestrictClientCommands
- SetRestrictServerCommands
- SoundExtraUpdate
- StartKeyTrapMode
- SupportsHdr
- Time
- CanCreateEntityClass
- CleanDeleteList
- Clear
- CreateByName
- CreateClientEntity
- DisableRemoveImmediate
- EnableRemoveImmediate
- FNullEnt
- Find
- FindByClass
- FindByClassNearest
- FindByClassWithin
- FindByEdictNumber
- FindByIndex
- FindByModel
- FindByName
- FindByNameNearest
- FindByNameWithin
- FindByTarget
- FindClassNearestFacing
- FindClientInPvs
- FindGeneric
- FindGenericNearest
- FindGenericWithin
- FindInSphere
- FindNearestFacing
- FindProcedural
- FirstInList
- GetAll
- GetAlongRay
- GetByClass
- GetClientPvsIsExpanded
- GetCount
- GetEdictCount
- GetInBox
- GetInPvs
- GetInSphere
- IsClearing
- IsValidEdict
- NextInList
- NotifyCreate
- NotifySpawn
- Remove
- RemoveImmediate
- ReportFlagsChanged
- ResetDeleteList
- AddPackFile
- AddSearchPath
- BeginMapAccess
- CancelWaitForResources
- Close
- CreateDirectoryHierarchy
- DiscardPreloadData
- Disconnect
- EnableAllowListFileTracking
- EndMapAccess
- EndOfFile
- FileExists
- Find
- Flush
- GetDvdMode
- GetLocalCopy
- GetSearchPath
- GetWhitelistSpewFlags
- HintResourceNeed
- IsDirectory
- IsFileImmediatelyAvailable
- IsFileWritable
- IsOk
- IsSteam
- LoadCompiledKeyValues
- MarkAllCrcsUnverified
- MarkPathIdByRequestOnly
- MountSteamContent
- Open
- Precache
- PrintOpenedFiles
- PrintSearchPaths
- Read
- RemoveAllSearchPaths
- RemoveFile
- RemoveSearchPath
- RemoveSearchPaths
- RenameFile
- SetFileWritable
- SetWarningLevel
- SetWhitelistSpewFlags
- SetupPreloadData
- Shutdown
- Size
- UnzipFile
- WaitForResources
- Write
- Listen
- AimToVector
- GetAppModalSurface
- GetCandidateListCount
- GetCandidateListPageSize
- GetCandidateListPageStart
- GetCandidateListSelectedItem
- GetCurrentImeHandle
- GetCursorPosition
- GetCursorPositionVcrMode
- GetEnglishImeHandle
- GetFocus
- GetModalSubTree
- GetMouseCapture
- GetMouseOver
- GetShouldInvertCompositionString
- IsCandidateListStartingAtOne
- IsKeyDown
- IsMouseDown
- LookupBinding
- LookupKeyBinding
- OnChangeIme
- OnChangeImeByHandle
- OnChangeImeConversionModeByHandle
- OnChangeImeSentenceModeByHandle
- OnImeChangeCandidates
- OnImeCloseCandidates
- OnImeComposition
- OnImeEndComposition
- OnImeRecomputeModes
- OnImeShowCandidates
- OnImeStartComposition
- OnInputLanguageChanged
- OnKeyCodeUnhandled
- RegisterKeyCodeUnhandledListener
- ReleaseAppModalSurface
- ReleaseModalSubTree
- ScreenToWorld
- SetAppModalSurface
- SetCandidateListPageStart
- SetCandidateWindowPos
- SetCursorPosition
- SetModalSubTree
- SetModalSubTreeReceiveMessages
- SetMouseCapture
- SetMouseCaptureExtended
- SetMouseFocus
- ShouldModalSubTreeReceiveMessages
- UnregisterKeyCodeUnhandledListener
- WasKeyPressed
- WasKeyReleased
- WasKeyTyped
- WasMouseDoublePressed
- WasMousePressed
- WasMouseReleased
- CreateFromTable
- AddString
- Find
- Create
- Exists
- Find
- CalculateAabbFromProjectionMatrix
- CalculateSphereFromProjectionMatrix
- Create3x4
- CreateIdentityMatrix
- CreateMatrixWithAngles
- CreateMatrixWithAxisAndRotation
- CreateMatrixWithOriginAndAngles
- CreateScaleMatrix
- CreateTranslationMatrix
- MatrixBuildPerspective
- MatrixBuildRotateZ
- MatrixBuildRotation
- MatrixBuildRotationAboutAxis
- MatrixBuildScale
- MatrixBuildTranslation
- MatrixCopy
- MatrixFromAngles
- MatrixGetColumn
- MatrixGetRow
- MatrixInverseGeneral
- MatrixInverseTranslation
- MatrixInverseTranspose
- MatrixRotate
- MatrixSetColumn
- MatrixSetIdentity
- MatrixSetRow
- MatrixToAngles
- MatrixTranslate
- Vector3dMultiply
- Vector3dMultiplyPositionProjective
- Vector3dMultiplyProjective
- Vector3dMultiplyTranspose
- Create
- Create
- FindTable
- GetTable
- GetTablesAmount
- RemoveAllTables
- SetAllowClientSideAddString
- InternalSendToServer
- Button
- CheckButton
- EditablePanel
- Frame
- GetClientLuaRootHudPanel
- GetClientLuaRootPanel
- GetGameUiPanel
- Html
- Label
- ModelImagePanel
- Panel
- TextEntry
- Precache
- ReadConfigFile
- CleanupDeleteList
- ClearStats
- DebugCheckContacts
- GetActiveObjectCount
- GetAirDensity
- GetGravity
- GetNextFrameTime
- GetPerformanceSettings
- GetSimulationTime
- GetSimulationTimestep
- IsInSimulation
- PostRestore
- ResetSimulationClock
- SetAirDensity
- SetGravity
- SetPerformanceSettings
- SetQuickDelete
- SetSimulationTimestep
- Simulate
- GetGlobal
- SayText
- ClientPrint
- ClientPrintToAll
- FindByIndex
- FindByName
- FindBySteamId
- FindBySteamId64
- FindByUniqueID
- FindByUserId
- GetAll
- GetAllBots
- GetAllHumans
- GetCount
- GetLocalPlayer
- GetLocalPlayerIndex
- GetLocalPlayerTeam
- GetPlayerConnectionInfo
- GetSpectatorMode
- GetSpectatorTarget
- IsLocalPlayerSpectator
- IsPlayerIndex
- IsTeamEqual
- SayTextToAll
- ShowMessageToAll
- ViewPunchAll
- SuppressEvents
- SuppressHostEvents
- GetIdealPitch
- GetIncomingPacketNumber
- GetLocalViewAngles
- GetPredictionPlayer
- GetPredictionRandomSeed
- GetViewAngles
- GetViewOrigin
- InPrediction
- IsFirstTimePredicted
- IsFirstTimePredicted
- OnReceivedUncompressedPacket
- PostEntityPacketReceived
- PostNetworkDataReceived
- PreEntityPacketReceived
- SetLocalViewAngles
- SetViewAngles
- SetViewOrigin
- Update
- Create
- RandomBloodVector
- RandomFloat
- RandomFloatExponential
- RandomInteger
- SetSeed
- SharedRandomAngle
- SharedRandomFloat
- SharedRandomInt
- SharedRandomVector
- Create
- ClearBuffers
- ClearColor
- ClearStencilBufferRectangle
- CopyRenderTargetToTexture
- CreateRenderTargetTextureEx
- CullMode
- DepthRange
- DrawBeam
- DrawSprite
- GetModelMatrix
- GetRenderTarget
- GetScreenEffectTexture
- GetViewEntity
- MainViewAngles
- MainViewForward
- MainViewOrigin
- PopCustomClipPlane
- PopFilterMagnification
- PopFilterMinification
- PopModelMatrix
- PopView2D
- PopView3D
- PushCustomClipPlane
- PushFilterMagnification
- PushFilterMinification
- PushModelMatrix
- PushView2D
- PushView3D
- RenderFlashlights
- ResetAmbientLightCube
- SetAmbientLightCube
- SetBlend
- SetClippingEnabled
- SetColorModulation
- SetLight
- SetLightingOrigin
- SetMaterial
- SetScissorRectangle
- SetStencilCompareFunction
- SetStencilEnable
- SetStencilFailOperation
- SetStencilPassOperation
- SetStencilReferenceValue
- SetStencilTestMask
- SetStencilWriteMask
- SetStencilZFailOperation
- SetWriteDepthToDestinationAlpha
- SpawnBeam
- SuppressEngineLighting
- UpdateScreenEffectTexture
- AddFile
- AddSingleFile
- GetFiles
- GetDefaultScheme
- GetProportionalNormalizedValue
- GetProportionalScaledValue
- GetScheme
- LoadSchemeFromFile
- LoadSchemeFromFileEx
- ReloadFonts
- ReloadSchemes
- Base64Decode
- Base64Encode
- Crc32
- JsonEncode
- LzmaCompress
- LzmaDecompress
- Add
- Play
- PlayFile
- PlayUrl
- SteamFriends
- AddBitmapFontFile
- AddCustomFontFile
- AddPanel
- ApplyChanges
- BringToFront
- CalculateMouseVisible
- ClearTemporaryFontCache
- CreateFont
- CreateNewTextureID
- CreatePopup
- DisableClipping
- DrawFilledRectangle
- DrawFilledRectangleFade
- DrawFlushText
- DrawGetAlphaMultiplier
- DrawGetTextPosition
- DrawGetTextureFile
- DrawGetTextureId
- DrawGetTextureSize
- DrawLine
- DrawOutlinedCircle
- DrawOutlinedRectangle
- DrawPrintText
- DrawSetAlphaMultiplier
- DrawSetColor
- DrawSetTextColor
- DrawSetTextFont
- DrawSetTextPosition
- DrawSetTextScale
- DrawSetTexture
- DrawSetTextureFile
- DrawSetTextureMaterial
- DrawSetTextureRgba
- DrawTexturedRectangle
- DrawTexturedSubRectangle
- EnableMouseCapture
- FlashWindow
- GetAbsoluteWindowBounds
- GetBitmapFontName
- GetCharacterAbcWidth
- GetCharacterWidth
- GetEmbeddedPanel
- GetFontAscent
- GetFontTall
- GetModalPanel
- GetNotifyPanel
- GetPopup
- GetPopupCount
- GetProportionalBase
- GetResolutionKey
- GetScreenSize
- GetTextSize
- GetTitle
- GetTopmostPopup
- GetWorkspaceBounds
- GetZPosition
- HasCursorPositionFunctions
- HasFocus
- Invalidate
- IsCursorLocked
- IsCursorVisible
- IsFontAdditive
- IsMinimized
- IsTextureIdValid
- IsWithin
- LockCursor
- MovePopupToBack
- MovePopupToFront
- NeedKeyboardInput
- OnScreenSizeChanged
- PaintTraverse
- PaintTraverseEx
- PlaySound
- PopMakeCurrent
- RunFrame
- SetAllowHtmlJavaScript
- SetBitmapFontName
- SetCursorAlwaysVisible
- SetEmbeddedPanel
- SetFontGlyphSet
- SetTranslateExtendedKeys
- SetWorkspaceInsets
- SupportsFeature
- SurfaceGetCursorPosition
- SurfaceSetCursorPosition
- UnlockCursor
- GetCountry
- GetSecondsSinceAppActive
- GetSecondsSinceComputerActive
- GetSteamServerRealTime
- HasFocus
- IsLinux
- IsOsx
- IsWindowed
- IsWindows
- SetClipboardText
- AddMultiDamage
- ApplyMultiDamage
- CalculateBulletDamageForce
- CalculateExplosiveDamageForce
- CalculateMeleeDamageForce
- ClearMultiDamage
- GuessDamageForce
- ImpulseScale
- ClearTrace
- Create
- PointContents
- TraceEntity
- TraceHull
- TraceLine
- TraceModel
- MessageEnd
- Start
- WriteAngle
- WriteBool
- WriteByte
- WriteChar
- WriteEntity
- WriteFloat
- WriteLong
- WriteNormal
- WriteSBitLong
- WriteShort
- WriteString
- WriteUInt
- WriteVector
- WriteWord
- AngleDifference
- BoundToWorldSize
- ComputeStringWidth
- CreateBubbles
- CreateSmoke
- CreateTracer
- FindWaterSurface
- GetLocalPlayer
- GetPointWaterLevel
- GetScreenHeight
- GetScreenWidth
- ImpactTrace
- InterpolateAngles
- IntersectRayWithObb
- IntersectRayWithPlane
- IntersectRayWithSphere
- IsBoxIntersectingSphere
- IsLowViolence
- IsObbIntersectingObb
- IsSpaceEmpty
- IsSphereIntersectingCone
- IsSphereIntersectingSphere
- IsValidModel
- IsValidPhysicsProp
- NormalizeAngles
- PointOnLineNearestPoint
- PrecacheDecal
- PrecacheOther
- SafeName
- SetEntityOrigin
- ShakeScreen
- ShouldShowBlood
- ValidateSoundName
- AxisStringToPointDirection
- AxisStringToPointPoint
- AxisStringToUnitDirection
- Create
- Lerp
- SnapDirectionToAxis
- VectorToPitch
- VectorToYaw
- YawToVector
- RequestHttpMethod
- GetRealmColor
- IsSpewActive
- PrintColorMessage
- PrintDebugColorMessage
- PrintDebugLog
- PrintDebugMessage
- PrintDebugWarning
- PrintDevLog
- PrintDevMessage
- PrintDevWarning
- PrintLog
- PrintMessage
- PrintNetworkLog
- PrintNetworkMessage
- PrintNetworkWarning
- PrintWarning
- SpewActivate
- AngleVectors
- Clamp
- VectorAngles
- Add
- Divide
- Forward
- Initialize
- Invalidate
- IsEqualWithTolerance
- IsValid
- Length
- LengthSqr
- Normalize
- Right
- RotateAroundAxis
- Scale
- Up
- __add
- __div
- __eq
- __index
- __mul
- __newindex
- __sub
- __tostring
- __unm
- Get3dCone
- Get3dEnabled
- Get3dFadeDistance
- GetAverageBitRate
- GetBitsPerSample
- GetBufferedTime
- GetFft
- GetLength
- GetLevel
- GetPan
- GetPlaybackRate
- GetPosition
- GetSamplingRate
- GetState
- GetTagsOfHttp
- GetTagsOfId3
- GetTagsOfMeta
- GetTagsOfOgg
- GetTagsOfVendor
- GetTime
- GetVolume
- Is3d
- IsBlockStreamed
- IsLooping
- IsOnline
- IsValid
- Pause
- Play
- Set3dCone
- Set3dEnabled
- Set3dFadeDistance
- SetLooping
- SetPan
- SetPlaybackRate
- SetPosition
- SetTime
- SetVolume
- Stop
- __gc
- CanBeDefaultButton
- DoClick
- DrawFocusBox
- FireActionSignal
- ForceDepressed
- GetButtonBackgroundColor
- GetButtonForegroundColor
- IsArmed
- IsBlinking
- IsDepressed
- IsDrawingFocusBox
- IsMouseClickEnabled
- IsSelected
- IsUseCaptureMouseEnabled
- OnHotkey
- RecalculateDepressedState
- SetArmed
- SetArmedColor
- SetArmedSound
- SetAsCurrentDefaultButton
- SetAsDefaultButton
- SetBlink
- SetBlinkColor
- SetButtonActivationType
- SetButtonBorderEnabled
- SetDefaultColor
- SetDepressedColor
- SetDepressedSound
- SetMouseClickEnabled
- SetReleasedSound
- SetSelected
- SetShouldPaint
- SetUseCaptureMouse
- ShouldPaint
- __eq
- __gc
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- GetDisabledBackgroundColor
- GetDisabledForegroundColor
- SetCheckButtonCheckable
- __eq
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- GetAlpha
- GetBlue
- GetColor
- GetGreen
- GetRed
- Initialize
- SetColor
- SetRawColor
- __eq
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- CanAutoComplete
- IsCommand
- IsValid
- __tostring
- AddFlags
- GetBool
- GetDefault
- GetFloat
- GetHelpText
