Shared Hooks🔗
These hooks exist on both the client and server side of the game. They are called by the game engine when certain events happen.
- AddLevelDesignerPlacedObject
- AllowDamage
- CalcMainActivity
- CalcVehicleView
- CalcView
- CalcViewModelView
- CanHavePlayerItem
- CanPlayerHearPlayer
- CheckChatForReadySignal
- CheckGameOver
- CleanUpMap
- ClientConnected
- ClientDisconnected
- ClientSettingsChanged
- CreateStandardEntities
- DeathNotice
- DoAnimationEvent
- EntityNetworkVariableChanging
- EntityRemoved
- FPlayerCanTakeDamage
- FShouldSwitchWeapon
- FindUseEntity
- FinishMove
- FlItemRespawnTime
- FlPlayerSpawnTime
- FlWeaponRespawnTime
- FlWeaponTryRespawn
- GetFallDamage
- GetGameDescription
- GetMapRemainingTime
- GoToIntermission
- InitHUD
- Initialize
- IsIntermission
- ItemShouldRespawn
- LevelShutdown
- Move
- OnEntityCreated
- PlayerCanHearChat
- PlayerCanRespawn
- PlayerGotItem
- PlayerKilled
- PlayerNoClip
- PlayerPlayStepSound
- PlayerPostThink
- PlayerRelationship
- PlayerSpawn
- PlayerThink
- PlayerTick
- PlayerTraceAttack
- PlayerUse
- PreEntityInitialize
- Precache
- RemoveLevelDesignerPlacedObject
- RestartGame
- SetupMove
- ShouldCollide
- ShutDown
- StartCommand
- Think
- Tick
- TranslateActivity
- UpdateAnimation
- VecItemRespawnAngles
- VecItemRespawnSpot
- VecWeaponRespawnSpot
- WeaponShouldRespawn