- GetInteger
- GetMax
- GetMin
- GetName
- GetString
- IsCommand
- IsFlagSet
- IsRegistered
- IsValid
- Revert
- SetValue
- __tostring
- ActivateBuildMode
- ApplySettings
- DoModal
- GetControlInt
- GetControlString
- GetCurrentKeyFocus
- GetDialogVariables
- IsModal
- LoadControlSettings
- LoadControlSettingsAndUserConfig
- LoadUserConfig
- OnRequestFocus
- RegisterControlSettingsFile
- RequestFocusNext
- RequestFocusPrev
- RequestInfoFromChild
- SaveUserConfig
- SetControlEnabled
- SetControlInt
- SetControlString
- SetControlVisible
- SetDialogVariable
- SetFocusTopLevel
- __eq
- __gc
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- GetAngles
- GetAttachmentIndex
- GetColor
- GetDamageType
- GetEffectNameIndex
- GetEntity
- GetEntityIndex
- GetFlags
- GetHitBox
- GetMagnitude
- GetMaterialIndex
- GetNormal
- GetOrigin
- GetRadius
- GetScale
- GetStart
- GetSurfacePropertyIndex
- SetAngles
- SetAttachmentIndex
- SetColor
- SetDamageType
- SetEntity
- SetEntityIndex
- SetFlags
- SetHitBox
- SetMagnitude
- SetMaterialIndex
- SetNormal
- SetOrigin
- SetRadius
- SetScale
- SetStart
- SetSurfacePropertyIndex
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- CreatePredictedEntityByName
- Activate
- AddContext
- AddDataObjectType
- AddDeleteOnRemove
- AddEffects
- AddEntityFlags
- AddEntityToVisibleList
- AddFlag
- AddPoints
- AddPointsToTeam
- AddSolidFlags
- AddSpawnFlags
- AddTimedOverlay
- AddToClientSideAnimationList
- ApplyAbsoluteVelocityImpulse
- ApplyLocalAngularVelocityImpulse
- BecomeRagdollOnClient
- BodyTarget
- CalculateIkLocks
- CalculateNearestPoint
- CallUseToggle
- CanBeHitByMeleeAttack
- CanStandOn
- ChangeTeam
- ClampCycle
- ClassMatches
- Classify
- Clear
- ClearEffects
- ClearFlags
- ClearNavIgnore
- ClearRagdoll
- ClearSolidFlags
- ClearSpawnFlags
- ClientSideAnimationChanged
- CollisionRulesChanged
- ComputeAbsoluteDirection
- ComputeAbsolutePosition
- ComputeClientSideAnimationFlags
- ComputeEntitySpaceHitboxSurroundingBox
- ComputeHitboxSurroundingBox
- ComputeRenderEffectsBlend
- ComputeWorldSpaceSurroundingBox
- CreateDataObject
- CreateRagdollCopy
- CreateUnragdollInfo
- CreateVPhysics
- DamageDecal
- DeathNotice
- DecalTrace
- DecrementTransmitStateOwnedCounter
- DestroyAllDataObjects
- DestroyDataObject
- DestroyPhysicsObject
- DetectInSkybox
- DisableMuzzleFlash
- DispatchMuzzleEffect
- DispatchResponse
- DispatchTraceAttack
- DoImpactEffect
- DoMuzzleFlash
- DoNothing
- DoesHavePlayerChild
- DontRecordInTools
- DrawAbsBoxOverlay
- DrawBBoxOverlay
- DrawClientHitboxes
- DrawDebugGeometryOverlays
- DrawDebugTextOverlays
- DrawModel
- DrawRBoxOverlay
- DrawTimedOverlays
- DropToFloor
- DumpResponseCriteria
- EmitAmbientSound
- EmitSound
- EnableInToolView
- EndBlockedByEntity
- EndGroundContact
- EndTouch
- EntityText
- EntityToWorldSpace
- Extinguish
- FadeOut
- FindBodyGroupByName
- FindFollowedEntity
- FindTransitionSequence
- FireBullets
- FireEvent
- FireObsoleteEvent
- FollowEntity
- ForceClientSideAnimationOn
- FrameAdvance
- GenderExpandString
- GetAimEntOrigin
- GetAngles
- GetAnimTimeInterval
- GetAnimationTime
- GetAttachment
- GetAttachmentLocal
- GetAttachmentVelocity
- GetAutoAimCenter
- GetAutoAimRadius
- GetBaseVelocity
- GetBlendedLinearVelocity
- GetBlocksLineOfSight
- GetBloodColorType
- GetBody
- GetBodyGroup
- GetBodyGroupCount
- GetBodyGroupName
- GetBodyGroups
- GetBodyGroupsAsString
- GetBodyGroupsCount
- GetBoneControllers
- GetBoneCount
- GetBonePosition
- GetBoundingRadius
- GetCheckUntouch
- GetChildren
- GetClass
- GetClientSideFade
- GetCollideType
- GetCollisionGroup
- GetCycle
- GetDLLType
- GetDamage
- GetDamageType
- GetDataObject
- GetDebugName
- GetDelay
- GetEarPosition
- GetEffectEntity
- GetEffects
- GetElasticity
- GetEnemy
- GetEntityFlags
- GetEntityIndex
- GetEntityName
- GetEntitySkybox
- GetEyeAngles
- GetEyePosition
- GetFirstMoveChild
- GetFirstThinkTick
- GetFlags
- GetFlexBounds
- GetFlexControllerName
- GetFlexControllerType
- GetFlexCount
- GetFlexDescFacs
- GetFlexIdByName
- GetFlexName
- GetFlexWeight
- GetFollowedEntity
- GetFriction
- GetGravity
- GetGroundChangeTime
- GetGroundEntity
- GetGroundVelocityToApply
- GetHealth
- GetHitboxSet
- GetHitboxSetCount
- GetHitboxSetName
- GetInputDispatchEffectPosition
- GetKeyValue
- GetLastThink
- GetLastThinkTick
- GetLifeState
- GetLocalAngles
- GetLocalAngularVelocity
- GetLocalOrigin
- GetLocalTime
- GetLocalVelocity
- GetMaterialOverride
- GetMaterials
- GetMaxHealth
- GetModelBounds
- GetModelIndex
- GetModelName
- GetMoveDoneTime
- GetMoveParent
- GetMoveType
- GetNetworkDataValue
- GetNextTarget
- GetNoCollidingWithTeammates
- GetNumFlexControllers
- GetOBBCenter
- GetOBBMaxs
- GetOBBMins
- GetObserverCameraOrigin
- GetOwnerEntity
- GetParametersForSound
- GetParent
- GetPhysicsObject
- GetPhysicsObjects
- GetPlaybackRate
- GetPoseParameter
- GetPoseParameterRange
- GetPosition
- GetPredictedPosition
- GetRagdollOwner
- GetReceivedDamageScale
- GetRefTable
- GetRenderAngles
- GetRenderBounds
- GetRenderColor
- GetRenderEffectsBlend
- GetRenderOrigin
- GetSequence
- GetSequenceActivity
- GetSequenceActivityName
- GetSequenceGroundSpeed
- GetSequenceLinearMotion
- GetSequenceName
- GetSequences
- GetServerIntendedCycle
- GetSimulatingPlayer
- GetSimulationTime
- GetSkin
- GetSkinCount
- GetSmoothedVelocity
- GetSolid
- GetSolidFlags
- GetSoundDuration
- GetSoundEmissionOrigin
- GetSoundSourceIndex
- GetSpawnFlags
- GetSubMaterialOverride
- GetSubModels
- GetTeamID
- GetTeamNumber
- GetTextureFrameIndex
- GetTouchTrace
- GetTracerAttachment
- GetTracerType
- GetTransmitState
- GetTransmitWithParent
- GetVectors
- GetVelocity
- GetViewOffset
- GetWaterLevel
- GetWaterType
- HasDataObjectType
- HasFlexManipulator
- HasMatchingRootParent
- HasNPCsOnIt
- HasRecordedThisFrame
- HasSpawnFlags
- HasTarget
- HeadTarget
- Ignite
- IgniteRagdoll
- ImpactTrace
- InSameTeam
- IncrementLocalTime
- IncrementTransmitStateOwnedCounter
- InitBoneSetupThreadPool
- InitModelEffects
- Instance
- InternalDrawModel
- Interp_HierarchyUpdateInterpolationAmounts
- Interpolate
- Intersects
- InvalidateBoneCache
- InvalidateBoneCaches
- InvalidateModelCache
- IsAIWalkable
- IsAbsQueriesValid
- IsActivityFinished
- IsAlive
- IsAllowedToFade
- IsAnimatedEveryTick
- IsBSPModel
- IsBaseObject
- IsBaseTrain
- IsBoneCacheValid
- IsClient
- IsControllingEntity
- IsCurrentlyTouching
- IsDormant
- IsEffectActive
- IsEnabledInToolView
- IsEntityFlagSet
- IsFloating
- IsFollowingEntity
- IsInAnyTeam
- IsInSolid
- IsInWorld
- IsItem
- IsLockedByMain
- IsMarkedForDeletion
- IsMoving
- IsNavIgnored
- IsNetClient
- IsNpc
- IsOnFire
- IsPlayer
- IsPlayerSimulated
- IsPointInBounds
- IsPointSized
- IsPrecacheAllowed
- IsRagdoll
- IsSelfAnimating
- IsSequenceFinished
- IsSequenceLooping
- IsServer
- IsSimulatedEveryTick
- IsSimulatingOnAlternateTicks
- IsSolid
- IsSolidFlagSet
- IsStandable
- IsTemplate
- IsToolRecording
- IsTransparent
- IsTriggered
- IsTwoPass
- IsValid
- IsViewModel
- IsViewable
- IsWeapon
- IsWorld
- KeyValue
- LocalEyeAngles
- LookupActivity
- LookupAttachment
- LookupBone
- LookupPoseParameter
- LookupRandomAttachment
- LookupSequence
- MakeDormant
- NameMatches
- NextMovePeer
- NotifyShouldTransmit
- ObjectCapabilities
- OnAcceptInput
- OnDataChanged
- OnEventKilled
- OnEventKilledOther
- OnMoveDone
- OnPreDataChanged
- OnRestore
- OnTakeDamage
- PassesDamageFilter
- PerformFadeOut
- PhysicsCheckForEntityUntouch
- PhysicsCheckWater
- PhysicsCheckWaterTransition
- PhysicsImpact
- PhysicsInit
- PhysicsInitBox
- PhysicsInitStatic
- PhysicsIsFlesh
- PhysicsMarkEntitiesAsTouching
- PhysicsNotifyOtherOfGroundRemoval
- PhysicsNotifyOtherOfUntouch
- PhysicsRemoveGroundList
- PhysicsRemoveTouchedList
- PhysicsSetObject
- PhysicsSimulate
- PhysicsSolidMaskForEntity
- PhysicsSplash
- PhysicsStartGroundContact
- PhysicsTouchTriggers
- PointAtEntity
- PopBoneAccess
- PostClientActive
- PostConstructor
- PostDataUpdate
- PreDataUpdate
- Precache
- PrecacheModel
- PrecacheScriptSound
- PrecacheSound
- PrefetchScriptSound
- PrefetchSound
- ProcessMuzzleFlashEvent
- PushAllowBoneAccess
- RagdollMoved
- RecalcHasPlayerChildBit
- RecordToolMessage
- RegisterThinkContext
- Release
- Remove
- RemoveAllDecals
- RemoveDataObjectType
- RemoveDeferred
- RemoveDeleteOnRemove
- RemoveEffects
- RemoveEntityFlags
- RemoveFlag
- RemoveFromClientSideAnimationList
- RemoveSolidFlags
- RemoveSpawnFlags
- RequiredEdictIndex
- ResetLatched
- ResetSequence
- ResetSequenceInfo
- Respawn
- RetrieveRagdollInfo
- RunBlockedByEntityEvent
- ScreenShake
- SelectWeightedSequence
- SendDebugPivotOverlay
- SendViewModelMatchingSequence
- SequenceDuration
- SequenceLoops
- SetAIWalkable
- SetAbsoluteQueriesValid
- SetAllowPrecache
- SetAngles
- SetAnimTime
- SetAnimatedEveryTick
- SetBaseVelocity
- SetBlocksLineOfSight
- SetBodyGroup
- SetBodyGroups
- SetBoneController
- SetCheckUntouch
- SetClass
- SetCollisionBounds
- SetCollisionGroup
- SetCycle
- SetDamage
- SetEffectEntity
- SetEffects
- SetElasticity
- SetEntityFlags
- SetFlexWeight
- SetFriction
- SetGravity
- SetGroundChangeTime
- SetGroundEntity
- SetHealth
- SetHitboxSet
- SetHitboxSetByName
- SetIK
- SetKeyValue
- SetLifeState
- SetLocalAngles
- SetLocalAngularVelocity
- SetLocalOrigin
- SetLocalVelocity
- SetMaterialOverride
- SetMaxHealth
- SetModel
- SetModel
- SetModelIndex
- SetModelName
- SetMoveCollide
- SetMoveDoneTime
- SetMoveType
- SetName
- SetNavIgnore
- SetNetworkDataValue
- SetNextClientThink
- SetNextThink
- SetNoCollidingWithTeammates
- SetOwnerEntity
- SetParent
- SetPlaybackRate
- SetPlayerSimulated
- SetPoseParameter
- SetPosition
- SetPredictable
- SetPredictionEligible
- SetPredictionPlayer
- SetPreventTransmit
- SetReceivedSequence
- SetRenderColor
- SetRenderColorA
- SetRenderColorB
- SetRenderColorG
- SetRenderColorR
- SetRenderMode
- SetSequence
- SetServerIntendedCycle
- SetShadowCastDistance
- SetSimulatedEveryTick
- SetSimulationTime
- SetSize
- SetSkin
- SetSolid
- SetSolidFlags
- SetSubMaterialOverride
- SetTextureFrameIndex
- SetToolRecording
- SetTransmitState
- SetTransmitWithParent
- SetVelocity
- SetViewOffset
- SetWaterLevel
- SetWaterType
- SetupBones
- ShadowCastType
- ShouldAttractAutoAim
- ShouldCollide
- ShouldMuzzleFlash
- ShouldRecordInTools
- ShouldResetSequenceOnNewModel
- ShouldSavePhysics
- ShouldToggle
- ShutdownBoneSetupThreadPool
- Simulate
- Spawn
- SpawnClientEntity
- Splash
- StartBlockedByEntity
- StartFadeOut
- StartFadeOutInstant
- StartGroundContact
- StartTouch
- StopFollowingEntity
- StudioFrameAdvance
- TakeDamage
- TakeHealth
- Teleport
- Terminate
- Think
- ThreadedBoneSetup
- ToggleFlag
- Touch
- TraceAttackToTriggers
- TraceBleed
- TransferDissolveFrom
- TransferPoseParameters
- UncorrectViewModelAttachment
- UnsetPlayerSimulated
- UpdateClientSideAnimation
- UpdateClientSideAnimations
- UpdateIKLocks
- UpdateOnRemove
- UpdatePhysics
- Use
- UseClientSideAnimation
- UsesFullFrameBufferTexture
- UsesPowerOfTwoFrameBufferTexture
- ValidateEntityConnections
- Vanish
- VelocityPunch
- WakeRestingObjects
- WorldAlignMaxs
- WorldAlignMins
- WorldAlignSize
- WorldSpaceCenter
- WorldToEntitySpace
- __eq
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- Read
- Size
- Write
- __eq
- __gc
- __len
- __tostring
- __tostring
- Activate
- ActivateMinimized
- CanChainKeysToParent
- Close
- CloseModal
- DisableFadeEffect
- FlashWindow
- FlashWindowStop
- GetBottomRightSize
- GetCaptionHeight
- GetClipToParent
- GetCornerSize
- GetDraggerSize
- IsMinimized
- IsMoveable
- IsSizeable
- IsSmallCaption
- MoveToCenterOfScreen
- PlaceUnderCursor
- SetChainKeysToParent
- SetClipToParent
- SetCloseButtonVisible
- SetDeleteSelfOnClose
- SetImages
- SetMaximizeButtonVisible
- SetMenuButtonResponsive
- SetMenuButtonVisible
- SetMinimizeButtonVisible
- SetMinimizeToSysTrayButtonVisible
- SetMoveable
- SetSizeable
- SetSmallCaption
- SetTitle
- SetTitleBarVisible
- __eq
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- AddCustomURLHandler
- AddJavascriptObject
- AddJavascriptObjectCallback
- CanGoBack
- CanGoForward
- Find
- FindDialogVisible
- FindNext
- FindPrevious
- GetLinkAtPosition
- GoBack
- GoForward
- HideFindDialog
- HorizontalScrollMax
- IsLoading
- IsScrollbarVisible
- IsScrolledToBottom
- NewWindowsOnly
- OpenUrl
- Refresh
- RunJavascript
- SetContextMenuEnabled
- SetHtml
- SetScrollbarsEnabled
- SetViewSourceEnabled
- ShowFindDialog
- StopFind
- StopLoading
- VerticalScrollMax
- __eq
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- AddSubKey
- ChainKeyValue
- Clear
- CopySubkeys
- CreateNewKey
- DeleteThis
- FindKey
- GetColor
- GetDataType
- GetFirstSubKey
- GetFirstTrueSubKey
- GetFirstValue
- GetName
- GetNameSymbol
- GetNextKey
- GetNextTrueSubKey
- GetNextValue
- IsEmpty
- LoadFromFile
- MakeCopy
- ProcessResolutionKeys
- RemoveSubKey
- SaveToFile
- SetColor
- SetFloat
- SetInt
- SetName
- SetNextKey
- SetString
- SetStringValue
- UsesEscapeSequences
- __eq
- __tostring
- ClearImages
- GetContentSize
- GetFont
- GetHotKey
- GetImageCount
- GetText
- GetTextInset
- GetValue
- ResetToSimpleTextImage
- SetAssociatedControl
- SetCenterWrap
- SetContentAlignment
- SetFont
- SetHotkey
- SetImageBounds
- SetImagePreOffset
- SetText
- SetTextImageIndex
- SetTextInset
- SetWrap
- SizeToContents
- __eq
- __gc
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- AddReference
- AlphaModulate
- ColorModulate
- DecrementReferenceCount
- DeleteIfUnreferenced
- GetAnimationFrameAmount
- GetColor
- GetColorModulation
- GetEnumerationID
- GetFloat
- GetInteger
- GetMappingHeight
- GetMappingWidth
- GetMaterialPage
- GetMaterialVariableFlag
- GetMorphFormat
- GetName
- GetPassAmount
- GetPropertyFlag
- GetReflectivity
- GetShaderName
- GetString
- GetTexture
- GetTextureGroupName
- GetTextureMemoryBytes
- GetVector
- GetVector4D
- HasProxy
- InMaterialPage
- IncrementReferenceCount
- IsAlphaTested
- IsErrorMaterial
- IsSpriteCard
- IsTranslucent
- IsTwoSided
- IsVertexLit
- NeedsFullFrameBufferTexture
- NeedsLightmapBlendAlpha
- NeedsPowerOfTwoFrameBufferTexture
- NeedsSoftwareLighting
- NeedsSoftwareSkinning
- NeedsTangentSpace
- RecomputeStateSnapshots
- Refresh
- RefreshPreservingMaterialVariables
- Release
- SetFloat
- SetInteger
- SetMaterialVariableFlag
- SetShader
- SetString
- SetTexture
- SetUseFixedFunctionBakedLighting
- SetVector
- SetVector4D
- ShaderParamCount
- UsesEnvCubemap
- WasReloadedFromWhitelist
- __tostring
- ApplyRotation
- As3x4
- CopyFrom3x4
- GetBasisVectors
- GetForward
- GetLeft
- GetScale
- GetTranslation
- GetUp
- Identity
- Init
- InverseGeneral
- InverseTranslation
- IsIdentity
- IsRotationMatrix
- MatrixMul
- MultiplyByVector
- MultiplyByVector3x3
- MultiplyByVector4x3
- MultiplyByVectorTranspose3x3
- MultiplyByVectorTranspose4x3
- NormalizeBasisVectors
- PostTranslate
- PreTranslate
- Scale
- Set3x4
- SetBasisVectors
- SetForward
- SetLeft
- SetTranslation
- SetUp
- SetupMatrixForOriginAndAngles
- Transpose
- Transpose3x3
- __add
- __eq
- __index
- __mul
- __newindex
- __sub
- __tostring
- __unm
- Init
- Invalidate
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- GetNumBitsLeft
- GetNumBitsRead
- GetNumBytesLeft
- GetNumBytesRead
- ReadAngle
- ReadBit
- ReadBitLong
- ReadBool
- ReadByte
- ReadBytes
- ReadChar
- ReadData
- ReadEntity
- ReadFloat
- ReadLong
- ReadShort
- ReadString
- ReadUInt
- ReadVector
- ReadVectorNormal
- ReadWord
- __index
- __tostring
- WriteAngle
- WriteBit
- WriteBitLong
- WriteBool
- WriteByte
- WriteChar
- WriteData
- WriteEntity
- WriteFloat
- WriteLong
- WriteShort
- WriteString
- WriteVector
- WriteVectorNormal
- WriteWord
- __gc
- __index
- __tostring
- GetBodyGroups
- GetModel
- GetSkin
- RebuildSpawnIcon
- SetBodyGroups
- SetModel
- SetModelImage
- SetSkin
- __eq
- __gc
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- AddKey
- ClearButtons
- ClearMovement
- GetAbsoluteMoveAngles
- GetAngles
- GetButtons
- GetConstraintCenter
- GetConstraintRadius
- GetConstraintSpeedScale
- GetConstraintWidth
- GetFinalIdealVelocity
- GetFinalJumpVelocity
- GetFinalStepHeight
- GetForwardSpeed
- GetImpulseCommand
- GetMaxClientSpeed
- GetMaxSpeed
- GetMoveAngles
- GetOldAngles
- GetOldButtons
- GetOrigin
- GetSideSpeed
- GetUpSpeed
- GetVelocity
- IsKeyDown
- SetAbsoluteMoveAngles
- SetAngles
- SetButtons
- SetConstraintCenter
- SetConstraintRadius
- SetConstraintSpeedScale
- SetConstraintWidth
- SetFinalIdealVelocity
- SetFinalJumpVelocity
- SetFinalStepHeight
- SetForwardSpeed
- SetImpulseCommand
- SetMaxClientSpeed
- SetMaxSpeed
- SetMoveAngles
- SetOldAngles
- SetOldButtons
- SetOrigin
- SetSideSpeed
- SetUpSpeed
- SetVelocity
- WasKeyDown
- WasKeyPressed
- WasKeyReleased
- __tostring
- AddToTouched
- ConsoleLog
- GetSurfaceProperties
- PlayerFallingDamage
- PlayerSetAnimation
- ProcessImpacts
- ResetTouchList
- __tostring
- GetAddress
- GetAverageChoke
- GetAverageData
- GetAverageLatency
- GetAverageLoss
- GetAveragePackets
- GetBufferSize
- GetCommandInterpolationAmount
- GetDataRate
- GetLatency
- GetName
- GetPacketBytes
- GetPacketResponseLatency
- GetPacketTime
- GetRemoteFramerate
- GetSequenceNumber
- GetStreamProgress
- GetTime
- GetTimeConnected
- GetTimeSinceLastReceived
- GetTimeoutSeconds
- GetTotalData
- IsLoopback
- IsPlayback
- IsTimingOut
- IsValidPacket
- __tostring
- AddString
- ChangedSinceTick
- FindStringIndex
- GetEntryBits
- GetMaxStrings
- GetString
- GetStringsAmount
- GetTableId
- GetTableName
- SetStringUserData
- SetTick
- __tostring
- AddActionSignalTarget
- AddKeyBinding
- CanStartDragging
- DeletePanel
- DisableMouseInputForThisPanel
- DrawBox
- DrawBoxFade
- DrawHollowBox
- DrawTexturedBox
- EditKeyBindings
- FillRectangleSkippingPanel
- FindChildIndexByName
- GetAlpha
- GetBackgroundColor
- GetBounds
- GetChild
- GetChildCount
- GetChildren
- GetChildrenSize
- GetClassName
- GetClipRectangle
- GetCornerTextureSize
- GetDescription
- GetDock
- GetDockMargin
- GetDockPadding
- GetDragFrameColor
- GetDragPanel
- GetDragStartTolerance
- GetDropFrameColor
- GetForegroundColor
- GetInset
- GetKeyBindingsFile
- GetKeyBindingsFilePathId
- GetKeyMappingCount
- GetLocalCursorPosition
- GetMinimumSize
- GetModuleName
- GetName
- GetPaintBackgroundType
- GetPaintSize
- GetParent
- GetPinCorner
- GetPinOffset
- GetPosition
- GetRefTable
- GetResizeOffset
- GetScheme
- GetSize
- GetTabPosition
- GetTall
- GetWide
- GetZIndex
- HasChildren
- HasFocus
- HasHierarchicalFocus
- HasParent
- HasUserConfigSettings
- InitPropertyConverters
- InvalidateLayout
- IsAutoDeleteSet
- IsBeingDragged
- IsBlockingDragChaining
- IsBottomAligned
- IsBuildGroupEnabled
- IsBuildModeActive
- IsBuildModeDeletable
- IsBuildModeEditable
- IsChildOfModalSubTree
- IsChildOfSurfaceModalPanel
- IsCursorNone
- IsCursorOver
- IsDragEnabled
- IsDropEnabled
- IsEnabled
- IsKeyBindingChainToParentAllowed
- IsKeyBoardInputEnabled
- IsKeyOverridden
- IsKeyRebound
- IsLayoutInvalid
- IsMarkedForDeletion
- IsMouseInputDisabledForThisPanel
- IsMouseInputEnabled
- IsOpaque
- IsPopup
- IsProportional
- IsRightAligned
- IsStartDragWhenMouseExitsPanel
- IsTriplePressAllowed
- IsValid
- IsValidKeyBindingsContext
- IsVisible
- IsWithin
- IsWithinTraverse
- IsWorldClicker
- KeyCodeToString
- LocalToScreen
- MakePopup
- MakeReadyForUse
- MarkForDeletion
- MoveToBack
- MoveToFront
- OnCommand
- OnCursorEntered
- OnCursorExited
- OnCursorMoved
- OnDelete
- OnDraggablePanelPaint
- OnKeyCodePressed
- OnKeyCodeTyped
- OnKeyFocusTicked
- OnKillFocus
- OnMouseCaptureLost
- OnMouseDoublePressed
- OnMouseFocusTicked
- OnMousePressed
- OnMouseReleased
- OnMouseTriplePressed
- OnMouseWheeled
- OnMove
- OnSetFocus
- OnSizeChanged
- OnThink
- OnTick
- PaintBackground
- PaintBorder
- PaintBuildOverlay
- PaintManual
- ParentLocalToScreen
- ParentToHud
- PerformLayout
- PostChildPaint
- Prepare
- ReloadKeyBindings
- RemoveActionSignalTarget
- RemoveAllKeyBindings
- Repaint
- RequestFocus
- RequestInfo
- RevertKeyBindingsToDefault
- ScreenToLocal
- SetAllowKeyBindingChainToParent
- SetAlpha
- SetAutoDelete
- SetAutoResize
- SetBackgroundColor
- SetBlockDragChaining
- SetBounds
- SetBuildModeDeletable
- SetBuildModeEditable
- SetCursor
- SetDock
- SetDockMargin
- SetDockPadding
- SetDragEnabled
- SetDragStartTolerance
- SetDropEnabled
- SetEnabled
- SetForegroundColor
- SetKeyboardInputEnabled
- SetMinimumSize
- SetMouseInputEnabled
- SetName
- SetPaintBackgroundEnabled
- SetPaintBackgroundType
- SetPaintBorderEnabled
- SetPaintClippingEnabled
- SetPaintEnabled
- SetPaintedManually
- SetParent
- SetPinCorner
- SetPosition
- SetPostChildPaintEnabled
- SetProportional
- SetScheme
- SetSilentMode
- SetSize
- SetSkipChildDuringPainting
- SetStartDragWhenMouseExitsPanel
- SetTabPosition
- SetTall
- SetTriplePressAllowed
- SetVisible
- SetWide
- SetWorldClicker
- SetZIndex
- ShouldHandleInputMessage
- SizeToChildren
- StringToKeyCode
- __eq
- __gc
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- AddAngleVelocity
- AddVelocity
- ApplyForceCenter
- ApplyForceOffset
- ApplyTorqueCenter
- BecomeHinged
- BecomeTrigger
- CalculateAngularDrag
- CalculateForceOffset
- CalculateLinearDrag
- CalculateVelocityOffset
- EnableCollisions
- EnableDrag
- EnableGravity
- EnableMotion
- GetAabb
- GetCallbackFlags
- GetContactPoint
- GetContents
- GetDamping
- GetEnergy
- GetGameFlags
- GetGameIndex
- GetImplicitVelocity
- GetInertia
- GetInverseInertia
- GetInverseMass
- GetMass
- GetMassCenterLocalSpace
- GetMaterialIndex
- GetName
- GetPosition
- GetShadowPosition
- GetSphereRadius
- GetVelocity
- GetVelocityAtPoint
- IsAsleep
- IsAttachedToConstraint
- IsCollisionEnabled
- IsDragEnabled
- IsFluid
- IsGravityEnabled
- IsHinged
- IsMotionEnabled
- IsMoveable
- IsStatic
- IsTrigger
- LocalToWorld
- LocalToWorldVector
- OutputDebugInfo
- RecheckCollisionFilter
- RecheckContactPoints
- RemoveHinged
- RemoveShadowController
- RemoveTrigger
- SetBuoyancyRatio
- SetCallbackFlags
- SetContents
- SetDragCoefficient
- SetGameFlags
- SetGameIndex
- SetMass
- SetMaterialIndex
- SetShadow
- SetVelocity
- SetVelocityInstantaneous
- Sleep
- Wake
- WorldToLocal
- WorldToLocalVector
- __eq
- __tostring
- ParseSurfaceData
- GetPhysicsParameters
- GetPhysicsProperties
- GetPropName
- GetString
- GetSurfaceData
- GetSurfaceIndex
- SurfacePropCount
- __eq
- __tostring
- AddToPlayerSimulationList
- AnimationResetGestureSlot
- AnimationRestartGesture
- AnimationRestartMainSequence
- AnimationSetGestureSequence
- AnimationSetGestureWeight
- BumpWeapon
- CacheVehicleView
- CanSprint
- CanSwitchToWeapon
- CanUseWeapon
- CheatImpulseCommands
- CheckObserverSettings
- CheckTrainUpdate
- ClampPunchAngleOffset
- ClearPlayerSimulationList
- ClearZoomOwner
- CreateCorpse
- CreateViewModel
- CurrentCommandNumber
- DamageEffect
- DestroyViewModels
- DoAnimationEvent
- DropWeapon
- DropWeaponInSlot
- Duck
- EnableControl
- EquipSuit
- EquipWeapon
- ExitLadder
- FindNextObserverTarget
- FindUseEntity
- FinishLagCompensation
- ForceObserverMode
- ForceRespawn
- ForceSimulation
- GetAccountId
- GetActiveWeapon
- GetAimVector
- GetAmmoCount
- GetArmor
- GetBodyAngles
- GetBodyTarget
- GetBonusChallenge
- GetBonusProgress
- GetClientIndex
- GetCrouchWalkFraction
- GetCurrentCommand
- GetDeathTime
- GetDefaultFov
- GetDelayTicks
- GetDuckSpeed
- GetEyePositionAndVectors
- GetEyeVectors
- GetFov
- GetFovDistanceAdjustFactor
- GetFovTime
- GetHands
- GetImpulse
- GetIpAddress
- GetJumpPower
- GetLadderClimbSpeed
- GetLaggedMovementValue
- GetLastKnownPlaceName
- GetLastWeapon
- GetMaxSpeed
- GetNetworkIdString
- GetNextAttack
- GetNextObserverSearchStartPoint
- GetNormalSpeed
- GetObserverMode
- GetObserverTarget
- GetPing
- GetPlayerLocalData
- GetPlayerMaxs
- GetPlayerMins
- GetPlayerModelType
- GetPlayerName
- GetPreviouslyPredictedOrigin
- GetPunchAngle
- GetRagdollEntity
- GetReplayEntity
- GetRunSpeed
- GetSteamId
- GetSteamId64
- GetStepSoundCache
- GetStepSoundVelocities
- GetSwimSoundTime
- GetTimeBase
- GetUnDuckFraction
- GetUniqueId
- GetUseEntity
- GetUserId
- GetVehicleAnalogControlBias
- GetVehicleEntity
- GetViewEntity
- GetViewModel
- GetViewPunchAngles
- GetWalkSpeed
- GetWaterJumpTime
- GetWeapon
- GetWeaponInSlot
- GetWeaponShootPosition
- GetWeapons
- Give
- GiveItem
- HasAnyAmmoOfType
- HasPhysicsFlag
- HasWeapon
- HasWeapons
- HideViewModels
- HintMessage
- ImpulseCommands
- InitHud
- InitialSpawn
- IsBot
- IsDead
- IsFakeClient
- IsFlashlightEnabled
- IsFlashlightOn
- IsHltv
- IsIlluminatedByFlashlight
- IsInVehicle
- IsKeyDown
- IsObserver
- IsOnLadder
- IsPlayerUnderwater
- IsSinglePlayerGameEnding
- IsSpeaking
- IsSuitEquipped
- IsUseableEntity
- IsValidObserverTarget
- ItemPostFrame
- ItemPreFrame
- Jump
- JumpToPosition
- KeyDown
- Kill
- KillSilent
- LeaveVehicle
- Lock
- ModeWantsSpectatorGui
- NotifySinglePlayerGameEnding
- OnEventDying
- OnEventTakeDamageAlive
- OnVehicleStart
- OwnsWeaponOfType
- PackDeadPlayerItems
- PauseBonusProgress
- PlayDeathSound
- PlayStepSound
- PlayerDeathThink
- PlayerUse
- PostThink
- PreThink
- RemoveAllAmmo
- RemoveAllItems
- RemoveAmmo
- RemoveFromPlayerSimulationList
- RemoveSuit
- RemoveWeapon
- ResetAutoAim
- ResetObserverMode
- RumbleEffect
- SelectItem
- SelectLastItem
- SelectSpawnPoint
- SetAmmoCount
- SetAnimation
- SetAnimationExtension
- SetBloodColor
- SetBodyPitch
- SetBonusChallenge
- SetBonusProgress
- SetCrouchWalkFraction
- SetDropActiveWeaponOnDeath
- SetDsp
- SetDuckSpeed
- SetFlashlightEnabled
- SetFov
- SetHands
- SetJumpPower
- SetLadderClimbSpeed
- SetLadderNormal
- SetLagCompensated
- SetLastWeapon
- SetMaxSpeed
- SetNextAttack
- SetNormalSpeed
- SetObserverMode
- SetObserverTarget
- SetPlayerLocalData
- SetPlayerName
- SetPlayerUnderwater
- SetPreviouslyPredictedOrigin
- SetPunchAngle
- SetRunSpeed
- SetStepSoundCache
- SetSuitUpdate
- SetSwimSoundTime
- SetTeam
- SetUnDuckFraction
- SetVehicleAnalogControlBias
- SetViewPunchAngles
- SetWalkSpeed
- SetWaterJumpTime
- SharedSpawn
- ShouldDrawLocalPlayer
- ShouldFadeOnDeath
- ShouldSelectWeapon
- ShouldSetLastWeapon
- ShouldShowHints
- ShowCrosshair
- ShowMessage
- ShowViewModel
- SimulatePlayerSimulatedEntities
- SmoothViewOnStairs
- SnapEyeAngles
- SprayDecal
- StartLagCompensation
- StartObserverMode
- StartReplayMode
- StopObserverMode
- StopReplayMode
- SwitchToNextBestWeapon
- SwitchWeapon
- TranslateWeaponActivity
- TurnFlashlightOff
- TurnFlashlightOn
- Unlock
- UpdateClientData
- UpdatePlayerSound
- UpdateUnderwaterState
- UsingStandardWeaponsInVehicle
- ValidateCurrentObserverTarget
- ViewPunch
- ViewPunchReset
- WasKeyDown
- WasKeyPressed
- WasKeyReleased
- WeaponCount
- GetAngles
- GetBrightness
- GetColor
- GetConstantAttenuation
- GetEnableShadows
- GetFarZ
- GetHorizontalFov
- GetLightWorld
- GetLinearAttenuation
- GetNearZ
- GetOrthographic
- GetPosition
- GetQuadraticAttenuation
- GetScissorRectangle
- GetShadowDepthBias
- GetShadowFilter
- GetShadowSlopeScaleDepthBias
- GetTargetEntity
- GetTexture
- GetTextureFrame
- GetVerticalFov
- IsValid
- Remove
- SetAngles
- SetBrightness
- SetColor
- SetConstantAttenuation
- SetEnableShadows
- SetFarZ
- SetFov
- SetHorizontalFov
- SetLightWorld
- SetLinearAttenuation
- SetNearZ
- SetOrthographic
- SetPosition
- SetQuadraticAttenuation
- SetScissorRectangle
- SetShadowDepthBias
- SetShadowFilter
- SetShadowSlopeScaleDepthBias
- SetTargetEntity
- SetTexture
- SetTextureFrame
- SetVerticalFov
- Update
- __eq
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- AddAllPlayers
- AddRecipient
- AddRecipientsByPAS
- AddRecipientsByPVS
- CopyFrom
- GetRecipientCount
- GetRecipientIndex
- IgnorePredictionCull
- IsInitMessage
- IsReliable
- IsUsingPredictionRules
- MakeInitMessage
- MakeReliable
- RemoveAllRecipients
- RemoveRecipient
- RemoveRecipientByPlayerIndex
- RemoveRecipientsByPvs
- Reset
- SetIgnorePredictionCull
- UsePredictionRules
- __tostring
- GetColor
- GetFont
- GetFontName
- GetResourceString
- __tostring
- ActivateGameOverlay
- GetClanCount
- GetFriendCount
- GetPersonaName
- GetPersonaState
- SetPersonaName
- __tostring
- AddDamage
- AddDamageType
- AdjustPlayerDamageInflictedForSkillLevel
- AdjustPlayerDamageTakenForSkillLevel
- BaseDamageIsValid
- CopyDamageToBaseDamage
- DebugGetDamageTypeString
- GetAmmoName
- GetAmmoType
- GetAttacker
- GetBaseDamage
- GetDamage
- GetDamageCustom
- GetDamageForce
- GetDamagePosition
- GetDamageStats
- GetDamageType
- GetInflictor
- GetMaxDamage
- GetReportedPosition
- GetWeapon
- ScaleDamage
- ScaleDamageForce
- SetAmmoType
- SetAttacker
- SetDamage
- SetDamageCustom
- SetDamageForce
- SetDamagePosition
- SetDamageStats
- SetDamageType
- SetInflictor
- SetMaxDamage
- SetReportedPosition
- SetWeapon
- SubtractDamage
- __tostring
- Backspace
- Delete
- DeleteSelected
- GetCursorPosition
- GetDrawWidth
- GetMaximumCharacterCount
- GetNumberOfLines
- GetText
- GetTextLength
- GetValue
- GetValueAsFloat
- GetValueAsInteger
- GotoDown
- GotoEndOfLine
- GotoFirstOfLine
- GotoLeft
- GotoRight
- GotoTextEnd
- GotoTextStart
- GotoUp
- GotoWordLeft
- GotoWordRight
- InsertString
- IsDroppable
- IsEditable
- IsMultiline
- IsTextFullySelected
- LayoutVerticalScrollBarSlider
- MoveCursor
- OnCreateDragData
- OnPanelDropped
- OpenEditMenu
- PaintText
- RecalculateLineBreaks
- SaveUndoState
- SelectAllOnFocusAlways
- SelectAllText
- SelectNone
- SendNewLine
- SetAllowNonAsciiCharacters
- SetAllowNumericInputOnly
- SetAutoProgressOnHittingCharLimit
- SetCatchEnterKey
- SetCursorPosition
- SetDisabledBgColor
- SetDrawLanguageIdAtLeft
- SetDrawWidth
- SetEditable
- SetFont
- SetHorizontalScrolling
- SetMaximumCharacterCount
- SetMultiline
- SetSelectionBackgroundColor
- SetSelectionTextColor
- SetSelectionUnfocusedBackgroundColor
- SetText
- SetTextHidden
- SetToFullHeight
- SetToFullWidth
- SetUseFallbackFont
- SetVerticalScrollbar
- SetWrap
- Undo
- __eq
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- Download
- GetActualHeight
- GetActualWidth
- GetMappingHeight
- GetMappingWidth
- GetName
- GetNumAnimationFrames
- IsError
- IsErrorTexture
- IsMipmapped
- IsTranslucent
- Release
- __tostring
- DidHit
- DidHitNonWorldEntity
- DidHitWorld
- GetEntityIndex
- IsDisplacementSurface
- IsDisplacementSurfaceBuildable
- IsDisplacementSurfaceProp1
- IsDisplacementSurfaceProp2
- IsDisplacementSurfaceWalkable
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- AddKey
- ClearButtons
- ClearMovement
- CommandNumber
- GetButtons
- GetForwardMove
- GetImpulse
- GetMouseWheel
- GetMouseX
- GetMouseY
- GetSideMove
- GetUpMove
- GetViewAngles
- IsNew
- KeyDown
- RemoveKey
- SelectWeapon
- SetButtons
- SetForwardMove
- SetImpulse
- SetMouseX
- SetMouseY
- SetSideMove
- SetUpMove
- SetViewAngles
- TickCount
- __tostring
- Add
- Angle
- AngleWithUp
- Cross
- DistanceTo
- DistanceTo2D
- DistanceTo2DSqr
- DistanceToAsSqr
- Divide
- Dot
- GetGreatest
- GetSmallest
- Initialize
- Invalidate
- IsLengthGreaterThan
- IsLengthLessThan
- IsValid
- Length
- Length2D
- Length2DSqr
- LengthSqr
- MultiplyThenAdd
- Negate
- NormalizeInPlace
- Random
- Scale
- ToScreen
- WithinAABox
- Zero
- __add
- __div
- __eq
- __index
- __mul
- __newindex
- __sub
- __tostring
- __unm
- AbortReload
- ActivityListCount
- ActivityOverride
- AddViewKick
- AllowsAutoSwitchFrom
- AllowsAutoSwitchTo
- CalcViewmodelBob
- CanBePickedUpByNPCs
- CanBeSelected
- CanDeploy
- CanHolster
- CanLower
- CheckReload
- Clip1
- Clip2
- DefaultDeploy
- DefaultReload
- DefaultTouch
- Deploy
- DisplayAltFireHudHint
- DisplayReloadHudHint
- Drop
- EmitWeaponSound
- FinishReload
- GetActivity
- GetAnimPrefix
- GetAnimationPrefix
- GetBulletType
- GetClassName
- GetDamageAtLocation
- GetDeathNoticeName
- GetDefaultAnimSpeed
- GetDefaultClip1
- GetDefaultClip2
- GetDrawActivity
- GetFireRate
- GetIdealActivity
- GetIdealSequence
- GetMaxAutoAimDeflection
- GetMaxBurst
- GetMaxClip1
- GetMaxClip2
- GetMaxRestTime
- GetMinBurst
- GetMinRestTime
- GetNextPrimaryFire
- GetNextSecondaryFire
- GetOwner
- GetPrimaryAmmoCount
- GetPrimaryAmmoType
- GetPrimaryAttackActivity
- GetPrintName
- GetRandomBurst
- GetRumbleEffect
- GetSecondaryAmmoCount
- GetSecondaryAmmoType
- GetSecondaryAttackActivity
- GetShootSound
- GetSlot
- GetSlotPosition
- GetSubType
- GetViewModelSequenceDuration
- GetWeaponData
- GetWeaponFlags
- GetWeaponIdleTime
- GetWeaponViewModel
- GetWeight
- GetWorldModel
- GiveDefaultAmmo
- HandleFireOnEmpty
- HasAmmo
- HasAnyAmmo
- HasPrimaryAmmo
- HasSecondaryAmmo
- HasWeaponIdleTimeElapsed
- HideThink
- IsAllowedToSwitch
- IsLocked
- IsMeleeWeapon
- IsPredicted
- IsScripted
- IsViewModelSequenceFinished
- IsWeaponVisible
- IsWeaponZoomed
- ItemBusyFrame
- ItemHolsterFrame
- Lock
- Lower
- MaintainIdealActivity
- OnActiveStateChanged
- PrimaryAttack
- Ready
- Reload
- ReloadOrSwitchWeapons
- RescindAltFireHudHint
- RescindReloadHudHint
- SecondaryAttack
- SendViewModelAnimation
- SendWeaponAnimation
- SetActivity
- SetAnimationPrefix
- SetClip1
- SetClip2
- SetIdealActivity
- SetNextPrimaryFire
- SetNextSecondaryFire
- SetPickupTouch
- SetPrimaryAmmoCount
- SetSecondaryAmmoCount
- SetSubType
- SetViewModel
- SetViewModelIndex
- SetWeaponIdleTime
- SetWeaponVisible
- ShouldDisplayAltFireHUDHint
- ShouldDisplayReloadHUDHint
- ShouldShowControlPanels
- StartSprinting
- StopSprinting
- StopWeaponSound
- UsesClipsForAmmo1
- UsesClipsForAmmo2
- UsesPrimaryAmmo
- UsesSecondaryAmmo
- VisibleInWeaponSelection
- WeaponAutoAimScale
- WeaponIdle
- WeaponItemPostFrame
- WeaponItemPreFrame
- WeaponState
- __index
- boolean
- function
- integer
- number
- string
- table
- ActivateClientUI
- AdjustEngineViewport
- AdjustMouseSensitivity
- CanShowSpeakerLabels
- CreateClientSideRagdoll
- CreateDefaultPanels
- CreateMove
- DrawHeadLabels
- DrawMonitors
- DrawOverlay
- EntityRemoved
- FinishMove
- GetMotionBlurValues
- GetPlayerTextColor
- HUDDrawPickupHistory
- HUDDrawScoreBoard
- HUDPaint
- HUDShouldDraw
- HideClientUI
- KeyInput
- LevelInitPostEntity
- LevelInitPreEntity
- LevelShutdown
- NeedsDepthPass
- NetworkEntityCreated
- OnEntityCreated
- OnScreenSizeChanged
- PlayerPostThink
- PlayerTraceAttack
- PlayerUpdateFlashlight
- PostDraw2DSkyBox
- PostDrawEffects
- PostDrawHUD
- PostDrawOpaqueRenderables
- PostDrawSkyBox
- PostDrawTranslucentRenderables
- PostDrawViewModel
- PostRender
- PostRenderVgui
- PreDrawEffects
- PreDrawHUD
- PreDrawOpaqueRenderables
- PreDrawSkyBox
- PreDrawTranslucentRenderables
- PreDrawViewModel
- PreDrawViewModels
- PreRender
- RenderScene
- RenderScreenspaceEffects
- ScoreboardHide
- ScoreboardShow
- SetupMove
- SetupSkyboxFog
- SetupWorldFog
- ShouldDrawDetailObjects
- ShouldDrawEntity
- ShouldDrawFog
- ShouldDrawLocalPlayer
- ShouldDrawParticles
- ShouldDrawViewModels
- StartCommand
- Think
- Tick
- AllowPlayerPickup
- CanEnterVehicle
- CheatImpulseCommands
- CheckPassword
- CreateEntityRagdoll
- EntityKeyValue
- EntityRemoved
- FinishMove
- GiveDefaultItems
- LevelInit
- LevelShutdown
- NetworkIDValidated
- OnEntityCreated
- PlayerAuthed
- PlayerDeathSound
- PlayerDeathThink
- PlayerEntSelectSpawnPoint
- PlayerInitialSpawn
- PlayerPostThink
- PlayerSay
- PlayerTraceAttack
- PlayersCanPickupObject
- ServerActivate
- SetupMove
- ShouldHideServer
- ShowHelp
- ShowSpare1
- ShowSpare2
- ShowTeam
- StartCommand
- Think
- Tick
- VehicleMove
- Weapon_Equip
- AddLevelDesignerPlacedObject
- AllowDamage
- CalcMainActivity
- CalcVehicleView
- CalcView
- CalcViewModelView
- CanHavePlayerItem
- CanPlayerHearPlayer
- CheckChatForReadySignal
- CheckGameOver
- CleanUpMap
- ClientConnected
- ClientDisconnected
- ClientSettingsChanged
- CreateStandardEntities
- DeathNotice
- DoAnimationEvent
- EntityNetworkVariableChanging
- EntityRemoved
- FPlayerCanTakeDamage
- FShouldSwitchWeapon
- FindUseEntity
- FinishMove
- FlItemRespawnTime
- FlPlayerSpawnTime
- FlWeaponRespawnTime
- FlWeaponTryRespawn
- GetFallDamage
- GetGameDescription
- GetMapRemainingTime
- GoToIntermission
- InitHUD
- Initialize
- IsIntermission
- ItemShouldRespawn
- LevelShutdown
- Move
- OnEntityCreated
- PlayerCanHearChat
- PlayerCanRespawn
- PlayerGotItem
- PlayerKilled
- PlayerNoClip
- PlayerPlayStepSound
- PlayerPostThink
- PlayerRelationship
- PlayerSpawn
- PlayerThink
- PlayerTick
- PlayerTraceAttack
- PlayerUse
- PreEntityInitialize
- Precache
- RemoveLevelDesignerPlacedObject
- RestartGame
- SetupMove
- ShouldCollide
- ShutDown
- StartCommand
- Think
- Tick
- TranslateActivity
- UpdateAnimation
- VecItemRespawnAngles
- VecItemRespawnSpot
- VecWeaponRespawnSpot
- WeaponShouldRespawn
- Create
- Lerp
- AddText
- GetChatBoxPosition
- GetChatBoxSize
- PlaySound
- StartMessageMode
- StopMessageMode
- AdvanceFrame
- GetShadowDirection
- RenderShadowTexture
- SetShadowBlobbyCutoffArea
- SetShadowColor
- SetShadowDirection
- SetShadowDistance
- SetShadowsDisabled
- UnlockAllShadowDepthTextures
- ColorToHsl
- ColorToHsv
- Create
- HslToColor
- HsvToColor
- Create
- GetCommandClient
- GetCommandClientIndex
- IsCommandIssuedByServerAdmin
- AllocateDllIdentifier
- ConsoleColorColorPrint
- ConsoleDebugPrint
- ConsolePrint
- Create
- FindVariable
- Get
- GetCommandLineValue
- RevertFlaggedConVars
- AddBox
- AddEntityTextOverlay
- AddGrid
- AddLine
- AddScreenText
- AddSweptBox
- AddText
- AddTriangle
- ClearAll
- ClearDead
- ScreenPosition
- Create
- Dispatch
- SpawnBloodDrips
- SpawnBloodImpact
- SpawnBloodSpray
- SpawnBloodStream
- SpawnBubbleTrail
- SpawnMuzzleFlash
- SpawnParticleTracer
- SpawnTracer
- GetPanel
- IsGameUiVisible
- ActivateOccluder
- AllowEdictReuse
- ChangeLevel
- ChangeTeam
- CheckAreasConnected
- CheckKeyTrapping
- CheckPoint
- ClientCommand
- ClientCommandUnrestricted
- CopyFile
- CopyFrameBufferToMaterial
- CreateFakeClient
- CullBox
- DoesBoxTouchAreaFrustum
- DrawPortals
- EngineStatsBeginFrame
- EngineStatsEndFrame
- ExecuteClientCommand
- FireEvents
- ForceExactFile
- ForceSimpleMaterial
- GameLumpSize
- GameLumpVersion
- GetAbsoluteFrameTime
- GetAppId
- GetClientConsoleVariableValue
- GetClientConsoleVariableValue
- GetClientConsoleVariableValueAsNumber
- GetClientConsoleVariableValueAsNumber
- GetCurrentTime
- GetDxSupportLevel
- GetEngineBuildNumber
- GetEntityCount
- GetFrameCount
- GetFrameTime
- GetGameDir
- GetGameDirectory
- GetIntervalPerTick
- GetLastTimeStamp
- GetLevelName
- GetLightForPoint
- GetLightForPointFast
- GetListenServerHost
- GetLocalPlayerEntityIndex
- GetMainMenuBackgroundName
- GetMapEntitiesString
- GetMaxClients
- GetMostRecentSaveGame
- GetMostRecentlyLoadedFileName
- GetMountableGames
- GetNetworkProtocol
- GetPlayerByAddress
- GetPlayerEntityIndexForUserId
- GetPlayerInfo
- GetPlayerNetInfo
- GetProductVersionString
- GetRealTime
- GetSaveFileName
- GetScreenAspectRatio
- GetScreenSize
- GetServerAddress
- GetServerName
- GetSimulatedTicksThisFrame
- GetSimulationInterval
- GetSoundDuration
- GetSystemTime
- GetTickCount
- GetUiLanguage
- GrabPreColorCorrectedFrame
- IndexOfEdict
- InsertServerCommand
- IsBoxInViewCluster
- IsBoxVisible
- IsClient
- IsConnected
- IsConsoleVisible
- IsDecalPrecached
- IsDedicatedServer
- IsDedicatedServer
- IsDrawingLoadingImage
- IsGenericPrecached
- IsHammerRunning
- IsInCommentaryMode
- IsInEditMode
- IsInGame
- IsInternalBuild
- IsKeyTrapping
- IsLevelMainMenuBackground
- IsLowViolence
- IsMapValid
- IsModelPrecached
- IsOccluded
- IsPaused
- IsPlayingDemo
- IsPlayingTimeDemo
- IsRecordingDemo
- IsSaveInProgress
- IsSkyboxVisibleFromPoint
- IsTakingScreenshot
- LevelLeafCount
- LightStyle
- LightStyleValue
- LinearToGamma
- LoadAdjacentEnts
- LoadGameState
- LockNetworkStringTables
- LogPrint
- MapHasHdrLighting
- MapLoadFailed
- MultiplayerEndGame
- NotifyEdictFlagsChange
- OnStorageDeviceDetached
- PrecacheDecal
- PrecacheGeneric
- PrecacheModel
- PrecacheSentenceFile
- ResetDemoInterpolation
- SentenceGroupIndexFromName
- SentenceGroupNameFromIndex
- SentenceIndexFromName
- SentenceLength
- SentenceNameFromIndex
- ServerCommand
- ServerCommand
- ServerExecute
- SetAreaPortalState
- SetDedicatedServerBenchmarkMode
- SetMapLoadFailed
- SetRestrictClientCommands
- SetRestrictServerCommands
- SoundExtraUpdate
- StartKeyTrapMode
- SupportsHdr
- Time
- CanCreateEntityClass
- CleanDeleteList
- Clear
- CreateByName
- CreateClientEntity
- DisableRemoveImmediate
- EnableRemoveImmediate
- FNullEnt
- Find
- FindByClass
- FindByClassNearest
- FindByClassWithin
- FindByEdictNumber
- FindByIndex
- FindByModel
- FindByName
- FindByNameNearest
- FindByNameWithin
- FindByTarget
- FindClassNearestFacing
- FindClientInPvs
- FindGeneric
- FindGenericNearest
- FindGenericWithin
- FindInSphere
- FindNearestFacing
- FindProcedural
- FirstInList
- GetAll
- GetAlongRay
- GetByClass
- GetClientPvsIsExpanded
- GetCount
- GetEdictCount
- GetInBox
- GetInPvs
- GetInSphere
- IsClearing
- IsValidEdict
- NextInList
- NotifyCreate
- NotifySpawn
- Remove
- RemoveImmediate
- ReportFlagsChanged
- ResetDeleteList
- AddPackFile
- AddSearchPath
- BeginMapAccess
- CancelWaitForResources
- Close
- CreateDirectoryHierarchy
- DiscardPreloadData
- Disconnect
- EnableAllowListFileTracking
- EndMapAccess
- EndOfFile
- FileExists
- Find
- Flush
- GetDvdMode
- GetLocalCopy
- GetSearchPath
- GetWhitelistSpewFlags
- HintResourceNeed
- IsDirectory
- IsFileImmediatelyAvailable
- IsFileWritable
- IsOk
- IsSteam
- LoadCompiledKeyValues
- MarkAllCrcsUnverified
- MarkPathIdByRequestOnly
- MountSteamContent
- Open
- Precache
- PrintOpenedFiles
- PrintSearchPaths
- Read
- RemoveAllSearchPaths
- RemoveFile
- RemoveSearchPath
- RemoveSearchPaths
- RenameFile
- SetFileWritable
- SetWarningLevel
- SetWhitelistSpewFlags
- SetupPreloadData
- Shutdown
- Size
- UnzipFile
- WaitForResources
- Write
- Listen
- AimToVector
- GetAppModalSurface
- GetCandidateListCount
- GetCandidateListPageSize
- GetCandidateListPageStart
- GetCandidateListSelectedItem
- GetCurrentImeHandle
- GetCursorPosition
- GetCursorPositionVcrMode
- GetEnglishImeHandle
- GetFocus
- GetModalSubTree
- GetMouseCapture
- GetMouseOver
- GetShouldInvertCompositionString
- IsCandidateListStartingAtOne
- IsKeyDown
- IsMouseDown
- LookupBinding
- LookupKeyBinding
- OnChangeIme
- OnChangeImeByHandle
- OnChangeImeConversionModeByHandle
- OnChangeImeSentenceModeByHandle
- OnImeChangeCandidates
- OnImeCloseCandidates
- OnImeComposition
- OnImeEndComposition
- OnImeRecomputeModes
- OnImeShowCandidates
- OnImeStartComposition
- OnInputLanguageChanged
- OnKeyCodeUnhandled
- RegisterKeyCodeUnhandledListener
- ReleaseAppModalSurface
- ReleaseModalSubTree
- ScreenToWorld
- SetAppModalSurface
- SetCandidateListPageStart
- SetCandidateWindowPos
- SetCursorPosition
- SetModalSubTree
- SetModalSubTreeReceiveMessages
- SetMouseCapture
- SetMouseCaptureExtended
- SetMouseFocus
- ShouldModalSubTreeReceiveMessages
- UnregisterKeyCodeUnhandledListener
- WasKeyPressed
- WasKeyReleased
- WasKeyTyped
- WasMouseDoublePressed
- WasMousePressed
- WasMouseReleased
- CreateFromTable
- AddString
- Find
- Create
- Exists
- Find
- CalculateAabbFromProjectionMatrix
- CalculateSphereFromProjectionMatrix
- Create3x4
- CreateIdentityMatrix
- CreateMatrixWithAngles
- CreateMatrixWithAxisAndRotation
- CreateMatrixWithOriginAndAngles
- CreateScaleMatrix
- CreateTranslationMatrix
- MatrixBuildPerspective
- MatrixBuildRotateZ
- MatrixBuildRotation
- MatrixBuildRotationAboutAxis
- MatrixBuildScale
- MatrixBuildTranslation
- MatrixCopy
- MatrixFromAngles
- MatrixGetColumn
- MatrixGetRow
- MatrixInverseGeneral
- MatrixInverseTranslation
- MatrixInverseTranspose
- MatrixRotate
- MatrixSetColumn
- MatrixSetIdentity
- MatrixSetRow
- MatrixToAngles
- MatrixTranslate
- Vector3dMultiply
- Vector3dMultiplyPositionProjective
- Vector3dMultiplyProjective
- Vector3dMultiplyTranspose
- Create
- Create
- FindTable
- GetTable
- GetTablesAmount
- RemoveAllTables
- SetAllowClientSideAddString
- InternalSendToServer
- Button
- CheckButton
- EditablePanel
- Frame
- GetClientLuaRootHudPanel
- GetClientLuaRootPanel
- GetGameUiPanel
- Html
- Label
- ModelImagePanel
- Panel
- TextEntry
- Precache
- ReadConfigFile
- CleanupDeleteList
- ClearStats
- DebugCheckContacts
- GetActiveObjectCount
- GetAirDensity
- GetGravity
- GetNextFrameTime
- GetPerformanceSettings
- GetSimulationTime
- GetSimulationTimestep
- IsInSimulation
- PostRestore
- ResetSimulationClock
- SetAirDensity
- SetGravity
- SetPerformanceSettings
- SetQuickDelete
- SetSimulationTimestep
- Simulate
- GetGlobal
- SayText
- ClientPrint
- ClientPrintToAll
- FindByIndex
- FindByName
- FindBySteamId
- FindBySteamId64
- FindByUniqueID
- FindByUserId
- GetAll
- GetAllBots
- GetAllHumans
- GetCount
- GetLocalPlayer
- GetLocalPlayerIndex
- GetLocalPlayerTeam
- GetPlayerConnectionInfo
- GetSpectatorMode
- GetSpectatorTarget
- IsLocalPlayerSpectator
- IsPlayerIndex
- IsTeamEqual
- SayTextToAll
- ShowMessageToAll
- ViewPunchAll
- SuppressEvents
- SuppressHostEvents
- GetIdealPitch
- GetIncomingPacketNumber
- GetLocalViewAngles
- GetPredictionPlayer
- GetPredictionRandomSeed
- GetViewAngles
- GetViewOrigin
- InPrediction
- IsFirstTimePredicted
- IsFirstTimePredicted
- OnReceivedUncompressedPacket
- PostEntityPacketReceived
- PostNetworkDataReceived
- PreEntityPacketReceived
- SetLocalViewAngles
- SetViewAngles
- SetViewOrigin
- Update
- Create
- RandomBloodVector
- RandomFloat
- RandomFloatExponential
- RandomInteger
- SetSeed
- SharedRandomAngle
- SharedRandomFloat
- SharedRandomInt
- SharedRandomVector
- Create
- ClearBuffers
- ClearColor
- ClearStencilBufferRectangle
- CopyRenderTargetToTexture
- CreateRenderTargetTextureEx
- CullMode
- DepthRange
- DrawBeam
- DrawSprite
- GetModelMatrix
- GetRenderTarget
- GetScreenEffectTexture
- GetViewEntity
- MainViewAngles
- MainViewForward
- MainViewOrigin
- PopCustomClipPlane
- PopFilterMagnification
- PopFilterMinification
- PopModelMatrix
- PopView2D
- PopView3D
- PushCustomClipPlane
- PushFilterMagnification
- PushFilterMinification
- PushModelMatrix
- PushView2D
- PushView3D
- RenderFlashlights
- ResetAmbientLightCube
- SetAmbientLightCube
- SetBlend
- SetClippingEnabled
- SetColorModulation
- SetLight
- SetLightingOrigin
- SetMaterial
- SetScissorRectangle
- SetStencilCompareFunction
- SetStencilEnable
- SetStencilFailOperation
- SetStencilPassOperation
- SetStencilReferenceValue
- SetStencilTestMask
- SetStencilWriteMask
- SetStencilZFailOperation
- SetWriteDepthToDestinationAlpha
- SpawnBeam
- SuppressEngineLighting
- UpdateScreenEffectTexture
- AddFile
- AddSingleFile
- GetFiles
- GetDefaultScheme
- GetProportionalNormalizedValue
- GetProportionalScaledValue
- GetScheme
- LoadSchemeFromFile
- LoadSchemeFromFileEx
- ReloadFonts
- ReloadSchemes
- Base64Decode
- Base64Encode
- Crc32
- JsonEncode
- LzmaCompress
- LzmaDecompress
- Add
- Play
- PlayFile
- PlayUrl
- SteamFriends
- AddBitmapFontFile
- AddCustomFontFile
- AddPanel
- ApplyChanges
- BringToFront
- CalculateMouseVisible
- ClearTemporaryFontCache
- CreateFont
- CreateNewTextureID
- CreatePopup
- DisableClipping
- DrawFilledRectangle
- DrawFilledRectangleFade
- DrawFlushText
- DrawGetAlphaMultiplier
- DrawGetTextPosition
- DrawGetTextureFile
- DrawGetTextureId
- DrawGetTextureSize
- DrawLine
- DrawOutlinedCircle
- DrawOutlinedRectangle
- DrawPrintText
- DrawSetAlphaMultiplier
- DrawSetColor
- DrawSetTextColor
- DrawSetTextFont
- DrawSetTextPosition
- DrawSetTextScale
- DrawSetTexture
- DrawSetTextureFile
- DrawSetTextureMaterial
- DrawSetTextureRgba
- DrawTexturedRectangle
- DrawTexturedSubRectangle
- EnableMouseCapture
- FlashWindow
- GetAbsoluteWindowBounds
- GetBitmapFontName
- GetCharacterAbcWidth
- GetCharacterWidth
- GetEmbeddedPanel
- GetFontAscent
- GetFontTall
- GetModalPanel
- GetNotifyPanel
- GetPopup
- GetPopupCount
- GetProportionalBase
- GetResolutionKey
- GetScreenSize
- GetTextSize
- GetTitle
- GetTopmostPopup
- GetWorkspaceBounds
- GetZPosition
- HasCursorPositionFunctions
- HasFocus
- Invalidate
- IsCursorLocked
- IsCursorVisible
- IsFontAdditive
- IsMinimized
- IsTextureIdValid
- IsWithin
- LockCursor
- MovePopupToBack
- MovePopupToFront
- NeedKeyboardInput
- OnScreenSizeChanged
- PaintTraverse
- PaintTraverseEx
- PlaySound
- PopMakeCurrent
- RunFrame
- SetAllowHtmlJavaScript
- SetBitmapFontName
- SetCursorAlwaysVisible
- SetEmbeddedPanel
- SetFontGlyphSet
- SetTranslateExtendedKeys
- SetWorkspaceInsets
- SupportsFeature
- SurfaceGetCursorPosition
- SurfaceSetCursorPosition
- UnlockCursor
- GetCountry
- GetSecondsSinceAppActive
- GetSecondsSinceComputerActive
- GetSteamServerRealTime
- HasFocus
- IsLinux
- IsOsx
- IsWindowed
- IsWindows
- SetClipboardText
- AddMultiDamage
- ApplyMultiDamage
- CalculateBulletDamageForce
- CalculateExplosiveDamageForce
- CalculateMeleeDamageForce
- ClearMultiDamage
- GuessDamageForce
- ImpulseScale
- ClearTrace
- Create
- PointContents
- TraceEntity
- TraceHull
- TraceLine
- TraceModel
- MessageEnd
- Start
- WriteAngle
- WriteBool
- WriteByte
- WriteChar
- WriteEntity
- WriteFloat
- WriteLong
- WriteNormal
- WriteSBitLong
- WriteShort
- WriteString
- WriteUInt
- WriteVector
- WriteWord
- AngleDifference
- BoundToWorldSize
- ComputeStringWidth
- CreateBubbles
- CreateSmoke
- CreateTracer
- FindWaterSurface
- GetLocalPlayer
- GetPointWaterLevel
- GetScreenHeight
- GetScreenWidth
- ImpactTrace
- InterpolateAngles
- IntersectRayWithObb
- IntersectRayWithPlane
- IntersectRayWithSphere
- IsBoxIntersectingSphere
- IsLowViolence
- IsObbIntersectingObb
- IsSpaceEmpty
- IsSphereIntersectingCone
- IsSphereIntersectingSphere
- IsValidModel
- IsValidPhysicsProp
- NormalizeAngles
- PointOnLineNearestPoint
- PrecacheDecal
- PrecacheOther
- SafeName
- SetEntityOrigin
- ShakeScreen
- ShouldShowBlood
- ValidateSoundName
- AxisStringToPointDirection
- AxisStringToPointPoint
- AxisStringToUnitDirection
- Create
- Lerp
- SnapDirectionToAxis
- VectorToPitch
- VectorToYaw
- YawToVector
- RequestHttpMethod
- GetRealmColor
- IsSpewActive
- PrintColorMessage
- PrintDebugColorMessage
- PrintDebugLog
- PrintDebugMessage
- PrintDebugWarning
- PrintDevLog
- PrintDevMessage
- PrintDevWarning
- PrintLog
- PrintMessage
- PrintNetworkLog
- PrintNetworkMessage
- PrintNetworkWarning
- PrintWarning
- SpewActivate
- AngleVectors
- Clamp
- VectorAngles
- GetEntityIndex
- SetEntityIndex
- AddContext
- AddDeleteOnRemove
- AddPoints
- AddPointsToTeam
- AddSpawnFlags
- AddTimedOverlay
- BodyTarget
- CallUseToggle
- CanBeHitByMeleeAttack
- CanStandOn
- ClassMatches
- Classify
- ClearNavIgnore
- ClearSolidFlags
- ClearSpawnFlags
- DeathNotice
- DecrementTransmitStateOwnedCounter
- DetectInSkybox
- DispatchResponse
- DoNothing
- DoesHavePlayerChild
- DrawAbsBoxOverlay
- DrawBBoxOverlay
- DrawDebugGeometryOverlays
- DrawDebugTextOverlays
- DrawRBoxOverlay
- DrawTimedOverlays
- DropToFloor
- DumpResponseCriteria
- EndBlockedByEntity
- EntityText
- Extinguish
- FadeOut
- GetAutoAimCenter
- GetAutoAimRadius
- GetDamage
- GetDamageType
- GetDelay
- GetEnemy
- GetEntityName
- GetEntitySkybox
- GetFriction
- GetGroundVelocityToApply
- GetInputDispatchEffectPosition
- GetLocalTime
- GetMoveDoneTime
- GetNextTarget
- GetPredictedPosition
- GetReceivedDamageScale
- GetSmoothedVelocity
- GetSoundEmissionOrigin
- GetSpawnFlags
- GetTeamID
- GetTransmitState
- HasSpawnFlags
- HasTarget
- HeadTarget
- Ignite
- IncrementLocalTime
- IncrementTransmitStateOwnedCounter
- Instance
- Intersects
- IsAllowedToFade
- IsControllingEntity
- IsInAnyTeam
- IsInSolid
- IsItem
- IsLockedByMain
- IsMoving
- IsNavIgnored
- IsNetClient
- IsTemplate
- IsTriggered
- IsViewable
- MakeDormant
- NameMatches
- OnAcceptInput
- OnEventKilled
- OnEventKilledOther
- OnMoveDone
- OnTakeDamage
- PassesDamageFilter
- PerformFadeOut
- PhysicsSplash
- PhysicsTouchTriggers
- PointAtEntity
- PostClientActive
- PostConstructor
- RecalcHasPlayerChildBit
- RemoveDeferred
- RemoveDeleteOnRemove
- RemoveSpawnFlags
- RequiredEdictIndex
- Respawn
- RunBlockedByEntityEvent
- ScreenShake
- SendDebugPivotOverlay
- SetDamage
- SetElasticity
- SetMaxHealth
- SetModel
- SetMoveDoneTime
- SetName
- SetNavIgnore
- SetPreventTransmit
- SetShadowCastDistance
- SetTransmitState
- ShouldAttractAutoAim
- ShouldToggle
- Splash
- StartBlockedByEntity
- StartFadeOut
- StartFadeOutInstant
- TakeDamage
- TakeHealth
- Teleport
- TraceAttackToTriggers
- TransferPoseParameters
- Use
- ValidateEntityConnections
- Vanish
- VelocityPunch
- GetAddress
- GetAverageChoke
- GetAverageData
- GetAverageLatency
- GetAverageLoss
- GetAveragePackets
- GetBufferSize
- GetCommandInterpolationAmount
- GetDataRate
- GetLatency
- GetName
- GetPacketBytes
- GetPacketResponseLatency
- GetPacketTime
- GetRemoteFramerate
- GetSequenceNumber
- GetStreamProgress
- GetTime
- GetTimeConnected
- GetTimeSinceLastReceived
- GetTimeoutSeconds
- GetTotalData
- IsLoopback
- IsPlayback
- IsTimingOut
- IsValidPacket
- __tostring
- BumpWeapon
- CanUseWeapon
- CheatImpulseCommands
- CheckObserverSettings
- CheckTrainUpdate
- ClampPunchAngleOffset
- CreateCorpse
- CreateViewModel
- DamageEffect
- DestroyViewModels
- DropWeapon
- DropWeaponInSlot
- Duck
- EnableControl
- EquipSuit
- EquipWeapon
- FindNextObserverTarget
- ForceObserverMode
- ForceRespawn
- ForceSimulation
- GetBodyAngles
- GetBodyTarget
- GetClientIndex
- GetDelayTicks
- GetIpAddress
- GetLastWeapon
- GetNetworkIdString
- GetNextObserverSearchStartPoint
- GetPlayerModelType
- GetReplayEntity
- GetVehicleAnalogControlBias
- Give
- GiveItem
- HasAnyAmmoOfType
- HasPhysicsFlag
- HasWeapons
- HideViewModels
- ImpulseCommands
- InitHud
- InitialSpawn
- IsDead
- IsFakeClient
- IsFlashlightEnabled
- IsIlluminatedByFlashlight
- IsOnLadder
- IsSinglePlayerGameEnding
- IsValidObserverTarget
- Jump
- JumpToPosition
- Kill
- KillSilent
- Lock
- ModeWantsSpectatorGui
- NotifySinglePlayerGameEnding
- OnEventDying
- OnEventTakeDamageAlive
- OnVehicleStart
- PackDeadPlayerItems
- PauseBonusProgress
- PlayDeathSound
- PlayerDeathThink
- RemoveAllItems
- RemoveSuit
- RemoveWeapon
- RumbleEffect
- SelectSpawnPoint
- SetBodyPitch
- SetBonusChallenge
- SetBonusProgress
- SetDropActiveWeaponOnDeath
- SetFlashlightEnabled
- SetLagCompensated
- SetObserverMode
- SetObserverTarget
- SetPlayerName
- SetTeam
- SetVehicleAnalogControlBias
- ShouldFadeOnDeath
- ShowCrosshair
- ShowMessage
- ShowViewModel
- SnapEyeAngles
- SprayDecal
- StartObserverMode
- StartReplayMode
- StopObserverMode
- StopReplayMode
- TurnFlashlightOff
- TurnFlashlightOn
- Unlock
- UpdatePlayerSound
- ValidateCurrentObserverTarget
- AllowPlayerPickup
- CanEnterVehicle
- CheatImpulseCommands
- CheckPassword
- CreateEntityRagdoll
- EntityKeyValue
- EntityRemoved
- FinishMove
- GiveDefaultItems
- LevelInit
- LevelShutdown
- NetworkIDValidated
- OnEntityCreated
- PlayerAuthed
- PlayerDeathSound
- PlayerDeathThink
- PlayerEntSelectSpawnPoint
- PlayerInitialSpawn
- PlayerPostThink
- PlayerSay
- PlayerTraceAttack
- PlayersCanPickupObject
- ServerActivate
- SetupMove
- ShouldHideServer
- ShowHelp
- ShowSpare1
- ShowSpare2
- ShowTeam
- StartCommand
- Think
- Tick
- VehicleMove
- Weapon_Equip
- GetCommandClient
- GetCommandClientIndex
- IsCommandIssuedByServerAdmin
- SpawnBloodSpray
- SpawnBloodStream
- SpawnBubbleTrail
- SpawnMuzzleFlash
- AllowEdictReuse
- ChangeLevel
- CheckAreasConnected
- CopyFile
- CreateFakeClient
- ForceExactFile
- ForceSimpleMaterial
- GetClientConsoleVariableValue
- GetClientConsoleVariableValueAsNumber
- GetEntityCount
- GetListenServerHost
- GetMostRecentlyLoadedFileName
- GetPlayerNetInfo
- GetSaveFileName
- GetSimulationInterval
- IndexOfEdict
- InsertServerCommand
- IsDecalPrecached
- IsDedicatedServer
- IsGenericPrecached
- IsInCommentaryMode
- IsInternalBuild
- IsMapValid
- IsModelPrecached
- LightStyle
- LoadAdjacentEnts
- LoadGameState
- LockNetworkStringTables
- LogPrint
- MultiplayerEndGame
- NotifyEdictFlagsChange
- PrecacheDecal
- PrecacheGeneric
- PrecacheModel
- PrecacheSentenceFile
- ServerCommand
- ServerExecute
- SetAreaPortalState
- SetDedicatedServerBenchmarkMode
- CanCreateEntityClass
- CleanDeleteList
- Clear
- CreateByName
- DisableRemoveImmediate
- EnableRemoveImmediate
- FNullEnt
- FindByClass
- FindByClassNearest
- FindByClassWithin
- FindByEdictNumber
- FindByIndex
- FindByModel
- FindByName
- FindByNameNearest
- FindByNameWithin
- FindByTarget
- FindClassNearestFacing
- FindClientInPvs
- FindGeneric
- FindGenericNearest
- FindGenericWithin
- FindInSphere
- FindNearestFacing
- FindProcedural
- GetClientPvsIsExpanded
- GetEdictCount
- GetInPvs
- IsClearing
- IsValidEdict
- NotifyCreate
- NotifySpawn
- Remove
- RemoveImmediate
- ReportFlagsChanged
- ResetDeleteList
- SayText
- IsFirstTimePredicted
- RandomBloodVector
- SpawnBeam
- AddFile
- AddSingleFile
- GetFiles
- ClearTrace
- MessageEnd
- Start
- WriteAngle
- WriteBool
- WriteByte
- WriteChar
- WriteEntity
- WriteFloat
- WriteLong
- WriteNormal
- WriteSBitLong
- WriteShort
- WriteString
- WriteUInt
- WriteVector
- WriteWord
- FindWaterSurface
- PrecacheDecal
- ValidateSoundName
- AxisStringToPointDirection
- AxisStringToPointPoint
- AxisStringToUnitDirection
- SnapDirectionToAxis
- Add
- Divide
- Forward
- Initialize
- Invalidate
- IsEqualWithTolerance
- IsValid
- Length
- LengthSqr
- Normalize
- Right
- RotateAroundAxis
- Scale
- Up
- __add
- __div
- __eq
- __index
- __mul
- __newindex
- __sub
- __tostring
- __unm
- Get3dCone
- Get3dEnabled
- Get3dFadeDistance
- GetAverageBitRate
- GetBitsPerSample
- GetBufferedTime
- GetFft
- GetLength
- GetLevel
- GetPan
- GetPlaybackRate
- GetPosition
- GetSamplingRate
- GetState
- GetTagsOfHttp
- GetTagsOfId3
- GetTagsOfMeta
- GetTagsOfOgg
- GetTagsOfVendor
- GetTime
- GetVolume
- Is3d
- IsBlockStreamed
- IsLooping
- IsOnline
- IsValid
- Pause
- Play
- Set3dCone
- Set3dEnabled
- Set3dFadeDistance
- SetLooping
- SetPan
- SetPlaybackRate
- SetPosition
- SetTime
- SetVolume
- Stop
- __gc
- GetAlpha
- GetBlue
- GetColor
- GetGreen
- GetRed
- Initialize
- SetColor
- SetRawColor
- __eq
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- CanAutoComplete
- IsCommand
- IsValid
- __tostring
- AddFlags
- GetBool
- GetDefault
- GetFloat
- GetHelpText
- GetInteger
- GetMax
- GetMin
- GetName
- GetString
- IsCommand
- IsFlagSet
- IsRegistered
- IsValid
- Revert
- SetValue
- __tostring
- GetAngles
- GetAttachmentIndex
- GetColor
- GetDamageType
- GetEffectNameIndex
- GetEntity
- GetFlags
- GetHitBox
- GetMagnitude
- GetMaterialIndex
- GetNormal
- GetOrigin
- GetRadius
- GetScale
- GetStart
- GetSurfacePropertyIndex
- SetAngles
- SetAttachmentIndex
- SetColor
- SetDamageType
- SetEntity
- SetFlags
- SetHitBox
- SetMagnitude
- SetMaterialIndex
- SetNormal
- SetOrigin
- SetRadius
- SetScale
- SetStart
- SetSurfacePropertyIndex
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- CreatePredictedEntityByName
- Activate
- AddDataObjectType
- AddEffects
- AddEntityFlags
- AddFlag
- AddSolidFlags
- ApplyAbsoluteVelocityImpulse
- ApplyLocalAngularVelocityImpulse
- CalculateIkLocks
- CalculateNearestPoint
- ChangeTeam
- ClearEffects
- ClearFlags
- CollisionRulesChanged
- ComputeAbsoluteDirection
- ComputeAbsolutePosition
- ComputeEntitySpaceHitboxSurroundingBox
- ComputeHitboxSurroundingBox
- ComputeWorldSpaceSurroundingBox
- CreateDataObject
- CreateVPhysics
- DamageDecal
- DecalTrace
- DestroyAllDataObjects
- DestroyDataObject
- DestroyPhysicsObject
- DispatchTraceAttack
- DoImpactEffect
- DoMuzzleFlash
- EmitAmbientSound
- EmitSound
- EndGroundContact
- EndTouch
- EntityToWorldSpace
- FindBodyGroupByName
- FindTransitionSequence
- FireBullets
- FollowEntity
- GenderExpandString
- GetAngles
- GetAnimTimeInterval
- GetAnimationTime
- GetAttachment
- GetAttachmentLocal
- GetBaseVelocity
- GetBlocksLineOfSight
- GetBloodColorType
- GetBodyGroup
- GetBodyGroupCount
- GetBodyGroupName
- GetBodyGroups
- GetBodyGroupsAsString
- GetBodyGroupsCount
- GetBoneCount
- GetBonePosition
- GetBoundingRadius
- GetCheckUntouch
- GetChildren
- GetClass
- GetCollisionGroup
- GetCycle
- GetDLLType
- GetDataObject
- GetDebugName
- GetEarPosition
- GetEffectEntity
- GetEffects
- GetElasticity
- GetEntityFlags
- GetEntityIndex
- GetEyeAngles
- GetEyePosition
- GetFirstMoveChild
- GetFirstThinkTick
- GetFlags
- GetFlexBounds
- GetFlexCount
- GetFlexDescFacs
- GetFlexIdByName
- GetFlexName
- GetFlexWeight
- GetFollowedEntity
- GetGravity
- GetGroundChangeTime
- GetGroundEntity
- GetHealth
- GetHitboxSet
- GetHitboxSetCount
- GetHitboxSetName
- GetKeyValue
- GetLastThink
- GetLastThinkTick
- GetLifeState
- GetLocalAngles
- GetLocalAngularVelocity
- GetLocalOrigin
- GetLocalVelocity
- GetMaterialOverride
- GetMaterials
- GetMaxHealth
- GetModelBounds
- GetModelIndex
- GetModelName
- GetMoveParent
- GetMoveType
- GetNetworkDataValue
- GetNoCollidingWithTeammates
- GetNumFlexControllers
- GetOBBCenter
- GetOBBMaxs
- GetOBBMins
- GetOwnerEntity
- GetParametersForSound
- GetParent
- GetPhysicsObject
- GetPhysicsObjects
- GetPlaybackRate
- GetPoseParameter
- GetPoseParameterRange
- GetPosition
- GetRagdollOwner
- GetRefTable
- GetRenderColor
- GetSequence
- GetSequenceActivity
- GetSequenceActivityName
- GetSequenceGroundSpeed
- GetSequenceLinearMotion
- GetSequenceName
- GetSequences
- GetSimulatingPlayer
- GetSimulationTime
- GetSkinCount
- GetSolid
- GetSolidFlags
- GetSoundDuration
- GetSoundSourceIndex
- GetSubMaterialOverride
- GetSubModels
- GetTeamNumber
- GetTextureFrameIndex
- GetTouchTrace
- GetTracerAttachment
- GetTracerType
- GetTransmitWithParent
- GetVectors
- GetVelocity
- GetViewOffset
- GetWaterLevel
- GetWaterType
- HasDataObjectType
- HasFlexManipulator
- HasMatchingRootParent
- HasNPCsOnIt
- ImpactTrace
- InSameTeam
- InvalidateBoneCache
- InvalidateModelCache
- IsAIWalkable
- IsAbsQueriesValid
- IsActivityFinished
- IsAlive
- IsAnimatedEveryTick
- IsBSPModel
- IsBaseObject
- IsBaseTrain
- IsClient
- IsCurrentlyTouching
- IsDormant
- IsEffectActive
- IsEntityFlagSet
- IsFloating
- IsFollowingEntity
- IsInWorld
- IsMarkedForDeletion
- IsNpc
- IsOnFire
- IsPlayer
- IsPlayerSimulated
- IsPointInBounds
- IsPointSized
- IsPrecacheAllowed
- IsRagdoll
- IsSequenceFinished
- IsSequenceLooping
- IsServer
- IsSimulatedEveryTick
- IsSimulatingOnAlternateTicks
- IsSolid
- IsSolidFlagSet
- IsStandable
- IsTransparent
- IsValid
- IsWeapon
- IsWorld
- KeyValue
- LocalEyeAngles
- LookupActivity
- LookupAttachment
- LookupBone
- LookupPoseParameter
- LookupSequence
- NextMovePeer
- ObjectCapabilities
- OnRestore
- PhysicsCheckForEntityUntouch
- PhysicsCheckWater
- PhysicsCheckWaterTransition
- PhysicsImpact
- PhysicsInit
- PhysicsInitBox
- PhysicsInitStatic
- PhysicsIsFlesh
- PhysicsMarkEntitiesAsTouching
- PhysicsNotifyOtherOfGroundRemoval
- PhysicsNotifyOtherOfUntouch
- PhysicsRemoveGroundList
- PhysicsRemoveTouchedList
- PhysicsSetObject
- PhysicsSimulate
- PhysicsSolidMaskForEntity
- PhysicsStartGroundContact
- Precache
- PrecacheModel
- PrecacheScriptSound
- PrecacheSound
- PrefetchScriptSound
- PrefetchSound
- RegisterThinkContext
- Remove
- RemoveAllDecals
- RemoveDataObjectType
- RemoveEffects
- RemoveEntityFlags
- RemoveFlag
- RemoveSolidFlags
- ResetSequence
- ResetSequenceInfo
- SelectWeightedSequence
- SendViewModelMatchingSequence
- SequenceDuration
- SequenceLoops
- SetAIWalkable
- SetAbsoluteQueriesValid
- SetAllowPrecache
- SetAngles
- SetAnimTime
- SetAnimatedEveryTick
- SetBaseVelocity
- SetBlocksLineOfSight
- SetBodyGroup
- SetBodyGroups
- SetBoneController
- SetCheckUntouch
- SetClass
- SetCollisionBounds
- SetCollisionGroup
- SetCycle
- SetEffectEntity
- SetEffects
- SetEntityFlags
- SetFlexWeight
- SetFriction
- SetGravity
- SetGroundChangeTime
- SetGroundEntity
- SetHealth
- SetHitboxSet
- SetHitboxSetByName
- SetKeyValue
- SetLifeState
- SetLocalAngles
- SetLocalAngularVelocity
- SetLocalOrigin
- SetLocalVelocity
- SetMaterialOverride
- SetModelIndex
- SetModelName
- SetMoveCollide
- SetMoveType
- SetNetworkDataValue
- SetNextThink
- SetNoCollidingWithTeammates
- SetOwnerEntity
- SetParent
- SetPlaybackRate
- SetPlayerSimulated
- SetPoseParameter
- SetPosition
- SetPredictionEligible
- SetPredictionPlayer
- SetRenderColor
- SetRenderColorA
- SetRenderColorB
- SetRenderColorG
- SetRenderColorR
- SetRenderMode
- SetSequence
- SetSimulatedEveryTick
- SetSimulationTime
- SetSize
- SetSkin
- SetSolid
- SetSolidFlags
- SetSubMaterialOverride
- SetTextureFrameIndex
- SetTransmitWithParent
- SetVelocity
- SetViewOffset
- SetWaterLevel
- SetWaterType
- ShouldCollide
- ShouldSavePhysics
- Spawn
- StartGroundContact
- StartTouch
- StopFollowingEntity
- StudioFrameAdvance
- Think
- ToggleFlag
- Touch
- TraceBleed
- TransferDissolveFrom
- UnsetPlayerSimulated
- UpdateOnRemove
- UpdatePhysics
- UseClientSideAnimation
- WakeRestingObjects
- WorldAlignMaxs
- WorldAlignMins
- WorldAlignSize
- WorldSpaceCenter
- WorldToEntitySpace
- __eq
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- Read
- Size
- Write
- __eq
- __gc
- __len
- __tostring
- AddSubKey
- ChainKeyValue
- Clear
- CopySubkeys
- CreateNewKey
- DeleteThis
- FindKey
- GetColor
- GetDataType
- GetFirstSubKey
- GetFirstTrueSubKey
- GetFirstValue
- GetName
- GetNameSymbol
- GetNextKey
- GetNextTrueSubKey
- GetNextValue
- IsEmpty
- LoadFromFile
- MakeCopy
- ProcessResolutionKeys
- RemoveSubKey
- SaveToFile
- SetColor
- SetFloat
- SetInt
- SetName
- SetNextKey
- SetString
- SetStringValue
- UsesEscapeSequences
- __eq
- __tostring
- AddReference
- AlphaModulate
- ColorModulate
- DecrementReferenceCount
- DeleteIfUnreferenced
- GetAnimationFrameAmount
- GetColor
- GetColorModulation
- GetEnumerationID
- GetFloat
- GetInteger
- GetMappingHeight
- GetMappingWidth
- GetMaterialPage
- GetMaterialVariableFlag
- GetMorphFormat
- GetName
- GetPassAmount
- GetPropertyFlag
- GetReflectivity
- GetShaderName
- GetString
- GetTexture
- GetTextureGroupName
- GetTextureMemoryBytes
- GetVector
- GetVector4D
- HasProxy
- InMaterialPage
- IncrementReferenceCount
- IsAlphaTested
- IsErrorMaterial
- IsSpriteCard
- IsTranslucent
- IsTwoSided
- IsVertexLit
- NeedsFullFrameBufferTexture
- NeedsLightmapBlendAlpha
- NeedsPowerOfTwoFrameBufferTexture
- NeedsSoftwareLighting
- NeedsSoftwareSkinning
- NeedsTangentSpace
- RecomputeStateSnapshots
- Refresh
- RefreshPreservingMaterialVariables
- Release
- SetFloat
- SetInteger
- SetMaterialVariableFlag
- SetShader
- SetString
- SetTexture
- SetUseFixedFunctionBakedLighting
- SetVector
- SetVector4D
- ShaderParamCount
- UsesEnvCubemap
- WasReloadedFromWhitelist
- __tostring
- ApplyRotation
- As3x4
- CopyFrom3x4
- GetBasisVectors
- GetForward
- GetLeft
- GetScale
- GetTranslation
- GetUp
- Identity
- Init
- InverseGeneral
- InverseTranslation
- IsIdentity
- IsRotationMatrix
- MatrixMul
- MultiplyByVector
- MultiplyByVector3x3
- MultiplyByVector4x3
- MultiplyByVectorTranspose3x3
- MultiplyByVectorTranspose4x3
- NormalizeBasisVectors
- PostTranslate
- PreTranslate
- Scale
- Set3x4
- SetBasisVectors
- SetForward
- SetLeft
- SetTranslation
- SetUp
- SetupMatrixForOriginAndAngles
- Transpose
- Transpose3x3
- __add
- __eq
- __index
- __mul
- __newindex
- __sub
- __tostring
- __unm
- Init
- Invalidate
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- GetNumBitsLeft
- GetNumBitsRead
- GetNumBytesLeft
- GetNumBytesRead
- ReadAngle
- ReadBit
- ReadBitLong
- ReadBool
- ReadByte
- ReadBytes
- ReadChar
- ReadData
- ReadEntity
- ReadFloat
- ReadLong
- ReadShort
- ReadString
- ReadUInt
- ReadVector
- ReadVectorNormal
- ReadWord
- __index
- __tostring
- WriteAngle
- WriteBit
- WriteBitLong
- WriteBool
- WriteByte
- WriteChar
- WriteData
- WriteEntity
- WriteFloat
- WriteLong
- WriteShort
- WriteString
- WriteVector
- WriteVectorNormal
- WriteWord
- __gc
- __index
- __tostring
- AddKey
- ClearButtons
- ClearMovement
- GetAbsoluteMoveAngles
- GetAngles
- GetButtons
- GetConstraintCenter
- GetConstraintRadius
- GetConstraintSpeedScale
- GetConstraintWidth
- GetFinalIdealVelocity
- GetFinalJumpVelocity
- GetFinalStepHeight
- GetForwardSpeed
- GetImpulseCommand
- GetMaxClientSpeed
- GetMaxSpeed
- GetMoveAngles
- GetOldAngles
- GetOldButtons
- GetOrigin
- GetSideSpeed
- GetUpSpeed
- GetVelocity
- IsKeyDown
- SetAbsoluteMoveAngles
- SetAngles
- SetButtons
- SetConstraintCenter
- SetConstraintRadius
- SetConstraintSpeedScale
- SetConstraintWidth
- SetFinalIdealVelocity
- SetFinalJumpVelocity
- SetFinalStepHeight
- SetForwardSpeed
- SetImpulseCommand
- SetMaxClientSpeed
- SetMaxSpeed
- SetMoveAngles
- SetOldAngles
- SetOldButtons
- SetOrigin
- SetSideSpeed
- SetUpSpeed
- SetVelocity
- WasKeyDown
- WasKeyPressed
- WasKeyReleased
- __tostring
- AddToTouched
- ConsoleLog
- GetSurfaceProperties
- PlayerFallingDamage
- PlayerSetAnimation
- ProcessImpacts
- ResetTouchList
- __tostring
- AddString
- ChangedSinceTick
- FindStringIndex
- GetEntryBits
- GetMaxStrings
- GetString
- GetStringsAmount
- GetTableId
- GetTableName
- SetStringUserData
- SetTick
- __tostring
- AddAngleVelocity
- AddVelocity
- ApplyForceCenter
- ApplyForceOffset
- ApplyTorqueCenter
- BecomeHinged
- BecomeTrigger
- CalculateAngularDrag
- CalculateForceOffset
- CalculateLinearDrag
- CalculateVelocityOffset
- EnableCollisions
- EnableDrag
- EnableGravity
- EnableMotion
- GetAabb
- GetCallbackFlags
- GetContactPoint
- GetContents
- GetDamping
- GetEnergy
- GetGameFlags
- GetGameIndex
- GetImplicitVelocity
- GetInertia
- GetInverseInertia
- GetInverseMass
- GetMass
- GetMassCenterLocalSpace
- GetMaterialIndex
- GetName
- GetPosition
- GetShadowPosition
- GetSphereRadius
- GetVelocity
- GetVelocityAtPoint
- IsAsleep
- IsAttachedToConstraint
- IsCollisionEnabled
- IsDragEnabled
- IsFluid
- IsGravityEnabled
- IsHinged
- IsMotionEnabled
- IsMoveable
- IsStatic
- IsTrigger
- LocalToWorld
- LocalToWorldVector
- OutputDebugInfo
- RecheckCollisionFilter
- RecheckContactPoints
- RemoveHinged
- RemoveShadowController
- RemoveTrigger
- SetBuoyancyRatio
- SetCallbackFlags
- SetContents
- SetDragCoefficient
- SetGameFlags
- SetGameIndex
- SetMass
- SetMaterialIndex
- SetShadow
- SetVelocity
- SetVelocityInstantaneous
- Sleep
- Wake
- WorldToLocal
- WorldToLocalVector
- __eq
- __tostring
- ParseSurfaceData
- GetPhysicsParameters
- GetPhysicsProperties
- GetPropName
- GetString
- GetSurfaceData
- GetSurfaceIndex
- SurfacePropCount
- __eq
- __tostring
- AddToPlayerSimulationList
- AnimationResetGestureSlot
- AnimationRestartGesture
- AnimationRestartMainSequence
- AnimationSetGestureSequence
- AnimationSetGestureWeight
- CacheVehicleView
- CanSprint
- CanSwitchToWeapon
- ClearPlayerSimulationList
- ClearZoomOwner
- CurrentCommandNumber
- DoAnimationEvent
- ExitLadder
- FindUseEntity
- FinishLagCompensation
- GetAccountId
- GetActiveWeapon
- GetAimVector
- GetAmmoCount
- GetArmor
- GetBonusChallenge
- GetBonusProgress
- GetCrouchWalkFraction
- GetCurrentCommand
- GetDeathTime
- GetDefaultFov
- GetDuckSpeed
- GetEyePositionAndVectors
- GetEyeVectors
- GetFov
- GetFovDistanceAdjustFactor
- GetFovTime
- GetHands
- GetImpulse
- GetJumpPower
- GetLadderClimbSpeed
- GetLaggedMovementValue
- GetLastKnownPlaceName
- GetMaxSpeed
- GetNextAttack
- GetNormalSpeed
- GetObserverMode
- GetObserverTarget
- GetPing
- GetPlayerLocalData
- GetPlayerMaxs
- GetPlayerMins
- GetPlayerName
- GetPreviouslyPredictedOrigin
- GetPunchAngle
- GetRagdollEntity
- GetRunSpeed
- GetSteamId
- GetSteamId64
- GetStepSoundCache
- GetStepSoundVelocities
- GetSwimSoundTime
- GetTimeBase
- GetUnDuckFraction
- GetUniqueId
- GetUseEntity
- GetUserId
- GetVehicleEntity
- GetViewEntity
- GetViewModel
- GetViewPunchAngles
- GetWalkSpeed
- GetWaterJumpTime
- GetWeapon
- GetWeaponInSlot
- GetWeaponShootPosition
- GetWeapons
- HasWeapon
- HintMessage
- IsBot
- IsFlashlightOn
- IsHltv
- IsInVehicle
- IsKeyDown
- IsObserver
- IsPlayerUnderwater
- IsSpeaking
- IsSuitEquipped
- IsUseableEntity
- ItemPostFrame
- ItemPreFrame
- KeyDown
- LeaveVehicle
- OwnsWeaponOfType
- PlayStepSound
- PlayerUse
- PostThink
- PreThink
- RemoveAllAmmo
- RemoveAmmo
- RemoveFromPlayerSimulationList
- ResetAutoAim
- ResetObserverMode
- SelectItem
- SelectLastItem
- SetAmmoCount
- SetAnimation
- SetAnimationExtension
- SetBloodColor
- SetCrouchWalkFraction
- SetDsp
- SetDuckSpeed
- SetFov
- SetHands
- SetJumpPower
- SetLadderClimbSpeed
- SetLadderNormal
- SetLastWeapon
- SetMaxSpeed
- SetNextAttack
- SetNormalSpeed
- SetPlayerLocalData
- SetPlayerUnderwater
- SetPreviouslyPredictedOrigin
- SetPunchAngle
- SetRunSpeed
- SetStepSoundCache
- SetSuitUpdate
- SetSwimSoundTime
- SetUnDuckFraction
- SetViewPunchAngles
- SetWalkSpeed
- SetWaterJumpTime
- SharedSpawn
- ShouldSelectWeapon
- ShouldSetLastWeapon
- ShouldShowHints
- SimulatePlayerSimulatedEntities
- SmoothViewOnStairs
- StartLagCompensation
- SwitchToNextBestWeapon
- SwitchWeapon
- TranslateWeaponActivity
- UpdateClientData
- UpdateUnderwaterState
- UsingStandardWeaponsInVehicle
- ViewPunch
- ViewPunchReset
- WasKeyDown
- WasKeyPressed
- WasKeyReleased
- WeaponCount
- AddAllPlayers
- AddRecipient
- AddRecipientsByPAS
- AddRecipientsByPVS
- CopyFrom
- GetRecipientCount
- GetRecipientIndex
- IgnorePredictionCull
- IsInitMessage
- IsReliable
- IsUsingPredictionRules
- MakeReliable
- RemoveRecipient
- Reset
- SetIgnorePredictionCull
- UsePredictionRules
- __tostring
- ActivateGameOverlay
- GetClanCount
- GetFriendCount
- GetPersonaName
- GetPersonaState
- SetPersonaName
- __tostring
- AddDamage
- AddDamageType
- AdjustPlayerDamageInflictedForSkillLevel
- AdjustPlayerDamageTakenForSkillLevel
- BaseDamageIsValid
- CopyDamageToBaseDamage
- DebugGetDamageTypeString
- GetAmmoName
- GetAmmoType
- GetAttacker
- GetBaseDamage
- GetDamage
- GetDamageCustom
- GetDamageForce
- GetDamagePosition
- GetDamageStats
- GetDamageType
- GetInflictor
- GetMaxDamage
- GetReportedPosition
- GetWeapon
- ScaleDamage
- ScaleDamageForce
- SetAmmoType
- SetAttacker
- SetDamage
- SetDamageCustom
- SetDamageForce
- SetDamagePosition
- SetDamageStats
- SetDamageType
- SetInflictor
- SetMaxDamage
- SetReportedPosition
- SetWeapon
- SubtractDamage
- __tostring
- Download
- GetActualHeight
- GetActualWidth
- GetMappingHeight
- GetMappingWidth
- GetName
- GetNumAnimationFrames
- IsError
- IsErrorTexture
- IsMipmapped
- IsTranslucent
- Release
- __tostring
- DidHit
- DidHitNonWorldEntity
- DidHitWorld
- GetEntityIndex
- IsDisplacementSurface
- IsDisplacementSurfaceBuildable
- IsDisplacementSurfaceProp1
- IsDisplacementSurfaceProp2
- IsDisplacementSurfaceWalkable
- __index
- __newindex
- __tostring
- AddKey
- ClearButtons
- ClearMovement
- CommandNumber
- GetButtons
- GetForwardMove
- GetImpulse
- GetMouseWheel
- GetMouseX
- GetMouseY
- GetSideMove
- GetUpMove
- GetViewAngles
- IsNew
- KeyDown
- RemoveKey
- SelectWeapon
- SetButtons
- SetForwardMove
- SetImpulse
- SetMouseX
- SetMouseY
- SetSideMove
- SetUpMove
- SetViewAngles
- TickCount
- __tostring
- Add
- Angle
- AngleWithUp
- Cross
- DistanceTo
- DistanceTo2D
- DistanceTo2DSqr
- DistanceToAsSqr
- Divide
- Dot
- GetGreatest
- GetSmallest
- Initialize
- Invalidate
- IsLengthGreaterThan
- IsLengthLessThan
- IsValid
- Length
- Length2D
- Length2DSqr
- LengthSqr
- MultiplyThenAdd
- Negate
- NormalizeInPlace
- Random
- Scale
- WithinAABox
- Zero
- __add
- __div
- __eq
- __index
- __mul
- __newindex
- __sub
- __tostring
- __unm
- AbortReload
- ActivityListCount
- ActivityOverride
- AddViewKick
- AllowsAutoSwitchFrom
- AllowsAutoSwitchTo
- CalcViewmodelBob
- CanBePickedUpByNPCs
- CanBeSelected
- CanDeploy
- CanHolster
- CanLower
- CheckReload
- Clip1
- Clip2
- DefaultDeploy
- DefaultReload
- DefaultTouch
- Deploy
- DisplayAltFireHudHint
- DisplayReloadHudHint
- Drop
- EmitWeaponSound
- FinishReload
- GetActivity
- GetAnimPrefix
- GetAnimationPrefix
- GetBulletType
- GetClassName
- GetDamageAtLocation
- GetDeathNoticeName
- GetDefaultAnimSpeed
- GetDefaultClip1
- GetDefaultClip2
- GetDrawActivity
- GetFireRate
- GetIdealActivity
- GetIdealSequence
- GetMaxAutoAimDeflection
- GetMaxBurst
- GetMaxClip1
- GetMaxClip2
- GetMaxRestTime
- GetMinBurst
- GetMinRestTime
- GetNextPrimaryFire
- GetNextSecondaryFire
- GetOwner
- GetPrimaryAmmoCount
- GetPrimaryAmmoType
- GetPrimaryAttackActivity
- GetPrintName
- GetRandomBurst
- GetRumbleEffect
- GetSecondaryAmmoCount
- GetSecondaryAmmoType
- GetSecondaryAttackActivity
- GetShootSound
- GetSlot
- GetSlotPosition
- GetSubType
- GetViewModelSequenceDuration
- GetWeaponData
- GetWeaponFlags
- GetWeaponIdleTime
- GetWeaponViewModel
- GetWeight
- GetWorldModel
- GiveDefaultAmmo
- HandleFireOnEmpty
- HasAmmo
- HasAnyAmmo
- HasPrimaryAmmo
- HasSecondaryAmmo
- HasWeaponIdleTimeElapsed
- HideThink
- IsAllowedToSwitch
- IsLocked
- IsMeleeWeapon
- IsPredicted
- IsScripted
- IsViewModelSequenceFinished
- IsWeaponVisible
- IsWeaponZoomed
- ItemBusyFrame
- ItemHolsterFrame
- Lock
- Lower
- MaintainIdealActivity
- OnActiveStateChanged
- PrimaryAttack
- Ready
- Reload
- ReloadOrSwitchWeapons
- RescindAltFireHudHint
- RescindReloadHudHint
- SecondaryAttack
- SendViewModelAnimation
- SendWeaponAnimation
- SetActivity
- SetAnimationPrefix
- SetClip1
- SetClip2
- SetIdealActivity
- SetNextPrimaryFire
- SetNextSecondaryFire
- SetPickupTouch
- SetPrimaryAmmoCount
- SetSecondaryAmmoCount
- SetSubType
- SetViewModel
- SetViewModelIndex
- SetWeaponIdleTime
- SetWeaponVisible
- ShouldDisplayAltFireHUDHint
- ShouldDisplayReloadHUDHint
- ShouldShowControlPanels
- StartSprinting
- StopSprinting
- StopWeaponSound
- UsesClipsForAmmo1
- UsesClipsForAmmo2
- UsesPrimaryAmmo
- UsesSecondaryAmmo
- VisibleInWeaponSelection
- WeaponAutoAimScale
- WeaponIdle
- WeaponItemPostFrame
- WeaponItemPreFrame
- WeaponState
- AddLevelDesignerPlacedObject
- AllowDamage
- CalcMainActivity
- CalcVehicleView
- CalcView
- CalcViewModelView
- CanHavePlayerItem
- CanPlayerHearPlayer
- CheckChatForReadySignal
- CheckGameOver
- CleanUpMap
- ClientConnected
- ClientDisconnected
- ClientSettingsChanged
- CreateStandardEntities
- DeathNotice
- DoAnimationEvent
- EntityNetworkVariableChanging
- EntityRemoved
- FPlayerCanTakeDamage
- FShouldSwitchWeapon
- FindUseEntity
- FinishMove
- FlItemRespawnTime
- FlPlayerSpawnTime
- FlWeaponRespawnTime
- FlWeaponTryRespawn
- GetFallDamage
- GetGameDescription
- GetMapRemainingTime
- GoToIntermission
- InitHUD
- Initialize
- IsIntermission
- ItemShouldRespawn
- LevelShutdown
- Move
- OnEntityCreated
- PlayerCanHearChat
- PlayerCanRespawn
- PlayerGotItem
- PlayerKilled
- PlayerNoClip
- PlayerPlayStepSound
- PlayerPostThink
- PlayerRelationship
- PlayerSpawn
- PlayerThink
- PlayerTick
- PlayerTraceAttack
- PlayerUse
- PreEntityInitialize
- Precache
- RemoveLevelDesignerPlacedObject
- RestartGame
- SetupMove
- ShouldCollide
- ShutDown
- StartCommand
- Think
- Tick
- TranslateActivity
- UpdateAnimation
- VecItemRespawnAngles
- VecItemRespawnSpot
- VecWeaponRespawnSpot
- WeaponShouldRespawn
- Create
- Lerp
- ColorToHsl
- ColorToHsv
- Create
- HslToColor
- HsvToColor
- Create
- AllocateDllIdentifier
- ConsoleColorColorPrint
- ConsoleDebugPrint
- ConsolePrint
- Create
- FindVariable
- Get
- GetCommandLineValue
- RevertFlaggedConVars
- AddBox
- AddEntityTextOverlay
- AddGrid
- AddLine
- AddScreenText
- AddSweptBox
- AddText
- AddTriangle
- ClearAll
- ClearDead
- ScreenPosition
- Create
- Dispatch
- SpawnBloodDrips
- SpawnBloodImpact
- SpawnParticleTracer
- SpawnTracer
- ChangeTeam
- GetAbsoluteFrameTime
- GetAppId
- GetCurrentTime
- GetFrameCount
- GetFrameTime
- GetGameDir
- GetIntervalPerTick
- GetLevelName
- GetMapEntitiesString
- GetMaxClients
- GetMountableGames
- GetNetworkProtocol
- GetPlayerByAddress
- GetRealTime
- GetServerAddress
- GetServerName
- GetSimulatedTicksThisFrame
- GetSoundDuration
- GetSystemTime
- GetTickCount
- IsClient
- IsInEditMode
- IsLowViolence
- IsPaused
- SentenceGroupIndexFromName
- SentenceGroupNameFromIndex
- SentenceIndexFromName
- SentenceLength
- SentenceNameFromIndex
- Time
- Find
- FirstInList
- GetAll
- GetAlongRay
- GetByClass
- GetCount
- GetInBox
- GetInSphere
- NextInList
- AddPackFile
- AddSearchPath
- BeginMapAccess
- CancelWaitForResources
- Close
- CreateDirectoryHierarchy
- DiscardPreloadData
- Disconnect
- EnableAllowListFileTracking
- EndMapAccess
- EndOfFile
- FileExists
- Find
- Flush
- GetDvdMode
- GetLocalCopy
- GetSearchPath
- GetWhitelistSpewFlags
- HintResourceNeed
- IsDirectory
- IsFileImmediatelyAvailable
- IsFileWritable
- IsOk
- IsSteam
- LoadCompiledKeyValues
- MarkAllCrcsUnverified
- MarkPathIdByRequestOnly
- MountSteamContent
- Open
- Precache
- PrintOpenedFiles
- PrintSearchPaths
- Read
- RemoveAllSearchPaths
- RemoveFile
- RemoveSearchPath
- RemoveSearchPaths
- RenameFile
- SetFileWritable
- SetWarningLevel
- SetWhitelistSpewFlags
- SetupPreloadData
- Shutdown
- Size
- UnzipFile
- WaitForResources
- Write
- Listen
- CreateFromTable
- AddString
- Find
- Exists
- Find
- CalculateAabbFromProjectionMatrix
- CalculateSphereFromProjectionMatrix
- Create3x4
- CreateIdentityMatrix
- CreateMatrixWithAngles
- CreateMatrixWithAxisAndRotation
- CreateMatrixWithOriginAndAngles
- CreateScaleMatrix
- CreateTranslationMatrix
- MatrixBuildPerspective
- MatrixBuildRotateZ
- MatrixBuildRotation
- MatrixBuildRotationAboutAxis
- MatrixBuildScale
- MatrixBuildTranslation
- MatrixCopy
- MatrixFromAngles
- MatrixGetColumn
- MatrixGetRow
- MatrixInverseGeneral
- MatrixInverseTranslation
- MatrixInverseTranspose
- MatrixRotate
- MatrixSetColumn
- MatrixSetIdentity
- MatrixSetRow
- MatrixToAngles
- MatrixTranslate
- Vector3dMultiply
- Vector3dMultiplyPositionProjective
- Vector3dMultiplyProjective
- Vector3dMultiplyTranspose
- Create
- Create
- FindTable
- GetTable
- GetTablesAmount
- RemoveAllTables
- SetAllowClientSideAddString
- Precache
- ReadConfigFile
- CleanupDeleteList
- ClearStats
- DebugCheckContacts
- GetActiveObjectCount
- GetAirDensity
- GetGravity
- GetNextFrameTime
- GetPerformanceSettings
- GetSimulationTime
- GetSimulationTimestep
- IsInSimulation
- PostRestore
- ResetSimulationClock
- SetAirDensity
- SetGravity
- SetPerformanceSettings
- SetQuickDelete
- SetSimulationTimestep
- Simulate
- GetGlobal
- ClientPrint
- ClientPrintToAll
- FindByIndex
- FindByName
- FindBySteamId
- FindBySteamId64
- FindByUniqueID
- FindByUserId
- GetAll
- GetAllBots
- GetAllHumans
- GetCount
- GetPlayerConnectionInfo
- IsTeamEqual
- SayTextToAll
- ShowMessageToAll
- ViewPunchAll
- SuppressEvents
- SuppressHostEvents
- GetPredictionPlayer
- GetPredictionRandomSeed
- RandomFloat
- RandomFloatExponential
- RandomInteger
- SetSeed
- SharedRandomAngle
- SharedRandomFloat
- SharedRandomInt
- SharedRandomVector
- Create
- Base64Decode
- Base64Encode
- Crc32
- JsonEncode
- LzmaCompress
- LzmaDecompress
- Add
- Play
- SteamFriends
- GetCountry
- GetSecondsSinceAppActive
- GetSecondsSinceComputerActive
- GetSteamServerRealTime
- HasFocus
- IsLinux
- IsOsx
- IsWindowed
- IsWindows
- SetClipboardText
- AddMultiDamage
- ApplyMultiDamage
- CalculateBulletDamageForce
- CalculateExplosiveDamageForce
- CalculateMeleeDamageForce
- ClearMultiDamage
- GuessDamageForce
- ImpulseScale
- Create
- PointContents
- TraceEntity
- TraceHull
- TraceLine
- TraceModel
- AngleDifference
- BoundToWorldSize
- CreateBubbles
- CreateSmoke
- CreateTracer
- GetPointWaterLevel
- ImpactTrace
- IntersectRayWithObb
- IntersectRayWithPlane
- IntersectRayWithSphere
- IsBoxIntersectingSphere
- IsLowViolence
- IsObbIntersectingObb
- IsSpaceEmpty
- IsSphereIntersectingCone
- IsSphereIntersectingSphere
- IsValidModel
- IsValidPhysicsProp
- PointOnLineNearestPoint
- PrecacheOther
- SetEntityOrigin
- ShakeScreen
- ShouldShowBlood
- Create
- Lerp
- VectorToPitch
- VectorToYaw
- YawToVector
- GetRealmColor
- IsSpewActive
- PrintColorMessage
- PrintDebugColorMessage
- PrintDebugLog
- PrintDebugMessage
- PrintDebugWarning
- PrintDevLog
- PrintDevMessage
- PrintDevWarning
- PrintLog
- PrintMessage
- PrintNetworkLog
- PrintNetworkMessage
- PrintNetworkWarning
- PrintWarning
- SpewActivate
- AngleVectors
- Clamp
- VectorAngles